fake prince

Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Even if Shuiyun Temple really became a den of prostitution, many female relatives went there. In the mansion alone, Chen Xuanshi was not the only one. How many of the servants in the palace didn't go to pray silently, wanting to get a son?

To put it bluntly, even the princess has been there. Of course, there are at least eight maidservants before and after the princess, so there is absolutely no problem, but it also shows that everyone has been there, so it is really my turn to be unlucky?

Comforting himself like this, Zhou Liang really felt much more comfortable, and he was no longer so anxious.

Just about to climb down from the rockery, at this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance.

Zhou Liang's hands and feet trembled, and he almost fell off the rockery. He hurriedly supported him with his hands, stood on a high place again, and looked towards the noise.

It's fine if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, the whole person seems to have fallen into an ice cellar.

I saw many people holding torches and forming a fiery snake, coming towards Chen Xuanshi's yard and his house!

It's over, the prince must have found out about Chen Xuanshi's problem, and even brought himself to deceive the master, and he was also found out.

When he came down from the rockery, Zhou Liang was so frightened that his whole body was in cold sweat, and he almost couldn't stand still.

It's over, it's over!

"What can I do? What can I do?" He turned around like a headless chicken.

"You will be beaten to death if you bully the master. How can I lie to the master with my bad mouth? You really killed me, you killed me!"

But it's useless to blame yourself for this mouth, the matter has come to this point, if you continue to stay, you may be caught in the front and beaten to death in front of everyone!

Without hesitation, Zhou Liang immediately ran along the Huajian path to the small dark door, took out the keys tremblingly, and took out a bunch of keys to try one by one.

With trembling hands and rustling, he finally found the corresponding key, but he failed to hit the brass lock after poking it twice, and immediately slapped himself hard, and when he opened it again, he unlocked the lock smoothly, closing the small door opened.

Hearing a "squeak", the door opened. When Zhou Liang came out to look, there was a small alley outside, and there was no one at all. He wanted to step out, but hesitated again, and his heart was full of panic and anxiety: "If you go out through this door, there will be no one." Turn back!"

He lingered at the door for a long time. At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice from a distance. The voice was very faint, but a little familiar.

"Hurry up, catch Zhou Liang, the prince said, kill him on the spot."

The voice seemed to be Zhang Wang, Zhou Liang's gallbladder burst, and without hesitation, he let out a cry, gritted his teeth and rushed out.


At this time, the clouds in the sky covered the moon, there was no rain, and there was still a little wind, which drove away the sweltering heat.

A banquet was set up in the west flower hall of Nei Ya, with lanterns lit, shenghuang on both sides playing in unison, twelve young girls dancing gracefully, singing along with the music, and a banquet was placed on the table in the middle. mind.

As soon as the singing stopped, everyone praised, Luo Pei sighed: "It's so beautiful, it's as good as singing and dancing, and it would be great if there were calligraphy and painting."

"Calligraphy and painting? I just have one!" While talking, Cui Zhaoquan, a cabinet scholar and Minister of the Ministry of War, sat up straight, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a newly mounted painting and said, "Everyone is a learned man, please identify it. .”

Everyone came closer and saw that the color of the paper was good, there were only one or two stamps on it, but the front picture depicted a group of new scholars, one of them was particularly conspicuous, Weng Lips seemed to be talking.

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, Luo Pei looked at the painting very carefully, hissed, and said: "This is the painting of Mr. Shoufu and you and me when we were Jinshi. You really have a heart."

Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion also went to see him. Although he was the lowest rank, he was also of the third rank, and he was in charge of the capital's judiciary, public security, civil affairs, finance, official sacrifices, and the Shuntian Township Examination. He could also directly report to the emperor.

Therefore, among the people in this circle, he didn't look cramped, and he was a little bit good at dancing. He took a closer look and said, "This must be the work of the famous teacher Wu Jianian."

"It's really a pity for Wu Jianian. He failed the imperial examination in Beijing and failed in seeking an official position. He ended up in a brothel."

