fake prince

Chapter 857

Chapter 857

After hearing three cannon shots, the king of Lu wore a nine-panel crown, crimson gauze robe, green gown, and covered his knees to meet the angel. Seeing Eunuch Zhao enter with armored soldiers, he couldn't help but feel palpitations.

However, seeing that Eunuch Zhao didn't have many armored soldiers, and feeling relieved, King Lu subconsciously looked for Gui Junxi, and found that Gui Junxi was not in the crowd.

Since the incense table was hastily prepared in the hall and the angels were approaching, the King of Lu could only restrain his mind and go forward. When Eunuch Zhao stood up in the south, the King of Lu would kneel down three times and kowtow nine times: "My son, King Lu respectfully invites the emperor Kim Ann!"

"Sheng Gong'an!" Eunuch Zhao glanced at King Lu, expressionless, but unfolded his will. As soon as he unfolded, King Lu felt the horror that suffocated him slowly unfolding, but he could only endure the palpitations and knelt down and obeyed.


At this time, Gui Junxi was not only not in the crowd, he even left the courtyard and hid in a courtyard room, leaning against the closed door, his face flushed.

Turning around again, looking through the window, he could see that King Lu had knelt down, and Eunuch Zhao, who had come to proclaim the decree, stretched out the decree and began to read it.

"By God's blessing, the emperor's edict said: King Lu's character is groundless, starting today, the prince will be cut off, and he will be reduced to a commoner, and he will live in a secluded mansion. Without permission, he is not allowed to leave the mansion. This is my honor!"

Father, why...

Hearing the content of the imperial decree, King Lu only felt a "boom", and he was stunned.

Abolish the prince and reduce him to common people?

Brother Qi Wang is so violent and has done so many things, did the father ever lower the Qi throne?No!

What did he do wrong?Unprovoked character?I have always kept a low profile, when did my character become unprovoked?How can He De deserve this sentence?Father is unfair, why do you treat him like this?Could it be that the king of Qi and the king of Shu are the son of the father, but he is not?

No matter how King Ren Lu thought about it, he couldn't figure it out.

So he knelt on the ground motionless, and his whole body was numb there.

Eunuch Zhao looked down, feeling a little pity. Seeing King Lu's appearance, it seems that he still doesn't know what happened in the palace?I don't know if Concubine Wei got involved and her lineage was questioned?

In this matter, Eunuch Zhao, as a eunuch, has no right to say or do anything, he can only go with the emperor, and if the emperor asked him to come, he can only come to announce the decree.

But at this moment, he could only stand there, and asked coldly: "Why, you don't obey the edict?"

This attitude woke up King Lu, who trembled his lips, and after a while, he sobbed: "Son... I... I am here... Thank you... En"

Hearing the decree from King Lu, Eunuch Zhao waved his hand, and immediately came up with two armored soldiers, one of them supported him, and the other went to pick off King Lu's nine-pronged crown.

And the moment King Lu's Nine Crowns were taken off, not only King Lu himself froze, but Gui Junxi, who was watching this scene from a distance in the room, also turned pale, took a step back, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Taoist temple

Liu Zhan was pouring tea slowly. In this tea room, the fragrance of tea permeated the nostrils.

The person sitting opposite Liu Zhan was none other than Yu Qianzhi.

Although Liu Zhan had encountered a setback before, the situation in the capital was getting more and more serious, and the undercurrent was surging, which made Yu Qianzhi unable to sit still at all, and could only reluctantly do it.

The Yin Guan Sect is a major sect in the Taoist sect, and it is Yu Qianzhi and Yu Qianzhi's inseparable wooing target behind him.

Yu Qianzhi came this time because the Dai Wang was ordered to handle the shrine incident. In Yu Qianzhi's view, the emperor first cut off the Dai Wang's arm, let Luo Pei go to the southwest to be the governor, and let the Dai Wang take charge of the shrine. It is obvious that this is not valuing the Dai Wang, and not having the heart to establish the Dai Wang.

The idea of ​​the emperor plays a decisive role in establishing the crown prince. What is the use of a person who cannot be a candidate for the emperor, even if he is a prince?

He was persuading, but not from this angle, and said: "Dai Wang has a deep mind, and let you go forward with your hands tied. It was not a big deal at first, but now that you are involved in Lu Wang, the nature has changed. If you continue, you will be branded as the king of the previous generation, and you will never be able to come down again."

"After dealing with the matter of the shrine, can the real person still not see that there is no chance of success in the succession of the king?"

What about having the status of the son of the prince?What does the minister think?The three kings of Qi, Shu and Lu are not without titles, they are serious princes, how can they not compete?Since they can all compete, then it is very important who the emperor prefers.

Yu Qianzhi didn't believe that Yin Guanpai didn't see this.

Liu Zhan poured tea for himself, put down the teapot, and looked up at Yu Qianzhi: "Then what do you mean?"

Yu Qianzhi smiled and said: "You can get off the boat, I think the acting king won't mind it and force him to stay, and the kings won't mind what they did before."

"The Taoist and Vatican sects should stay away from the vortex and just sit and watch the situation in the world."

"If you end up on your own, it may not only be a blessing, but a disaster."

Although there is some truth in these words, as expected, he came to lobby the King of Lu again.

Liu Zhan thought to himself: "It wasn't that day when I found out that Dai Wang is Qianlong, the chance is the greatest, and there is also a tendency in the family. I am afraid that Yu Qianzhi will really be able to persuade me this time."

"Although the king of Lu is low-key, it does have the advantage of being low-key, that is, he will not be besieged, and he can develop secretly and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"But it's not certain who will have the last laugh. Sometimes I shrink back and want to be safe and take advantage of it. I may not even be able to drink hot porridge. This depends on fate and luck."

Thinking of this, Liu Zhan smiled slightly, but he didn't say anything, only heard a "boom", the wind was surging outside, and the sky changed suddenly.

"..." Both of them were real people, so they were naturally sensitive to changes in the sky, but the changes were so fast that they were suddenly covered in dark clouds, and they were caught off guard.



Before he had time to react, a bolt of lightning fell, turning the entire Daoist scene pale. In an instant, a tea tree in the courtyard of the tea house hit the sound, and some branches caught fire directly, but fortunately, there was only a small flame, and the strong wind did not let the fire rage Get up, and blow out.

And Yu Qianzhi in the tea room was shaken all over, and fell on his back, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the sprayed tea set was covered with blood foam.

"God's punishment? No, no, this is a natural reaction."

Liu Zhan looked at this scene with some surprise, put down the blood-stained cup, opened the window and looked into the distance.

Dark clouds rolled in, this celestial phenomenon should be in the city, I don't know where it should be.

But just looking at Yu Qianzhi's reaction, this natural reaction may have happened to King Lu.

Real people can spy on the secrets of the sky, which is different from ordinary people. Follow Qianlong, you can benefit, and your practice can improve rapidly. On the contrary, if the person you follow loses, the cause and effect will be deeply involved, and there will be immediate backlash.

Liu Zhan looked at it with a frown, and thought to himself: "This is something wrong with King Lu, and he lost so quickly?"

He looked back at Yu Qianzhi who hadn't gotten up yet, how deeply involved?

I thought it was just like him and Yin Guanpai, even if he thought King Lu could do something and would support and help him, he would have reservations, but in the end he just poured out his heart and soul?

This painstaking effort is gone after ten years of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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