fake prince

Chapter 838

Chapter 838

Especially at this time, these gangsters were still running away and talking, they were actually chattering endlessly. Hearing the anger in Zhou Guanshi's heart, he couldn't suppress it.

In a rage, he saw the gangsters running close to him, and he left his seat pointing and yelling: "Nonsense, you are blaspheming and slandering people's innocence, you should be beaten!"

As he spoke, he pounced on him and slapped the gangster across the face.

With a sound of "slap", the helper was stunned for a moment. When others hit him, he punched and kicked randomly, but no one slapped him with real emotion!

Such hatred, could it be that this man's wife went to Shuiyun Temple to ask for a child and get a child?

When others saw this scene, they immediately thought of this.

Manager Zhou didn't pay attention to other people's eyes at all. He hated him so much that he couldn't get rid of his hatred even if he slapped him.

I wanted to kick a few more times, but when I looked up, I found that the people around were all looking at me, and the helper was not alone. His companion was startled by the menacing crowd before, but now he has reacted and is rushing here. Seeing this situation, Manager Zhou reacted quickly, and scolded: "Get out, I've made it easier for you."

As he said that, he threw half a string of copper coins to the clerk, and turned to go out.

After leaving the teahouse, seeing that no one was chasing him, he felt relieved, and looked at the people on the road, Manager Zhou was both annoyed and scared.

"I shouldn't have done it just now, hey, I hope no one recognizes me..."

He is now a little afraid that Chen Xuanshi's visit to Shuiyun Temple will be pulled out. Once it is pulled out, it will be over for the royal family members, but for himself, there will be a lot of entanglements.

Especially...he thought for a while, Chen Xuanshi is different from other female relatives, she is a loyal believer in Shuiyun Temple, after going to Shuiyun Temple, she has never been to other temples or temples, and she often goes out , They all went to Shuiyun Temple. They didn't think much about it at first, but now they even doubted themselves.

In such a situation, if you tell the prince that she is innocent, can you believe it?

The only fortunate thing is that Chen Xuan has no children.

"These bastards!" Muttering and cursing, Zhou Guanshi went back.

Prince Lu's mansion is not far from here, only two streets away, and after scolding and gossiping along the way, he is uneasy about his situation.

"Since I know about this matter, should I report it to King Lu?"

"Only one or two people said that it's enough to find someone to beat up and threaten to shut up, but now that so many people know about it, and many people have even spread the story, how can people shut up? Even if it can really make people Shut up, it's not something a steward like me can do by myself!"

"If I don't tell, others will report to the prince..."

"But if I talk about it, I will definitely be able to save myself? I was originally close to Chen Xuanshi, and many people in the mansion know about it. She and I are already grasshoppers on the same line. How can we make a clear relationship?"

I was uneasy and thinking wildly, but when the road was always over, when I looked up, I had already returned to Prince Lu's mansion.

The side door was open, and he went in with a restless mind, and he didn't even respond to the doorkeeper's greeting, which made the servant mutter to himself after he walked past.

"Isn't that Zhang Wang?" After walking a few more steps, he saw a person he didn't usually deal with, carrying a gourd of wine, with a plate of stewed meat on the chair in front of him, squatting there, chatting and laughing with several government soldiers.

Listening carefully, Zhang Wang was talking to these people, and what they were talking about was actually about Shuiyun Temple?

Zhou Guanshi is now very sensitive to the word "Shuiyun Temple", his ears pricked up immediately, and his steps slowed down.

A few people were drinking, talking aroused, a mansion soldier chuckled: "Whoever says no, let's just say that the little daughter-in-law who runs a tofu shop next to the back door of the palace, went to Shuiyun Temple to beg for a child, she is so juicy, tsk tsk..."

Several people looked at each other, all with expressions of "you understand", and laughed.

When Zhou Guanshi heard this, his face became even paler.

What do these people say when they talk like this?It shows that the dirty rumors of Shuiyun Temple have spread.

It's over, it's over, even if you want to suppress this rumor now, it's too late.

Going to his own residence, Zhou Guanshi staggered a little, until he almost tripped over a small hole under his feet, then wiped his face and forced himself to calm down.

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid that if nothing happens, people will laugh at me." He warned himself in a low voice.

As soon as I warned myself like this, my breath slowly stabilized.

"Boss Zhou, are you back?" He pretended to be fine and went back to his room. At the door of his residence, he was about to open the door to enter, but someone stopped him.

Looking back, I found that it was the steward of the kitchen.

"Ah, yes, I just came back." Manager Zhou said.

"You haven't been in the mansion today. I don't know if you have eaten. No, there are still some food and wine left in the kitchen, especially the steamed pork and the green snail shrimp. These two big plates have not been touched by a chopstick. I will give them all. You sent it here, just thinking that you might have come back." The man in the kitchen flattered with a smile.

"You are a celebrity who is valued in front of the prince, you have to take care of your body, and you have to eat every meal."

Manager Zhou was used to hearing such words, so he didn't care too much. He had something on his mind and didn't want others to see it, so he forced a smile and thanked him.

Touching his bosom, he wanted to take out the silver, but suddenly he was shocked: "I'm in Nightmare Town? How could I have the urge to reward him with the whole silver ingot?"

Isn't this crazy?How can I be so generous at ordinary times?

But his hands got in, so he couldn't pretend it wasn't the case anymore, so he went to take out the small pouch hanging on his waist, took out a small piece of broken silver from it, and handed it to the kitchen steward.

"No, no, steward Zhou, this is..." The little kitchen steward hastily declined.

Guanshi Zhou said: "You have always helped me, and I know it in my heart. Take it, or you will look down on me!"

He said so, the kitchen steward naturally couldn't refuse, so he quickly accepted it with a smile, thanked him again and again, and smiled: "The kitchen has seasonal cherries, very sweet, a basket, I will send you some in the evening , eat a little after dinner, very happy."

Just as he was speaking, someone shouted outside the courtyard: "Is Guanshi Zhou here? The prince called you over!"

The prince called me?

Manager Zhou was already guilty, and he was shocked when he heard this, but no matter how guilty and fearful he was, since the prince called him, he had to go.

"Here we come!" Responding to the outside, Steward Zhou said to the steward of the kitchen, "Put the food and wine in the room for me, I'll go see the prince first."

The steward in the kitchen hurriedly said: "Of course, you can go and do it!"

After Zhou Guanshi went out, he saw a mansion soldier standing outside waiting. When he saw him, his expression was serious, and there was no smile on his face.

Manager Zhou hesitated for a moment, but he didn't dare to inquire about the news.

The King of Lu is not the King of Qi or the King of Shu. He looks easy-going and low-key, but he is actually loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Wei Dushi is basically loyal to everyone. If you ask yourself, the soldiers will report to King Lu.

Spying on the prince's mind can be big or small, and it will be extremely difficult when encountering troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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