"Although this is the case, there are not many paintings. This person is frustrated in his official career, and he has the intention of seeking immortality. It is gradually out of the world, so I remember it."

He said and looked at Su Ziji: "The poems and paintings of the king are peerless, what do you think of this painting?"

Su Ziji smiled, and had a good impression of the governor. In this position, he actually seemed to have great power, but he had to be a doormat frequently.

There are many dignitaries in the capital, not to mention the kings, but the old county king and the old man, who can crush the governor to death, not to mention, the dandies in the Duke's mansion drink and play with birds, and they will make troubles from time to time.

Moreover, there are often young masters of similar forces competing with each other, and when they make trouble in Shuntian Mansion, the governor of Shuntian Mansion can only offend anyone, and the two sides will make peace.

Being able to do muddy work for a long time, and still do it, instead of being sacked by ginseng, it shows that this person does have some skills.

And this dinner is a farewell banquet.

Luo Pei is about to go to the southwest, here, the chief assistant, the minister of the Ministry of war, and even himself, can't be disappointed at this time, and go up to look carefully with a smile.

After a long time, he said in his mouth: "I have heard of Wu Jianian, and his lyrics are as exquisite as Ji Luozhi of the previous dynasty. Just looking at this painting alone, although he tried his best to be prosperous, but looking closely at its style and artistic conception, it is still a little distant. A heart of self-pity."

Luo Pei listened quietly, even if he wanted to say a thousand words to Dai Wang, it was difficult to speak at this moment, he just said: "What I said is, I still remember, this is the first Enke in this dynasty, except Your Majesty, we all came out of this imperial examination, so we entered the official career, it has been 30 years since now, it is really a trance."

These words are emotional, but everyone present knows that Luo Pei is already acting as the king, and the reason why Luo Pei went to the southwest seems to be gaining power and being trusted by the emperor. In fact, the emperor cut off an arm of the acting king. .

It's just that this knife kills people with a blunt knife, as long as Luo Pei still has the king in his heart, this is the opportunity to be the king.

But then again, there are thousands of mountains and rivers in the middle, and the sea, Luo Pei is determined to protect the lord, and if something happens in the capital, he is beyond his reach and can't help.

The disadvantages of Dai Wang couldn't be more obvious, the foundation is still shallow, too few party members, lack of connections, and the available people in his hands are compared with the three kings, and they are almost compared to the mud pit.

Although the advantages are obvious, but with this disadvantage, it is difficult to distance themselves from the Three Kings.

Hey, what is that person on the dragon chair thinking?What do you think of Dai Wang?Even Zhao Xu, the first assistant, hesitated when thinking about this, let alone others.

Zhao Xu had a calm expression at first, but when he heard Luo Pei's emotion, he changed the subject: "Wu Jianian's paintings are good, but unfortunately the poems are not so good, maybe he knows it himself, so there are no poems in the paintings."

Su Ziji was smiling at first, but suddenly, his ears moved, and now he suddenly smiled. Just a smile made the people around him feel like a spring breeze.

"Lack of poems? This scene of Hanlin is originally a poem of praise to the saints. I am not good at it, but I will take a pen!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, this is the king who is about to write a poem!

How many people in the capital don't know that writing poems on behalf of the king is a masterpiece?

Yin Tanping of Shuntian Prefecture hurriedly sent someone to send a pen and paper. Su Ziji splashed ink and wrote directly: "Qing Dengke"

30 years ago, he was promoted to Guike, and now he is delighted to go to Luangwo.

God's favor and articles are expensive, but what is the gain or loss of human glory.

There are thousands of miles of clouds and strong wings, and there are many geese in the wind and moon at the fifth watch.

I feel ashamed that I have no virtue to reward my friends, and I sing new poems nine waves in vain.

As soon as the pen and ink fell, I only heard three "boom, boom, boom" sounds, and the sound of drumming outside resounded through.

(End of this chapter)

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