fake prince

Chapter 837

Chapter 837

Helpers, this kind of people are the most numerous in the capital, and their ranks are higher. They can regard themselves as literati, serve as clean-ups for the rich and powerful, decorate them, serve them, and be supported.

The most common and the largest number of people who do not have much culture at the bottom.

They are better than the local hooligans who cause trouble everywhere. At least they know that they earn money to make a living. Usually, the owner helps out when there is something to do, and the west family carries sedan chairs when there is something to do.

There are a few helpers in this teahouse, and they don’t rely exclusively on this teahouse to live. They only occasionally receive news in advance, and they will wait here, grab free tea and fruit orders, and do things when the storyteller is resting.

doing what?Help lift the atmosphere and keep guests.

It is not to force people to stay, but to attract people to stay with all kinds of gossip.

Just like now, after the storyteller finishes reading the concluding remarks, he winks at the neighboring table.

The young man at the table spoke loudly: "Mister is thirsty, let him rest for a while, and then tell us, okay?"

Some people are dissatisfied: "Nowadays there is tea but no books, just drinking water is too boring!"

The young man said: "Then let me tell you about the anecdote, it's rare for everyone to get together..."

He stood up, looked around, and smiled: "Have you ever heard of Shuiyun Temple?"

Hey, is there any anecdote about Shuiyun Temple?

I often come here to drink tea, and I know what the two people who sing together are doing. When asked by this person, some people are really aroused.

"My family lives in a square near the Shuiyun Temple. If you ask me that, could it be that something happened to the Shuiyun Temple?" The news is about eating human blood steamed buns, so the first reaction of tea drinkers is this.

"What could happen? Shuiyun Temple is not far from here, who hasn't heard of it in the surrounding squares?"

"That's right! Shuiyun Temple has always been very good at seeking children. Is there anyone in the capital who hasn't heard of it? Could it be because of what happened yesterday?"

Immediately, some people thought they had realized it: "Yesterday, the great priest of Shuiyun Temple made a strange news?"

"Ah, I also went to the Great Sacrifice yesterday to watch the excitement, but I didn't hear anything."

The helper who brought up this topic had a mysterious smile on his face: "You guys, you still don't know much. Isn't this Shuiyun Temple always very good at seeking children? The Xingsheng Restaurant, which is about a few hundred steps away from this teahouse, his family Little lady, I went to beg for a child yesterday."

whispering sound!I thought it was a secret, so this is it?

The Shuiyun Temple has always prayed for the success of the son. This is something that the people in the capital know. What's the point of saying this?

Immediately, someone hissed: "What's the matter? Isn't this a common thing?"

"that is!"

"That's right, I said Wang Erlaizi, you don't think you want a wife, do you? That's why you find this interesting?" Someone even joked.

When others heard this, many of them burst into laughter. What kind of status does a helper have? Several people made fun of young people.

This one said: "I said Wang Er, you are over 20, right? You don't have a daughter-in-law at this age, are you thinking too hard now?"

That one despises again: "I don't even have half a daughter-in-law, so I just want to have a baby, Wang Er, it's useless for you to be anxious!"

He was not angry about these people's ridicule, and he smiled and watched the atmosphere being mobilized, and suddenly lowered his voice: "What do you know? Since I mentioned the matter of begging for a child in Shuiyun Temple, there is a reason for it !"

"I heard that the little lady of Xingsheng Restaurant was seen going to beg for a son, but she didn't leave after she was incensed. She went to the back room and got in, and heard the lady calling..."

He smiled wretchedly: "It's called, you know it!"

"Not only did the lady keep screaming, but someone also poured out the dregs of the medicine afterwards. The person who happened to hear it was a doctor, so I picked up some and looked at it. Guess what? It's actually a medicine for aphrodisiac!"

As early as when Wang Erlaizi said that the little lady was calling, many people were still laughing. When they heard the medicine dregs, many people recalled it, and the whole teahouse fell silent. When he finished speaking, everyone in the silent teahouse stared at After a while, there was a bang, and several people rushed out from their seats, about to grab him by the collar and beat him.

"Okay, you bastard, begging for help. The neighbors here don't know, and everyone pities you and doesn't expose you. But in this kind of thing, are you wicked or not?"

"What kind of place is Shuiyun Temple, how can you be allowed to talk nonsense here! I don't think you want this rotten mouth anymore!"

"If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

The anxious few not only support Shuiyun Temple, but also have female family members who go to Shuiyun Temple to pay incense. After all, it is a famous holy place for seeking children in the capital. Although not everyone can have a child after going there, but it is true Some have gone to have efficacious results and have children, which is exactly the case in these few families.

And what Wang Erlaizi said, wouldn't the reputation of his family members be ruined?

How can these people agree?

Some people even chased and beat them, scolding: "You have just ruined the reputation of the old lady of the Xingsheng restaurant, Wei's family, believe it or not, they can go to the yamen to sue you!"

The helper Wang Erlaizi was beaten and fled with his head in his arms. He ran around in the teahouse, not idling, shouting: "Stop beating, stop beating! I also heard it outside Xingsheng Restaurant, even they themselves The guys at home are talking secretly, it has nothing to do with me!"

He shouted again: "Now there are a lot of rumors in the neighborhood. If you want to sue, they have to sue!"

At a table facing the street, Guanshi Zhou's face was livid, and he was holding a teacup, which made a clanging sound due to his trembling hands.

When he heard what Wang Erlaizi said just now, he was startled first, he was about to laugh, but before he laughed, he suddenly recalled it and panicked.

In Prince Lu's mansion, except for the concubine's stable status, other servants are vying for favor, and the stewards are also looking for ways to vote for their masters, and they are all investing.

Steward Zhou took refuge in Chen Xuanshi, who was born as the daughter of a petty official. She has a beautiful appearance and a lively and cute personality. Recently, she is very popular with the King of Lu. The only shortcoming is that she is one of the concubines. She has no children so far.

Because of this, Chen Xuanshi also often went to various temples and temples to offer incense, and also went to Shuiyun Temple to pray for a son. The number of times he went to pray for a son was quite frequent.

Although King Lu was not the one who beat and killed concubines like King Qi, when it came to this kind of green hat issue, even if he didn't kill Chen Xuanshi, Chen Xuanshi would fall out of favor if he had a little doubt.

In the backyard of the palace, what would happen to a concubine who fell out of favor, needless to say?

Zhou Guanshi doesn't really care whether Chen Xuanshi is dead or not. What he cares about is whether Chen Xuanshi will get himself hurt if Chen Xuanshi falls out of favor!

If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have turned to Chen Xuanshi!

That way, he still has a chance to choose someone else.

But the question is, who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

Staring at the gangster who was still running away with his head in his arms, Manager Zhou's eyes were red.

It's this guy who deserves to be damned, talking nonsense in public!

Hit, beat him to death!

(End of this chapter)

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