fake prince

Chapter 840 I Can't Be Impulsive

Chapter 840 I Can't Be Impulsive

"Ah, kill you!"

With a scream, Zhou Liang woke up profusely with sweat, not only his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but also his back was soaked.

"no one?"

As soon as Zhou Liang woke up, he quickly got up and went to open the back window, but when he looked outside, not only was there no one under the window, but there were only a few green bamboos nearby, and no one was there.

Zhou Liang was still worried, so he hurriedly opened the front door to look. He saw dark clouds, and a gust of wind swept by, making his whole body shudder. There was someone in the yard, and when he opened the door, he greeted with a smile: "Boss Zhou, are you sober?"

Zhou Liang recognized that it was Lu Burt, and he had a good relationship, so he asked with a smile, "What are you guys busy with?"

Lu Burt pointed to a roll of silk: "It's Xiajuan, it's distributed to the decent female relatives in the mansion. I heard that other palaces have also distributed it. The princess told me that it has just been counted and will be distributed to each room." go."

He said and handed over a roll: "Look at it, the color is good."

Zhou Liang glanced at it and found nothing unusual. He forced a smile and said, "This is a reward from the princess. Blessed are those of you who have female relatives."

After saying a few words, he slammed the door shut, walked to the table and sat down.

"Is it just a nightmare?"

That's right, when he looked outside just now, the sky was already dark, he must have gotten drunk from drinking, fell asleep and had a nightmare.

"This is called thinking day by day and dreaming at night." Zhou Liang sighed, patting his face and trying to wake himself up.

"It's better to wash your face with water." Smelling the strong smell of alcohol on his body, Zhou Liang felt that his head was numb now, and he was a little out of control compared to usual. This is not a good phenomenon, especially when something big happened today. It's not over yet, I need to wake myself up a bit.

Sighing in my heart, I would have stopped drinking if I had known earlier, what a mistake!

Zhou Liang walked out, intending to fetch water and wash up.

He went out with the wooden bucket, and just after leaving the yard, a person came to meet him. It was the kitchen steward. He was flustered. When he looked up and saw him, he rushed over immediately.

"Boss Zhou!" The little kitchen steward said with a flustered expression, "Are you going to the front?"

After asking, I found out that Zhou Liang was carrying a wooden barrel, patted his chest, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"So I went to fetch water? Just go fetch water. Let me tell you, I have nothing else to do today. It's best to stay in the yard honestly and don't go to the front yard!"

Zhou Liang panicked, reluctantly asked: "What happened?"

"Just now you were called to the front, right?" the kitchen steward asked.

"That's right, the prince is asking, what, is it related to that matter?" Zhou Liang asked with trembling hands.

The steward of the kitchen: "Isn't that right, I was worried about you at first, so I came here in a hurry, but judging by your appearance, you should be fine!"

"Hey, you didn't know that something happened to Yuan Xuanshi. It is said that there are suspicions. Now the people around her and those who are close to her are not only questioned, but also started to be tortured."

"Listening to the sound, the beating was terrible. There was a servant girl who only listened to ten blows, and the sound disappeared."

After the kitchen steward finished speaking, his whole body trembled, he thought for a while, and added: "By the way, the prince called Zhang Wang over just now."

After finishing speaking, he sighed: "Maybe Zhang Wang will be unlucky."

If the little kitchen steward could think so, Zhou Liang would not dare to have such extravagant hopes.

He has a head and a reputation, and his relationship is not small, but Zhang Wang dares not to deal with him. He knows in his heart that he is relying on the family of the princess. With this level of relationship, people are basically safe in this turmoil.

After all, as long as you don't die to the point of being a turtle, or get your hands on a prince's woman, this is a layer of protection, even if it's just once.

On the contrary, Zhou Liang himself, because Chen Xuanshi is a believer of Sandong Niangniang, he has been to Shuiyun Temple. Once discovered, there is only one dead end.

"If you do something wrong, you will tolerate it, but you will never tolerate it if you deceive the Lord."

Thinking of what King Lu said, and Zhang Wang's report in his dream, Zhou Liang was even more flustered, he couldn't even restrain himself, his body was trembling slightly.

Even the little kitchen steward on the opposite side noticed it, and stared at it a little strangely: "Boss Zhou, you... are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Zhou Liang forced a smile and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. I drank some wine and smelled of alcohol. How can I serve you? I'm going to fetch water to wash up. Let's talk again when we have time?"

"Why don't you go to work, I'll go to the kitchen too!" The kitchen steward nodded, doubts arose in his heart, but he felt it was impossible for a while.

As soon as the two parted, Zhou Liang first pretended to go to the well to fetch water, and when he turned his head and saw the little kitchen steward walking away, he hurried back, threw the bucket at the door, and hurried out, this time heading straight for the small door.

The small door is behind the palace, and it is usually locked, but Zhou Liang has the key to this small door hanging on his waist.

He ran towards the small gate, where there is a lush forest and deep bamboo, there is a small gate faintly, green vines are all over the wall, the floor is covered with moss, and there are a few birds nesting not far away, seeing people come, "Huh" flew up.

There was no one else, Zhou Liang didn't open the door right away, but lingered at the door, sat down on the steps for a long time, looked up at the garden, lost in thought.

It is not easy for Zhou Liang to be in charge of the Lu Palace. If he can keep doing it, not only will he be able to eat and drink for a lifetime, but even his offspring will be honored. Be polite when you see yourself, this is the power of King Lu who is fighting.

Once such a good job is abandoned, it may be difficult to have it again in this life.

And if he just left like this, he would be a fugitive slave. It would be good if he could live incognito from now on. If it is worse, I am afraid that next year today will be the day of his death.

"No, I can't be impulsive."

Trying to suppress the crazy thoughts of fleeing, Zhou Liang bit the tip of his tongue, blood filled his mouth, and at the same time, his mind cleared up for a moment.

Looking around, I saw a rockery not far away. Although the rockery was smaller and there was no pavilion on it, it was just a pure ornamental stone, but the height was not low. It seemed to be five or six meters. As soon as Zhou Liang woke up, there was a Having made up his mind, he trotted a few steps and climbed up while no one was coming.

Looking down from a high position, the southeast is Chen Xuanshi's yard, which can be seen clearly from here, whether the people inside go out or the people outside go to the yard, standing on the rockery, they can see it from a distance.

Zhou Liang looked at it, and said anxiously in his heart: "God bless, Chen Xuanshi must not have any accidents!"

"If no one goes to Chen Xuan's office, if she is safe, so will I."

For the next period of time, he didn't dare to move his eyeballs away, and stared straight at it until his eyes became sour, but there was still no movement. Seeing the night getting darker, Zhou Liang finally let go of his worry.

"No... no one passed by..."

"Great, I'm fine!"

Let's just say, how could Zhou Liang be so unlucky?

 15 minutes and one more chapter



(End of this chapter)

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