fake prince

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

"Nice poem!"

Before the sound of the drum shook, several people had gathered around to watch. Su Ziji wrote with spirit, and every sentence was fast. When he finished writing at the end, several people applauded.

Everyone is full of praise, it is really amazing to be able to write this kind of praise and praise like this, and few ordinary Hanlin are not at this level.

Luo Peiyi's eyes became hot, and he quickly suppressed it, so he didn't shed tears. He looked at the wine in the glass wistfully, and only nodded.

After following the King of Shu for so long, and doing so many things for him, in return he was abandoned like a bag, but the acting king was always the same.

Being a courtier and relying on his master is no different from a woman marrying a man. It can be regarded as the second reincarnation. If the right master is chosen, the monarch and his ministers will be compatible.But choosing the wrong master and meeting a scumbag is really frustrating.

Luo Pei is not a foolish and loyal person, the King of Shu treats him as a scholar of the country, and he repays him with a scholar of the country. Since the King of Shu abandons him, he can naturally abandon the King of Shu.

Su Ziji let go, dropped the pen, and smiled: "Isn't that sloppy?"

I have read Ming and Qing Hanlin's performances corresponding to scenery poems before. The level of this poem is probably slightly better than that of Hanlin.

In fact, this poem was not written to buy people's hearts. The reason why he wrote it now is because he knew that the time had come.

Sure enough, he just dropped his pen, and suddenly, everyone in the courtyard heard the sound of drums outside Shuntian Mansion, and everyone was shocked.

Luo Peiyou shuddered suddenly, and looked at Dai Wang involuntarily, and saw the corner of Dai Wang's mouth twitch slightly, as if showing a sneer.

The sneer was fleeting, if Luo Pei had a premonition, he might not be able to catch it.

In an instant, Luo Pei came up with this idea, this farewell banquet, there are many occasions to choose, why did you choose Shuntian Mansion Yamen?

It was late at night, and the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion was closed tightly. In front of the drum on the east wall, a middle-aged man was waving a drumstick in his hand, hitting the drumhead one after another.

The surroundings were silent, and the sound of the drum could be heard far away.

In the middle of the night, it was frightening. The yamen servants who were resting in the yamen were all startled to jump up, put on their clothes desperately, and ran out.

"Who, who is beating the drums, do you want to die?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." The man who was beating the drum looked crazy, muttering in his mouth, as if something was abnormal.

And this abnormal-looking man is Zhou Liang, the manager of Lu Wangfu.

It turned out that he rushed out of the small gate at the back of the palace, and kept running away. He planned to rent a bullock cart to escape further, but for some reason, he felt someone staring at him not long after he left the palace.

Looking back, passers-by looked unfamiliar, but Zhou Liang, the steward, had seen how powerful King Lu's methods were. He knew that if he escaped this time, he might still die!

I am in charge of the palace, and I know some secrets of the palace, the prince will never let me escape like this!

The prince will definitely send someone to kill him!

Staying in the palace is death, but escaping from the palace may also be death!

But he doesn't want to die!

"My lord, my lord, the little one doesn't want to die, the little one wants to live! You are the prince, why do you have to kill the little one? Since this is the case, it's no wonder that the little one is looking for a way to survive!"

"And you Zhang Wang, you dare to inform me and want me to die, then don't blame me, I'll stain you with some dirty water, and you won't be able to wash it off."

"Stick death is your only end."

Zhou Liang's eyes were bloodshot, and he was panting heavily, seeming to be unusually excited.

Now he can't get out of Beijing at all. This night, he is afraid that he will be found out wherever he flees. The only place that is safe is the yamen!

But not any yamen will protect him. In fact, Zhou Liang knows that most of the yamen will immediately take him down and hand him over to King Lu for disposal.

Only the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion is in charge of the affairs of the capital, so as long as he escapes to the gate of the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion and beats the drum, he can alarm the governor of Shuntian Mansion.

Sitting in this position, the Governor of Shuntian Mansion is destined not to collude with any kings, otherwise the end will be tragic, and the emperor will never tolerate it.

As the steward of Prince Lu's mansion, Zhou Liang also has some knowledge, so he naturally knows that if you ask for help, no matter where you go, it is better to come here!

He spent money, hired a bullock cart, hurried to the neighborhood, got out of the cart, and ran carefully to the gate of the yamen, holding the drumstick in his hand and knocking on it, until the first sound, the feeling of being secretly followed was gone. dissipate!

As expected, I guessed correctly, someone was following him, seeing that he really ran to the gate of Shuntian Mansion Yamen to beat the drums, so he retreated!

Things have come to this point, he must not stop!

"Dong dong dong!" Zhou Liang beat the drum vigorously, and the dull "dong dong dong" sound resounded throughout.

According to the rules, as soon as the drum is struck, one has to accept it. No matter what time it is, even if it is midnight, the Governor of Shuntian Mansion must immediately get up and put on his official robes to go to the hall.

To do otherwise would be a mortal sin.

This is a rule that existed in the previous dynasty. In this dynasty, Zheng Taizu thought that Shuntian Mansion would not be promoted for several years in the last years of the previous dynasty. Otherwise, the official is guilty and punished heavily.

The ministers in the backyard were only startled for a moment, and then froze, while Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion changed color, took a breath of air, and then calmed down.

This is his own one-acre three-point land, he is here to entertain guests, and it is rare for the acting king and the chief assistant to be there, so why did something happen at such a critical moment?

But if you don't go, Fu Yin can only get up and smile at the few people present: "My lord, my lords, since the drum is sounding, the next official has to go to the front to ascend the hall. Please feel free to wait a moment."

As he was about to leave, Cui Zhaoquan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, waved his hand as if he had realized something: "Forget it, you go ahead, we don't have much fun drinking by ourselves, let's go and have a look together?"

He came here in the middle of the night to beat the drums to complain, and it was precisely when he was having a banquet behind the government office. Few people who can be high-ranking officials would not think about this kind of thing.

What if it's about yourself?

Luo Pei also nodded accordingly: "It is said that the night is dark, and those who come to beat the drums at this time may have a big grievance, why don't we go and have a look together?"

After both of them said this, Shoufu could only smile: "Forget it, I don't want to leave Gaotang for 20 years, and I have to revisit tonight."

The eyes of several people fell on the Dai Wang who hadn't spoken yet, Luo Pei vaguely guessed that this matter might have something to do with the Dai Wang, but they really didn't think about the Dai Wang.

Su Ziji said: "Alright, Xiao Wang hasn't passed the court yet, so let's go and have a look together."

"My lord, everyone, please!" At this time, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture had returned to normal expression, but no one knew what was going on in his heart.

The four of them stopped talking and went over together.

(End of this chapter)

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