fake prince

Chapter 839 I Will Fight With You Today

Chapter 839 I Will Fight With You Today

Steward Zhou followed in silence, and soon arrived at the inner courtyard, entered the flower hall, and found that he was not the only one called, there were more than a dozen people, all of whom were servants and maidservants serving in front of the selected servants, as well as close stewards.

King Lu's expression was a little gloomy, and he was looking at a painting on the wall with his hands behind his back. He didn't turn around and sat down until everyone was here, and he didn't speak, just serving tea and drinking water slowly.

Manager Zhou didn't dare to take a breath, and waited to have a question with others.

After a long time, the King of Lu winked, and the steward frowned: "There is some news outside, you have all heard it, you are all people who choose servants, whoever goes to Shuiyun Temple, who will accompany you when you go Let me tell you how long you have been here, and whether you have been with me all the way."

After Zhou Guanshi heard this, he realized that what he was afraid of had happened, the prince really began to doubt the innocence of the servant, his heart was beating wildly, and under the prince's casual gaze, he even felt a little cold.

It was already hot weather, and my body was so cold that I almost swayed, so I suppressed this impulse and made myself look normal.

"Let's talk about Gao Xuan first."

Everyone looked at several people, only to see a woman bowing hurriedly: "My lord, the servants are all people who understand the rules. The servant Gao Xuan has been to Shuiyun Temple, but they are accompanied by more than two people. April [-]th That day, after reporting to the prince, the slaves and servants remembered clearly that they set off at three quarters of the chen and arrived at a quarter of six, they only offered incense and donated five taels of silver, and then returned to the mansion, and came back in time for noon."

King Lu looked at the butler, and seeing the butler nodding, he stroked his teacup without saying a word.

"Zhang Xuan attendant."

Another servant girl bowed: "We set off at Weishi and came back before the end of Shenshi. Steward Fu testified that Xia Juan happened to be assigned at that time and helped."

After listening to a servant girl, King Lu said oh, and the butler continued to ask the next question.

"I once accompanied Chen Xuanshi once. Since the prince called me, he must have known about it. Then I have to think carefully about how to answer when I am asked."

Questions and answers continued.

Steward Zhou was flustered when he heard this, especially when he was asking, he suddenly remembered that when he accompanied Chen Xuanshi to Shuiyun Temple, he was indeed called to have a vegetarian banquet on the way, including vegetarian sea cucumber, vegetarian shark's fin, vegetarian goose, etc. , It tastes like meat, to the point of confusing the real, it's called "sudo meat".

I had a big appetite, and after eating for half an hour, only Chen Xuanshi was left to worship God.

It's nothing at all, it's the Sandong Empress who is asking for a son, it's a private matter, you can't talk to outsiders, it's very normal for a woman to kneel and pray silently in the hall alone.

It doesn't matter if there are no dirty rumors, but once something happens, how can I make it clear?

As long as he admits it, Chen Xuanshi is finished.

The prince doesn't care whether he has been worshiping the gods for half an hour, half an hour is enough time for doing anything.

Thinking of this, his legs were already shaking. Fortunately, before he was asked, Zhou Guanshi pinched his thigh hard to calm himself down.

"It's okay, it's okay, I was the only one there at the time, as long as I don't admit it and just say that I have been with Chen Xuanshi all the time, this matter can be prevaricated!"

"Master Chen Xuan!"

Immediately, the servant girl agreed with a polite "yes", and discussed them one by one, and it was Zhou's turn.

"That was on the third day of May. We went earlier, starting at Chenshi. It happened that Chen Xuanshi's servant girl had something to do and she was accompanied by the villain."

"In the process of worship, the villain has been with Chen Xuanshi, and he has not left halfway."

"Really?" King Lu listened, nodded his head, leaned on the chair, looked at his face, it was better than before, after all, he asked a group of people, and these people followed each of the selection servants, and none of them were selection servants. Being away from people around him can at least dispel some doubts.

"You all go back first." Lu Wang said: "Change the group."


Manager Zhou came out in a daze, and after going out, the breeze blew, and his whole body was chilled, only then did he realize that his vest was soaked, but luckily he couldn't see it.

Back in his room, the little steward who delivered the food and drinks had left early. There were several dishes on the table and a jar of unopened wine beside it. Steward Zhou closed the door, walked to the table and sat down.

After seeing that the bowls and chopsticks were put away, he was very careful, so he opened the seal, poured himself a bowl of wine, and started drinking with the dishes.

While eating the food and wine, he suddenly thought more and more regretful.

"Hey, I did something wrong!" Steward Zhou put down his chopsticks and slapped himself hard.

This blow made his face feel hot, tears almost fell from his anger.

"Zhou Liang, Zhou Liang, you are so confused, so confused!"

Why was I so confused just now, I did this wrong!

In fact, this matter, as I told the truth just now, is somewhat involved, but he is just inclined to the steward who favors his concubine, and has not done anything wrong for Chen Xuanshi. Not so inclined?

The law does not blame the public, and it will not hurt him. At most, it will embarrass him and make him less popular.

Why was he so obsessed with ghosts and lied just now?

Talking about panic is deceiving the master, this is the first taboo, how can I be confused?

If this is discovered, it will not be reprimanded and neglected, but death!

Zhou Liang felt chills all over his body, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. A small jar of yellow rice wine weighed three to five catties, and he actually drank a whole bowl of it.

Drunk, staggered and stood up to leave, sat down again, fell asleep on the table.

I don't know how long it took, my head hurt, I frowned, and I didn't want to move when I lay down on my stomach. Seeing the kitchen steward who delivered the food just now came in and bowed, he said, "Boss Zhou, the cherries are here, let's get them now!"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Zhou Liang got up, but just as he went out, the little steward disappeared, and came to a garden in a daze, which seemed to be Chen Xuanshi's yard, and he was surprised when he saw Chen Xuanshi standing there. Picking the flowers, the flowers are as red as blood, and asked: "Have you heard?"

Zhou Liang was surprised: "What's wrong?"

"I heard that the concubine Wei also worshiped the Shuiyun Temple like me, so there is a prince."

"I also want to pay homage to Shuiyun Temple and give birth to a few more sons for the prince."

In a daze, Zhou Liang felt uneasy, and hurriedly avoided it. He walked to a courtyard, which seemed very strange, and he couldn't see where it was. He was panicking, but he heard a voice talking outside the window. He could identify the person by his voice, and it seemed to be Zhang Wang.

"Oh, that old boy Zhou Liang dared to lie to the lord, he is really a ghost. I have obtained the evidence that he is protecting Chen Xuanshi, so I will go and expose the crime to the lord!"

The voice was very low, faintly as if it was coming from a distance, it was clear and eerie, and Zhou Liang was frightened: "You are talking nonsense, I didn't."

"My lord, you must listen to my defense. He wronged me."

After shouting a few times, Zhou Liang suddenly pounced on him, not knowing where the hostility came from: "Zhang Wang, you Zhongshan wolf, I have endured you for a long time, and I will fight you today."

(End of this chapter)

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