fake prince

Chapter 858 The prince vomited blood

Chapter 858 The prince vomited blood


In one of the relatively detached uncle's houses in the capital, the Zhennan uncle's house has never been involved in the affairs of the kings fighting for the heir apparent.

The master has a noble status, and as a servant, he is naturally complacent and wants to stay in the mansion for a long time to share the wealth.

Originally, the servants were going to sleep that night, but unexpectedly, the sky suddenly changed, and the dark clouds came down in an instant, the wind was so strong that the windows squeaked, and the wind and rain were coming.

"Quick, quick!" The maidservant rushed to pack the clothes, the mansion was chaotic, and there was a maid carrying a pile of clothes, walking in the corridor, passing a yard.

The servant girl didn't stop walking, but her speed slowed down. Looking secretly, she found that the gate of the courtyard was closed tightly, and the lantern was not lit, shaking in the wind.

That was the residence of the eldest son Xie Zhenqing. In the past, the maids in the mansion only knew his name and never saw the eldest son. Finally, the eldest son came out recently, but he only had a glimpse from a distance.

But with just one glance, the maid's soul was taken away.

The eldest son Xie Zhenqing, as his name suggests, is indeed Mr. Pianpianjia. Even though he has always had a reputation of being sick and weak, he looks a little pale, and coughs once or twice from time to time, but the eldest son was not born short and thin, and he did not describe it as wretched. A handsome man with a tall figure and an outstanding appearance!

That three-point sickness not only did not damage the son's bearing, but made some women look at it, and it was easier to feel pity.

Coupled with the already existing status as the son of the world, wouldn't it just make a teenage girl's imagination run wild, and she couldn't help becoming a nympho every day?

"What are you looking at?" The old lady who was walking by was very knowledgeable, she could tell what the little girl was thinking with just one glance, and she sneered, "You're not ashamed, you're hot?"

"Mother Li!" The servant girl hurriedly looked away, her face flushed red: "What are you talking about!"

"What did I say? To be honest, good words to persuade you to be honest and do your duty, you teenage girl, don't even think about whether you deserve it or not!"

The woman laughed at her spring, and then pointed to a tree, proudly: "Have you seen this tree? A hundred-year-old tree is lush and full of vitality. It even falls later than other trees every year. This tree is amazing." Not an ordinary tree!"

"When the uncle entered the mansion back then, a fortune teller said that this tree represents the luck of the mansion. It is so lush, it means that it is very noble, and it will even go down from generation to generation. If the nobleman looks at you, it will be disgusting. How can you do it? Xiao Xiang? Let the master know your thoughts, I am afraid that you will be kicked out immediately, I have some relatives with you, and I am talking to you for your own good!"

"Others, I still don't teach, just let them hit a wall and make room."

"There are limited people in the mansion. There is an errand. Food and lodging are included in the mansion, and clothes and silks are distributed. There is still a monthly payment of [-] to [-] cash. Who doesn't have a sister or daughter who wants to come in?"

"A few years of savings will be a dowry when you get married, and your husband's family will look better in the future!"

The servant girl was trained to lower her head, her face flushed, and she didn't dare to refute. She could read a few words. She had read the novels in the market, and thought that the rich family was corrupt. The prince's couch, if this happened, there is a high probability that he died of a sudden "illness"!

The small sprouts that had sprouted in her heart were almost extinguished in an instant after the mother-in-law said this, like a hailstorm.

Just when she lowered her eyes to hide her disappointment, suddenly, there was a "boom", and a bolt of lightning fell. They pointed at the tall tree they were talking about just now, and they split a branch in response, and a branch and leaf fell. , Both of them were stunned.

"This..." The mother-in-law trembled her lips, her eyes were straightened.

The servant girl's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately looked towards the courtyard she had looked at before.

At this time, the courtyard with only a little light was turned on again in an instant, and there was a loud noise, and some people shouted: "It's not good, the son vomited blood and passed out. Quick, hurry up and call the doctor!"


The servant girl stared blankly, then turned her gaze back to the big tree in front of her that had just been struck by lightning, her face turned pale.

Could it be that a fortune teller is right after saying this?Is this tree really related to the luck of the prefecture?Now that the tree is split, isn't it...

She didn't dare to think any further.

Linhua County·Tongshan Temple

Tongshan Temple is located on the mountain, the mountain is not high, with a gentle slope of more than [-] meters, a step leads to the top, there are three pavilions along the way, surrounded by bamboo forests and trees, green and green, when the wind blows, the bamboo leaves sway, rustling quietly However, an old Taoist and a Taoist boy strolled up the mountain road, and at this time they had arrived at Guanmen.

They didn't just come back, they arrived during the day, but they came back late, after dinner, the old Taoist went out for a walk, took the Taoist boy out, and walked around the mountain. When they came back, they were not in a good mood.

"Go and call the door." The old Taoist said.

Daotong groaned, and went to call for the door, who knew there was no need to call, as soon as he pressed his hand, the door creaked open.

"You didn't even close the door? The people in the temple are becoming more and more lazy!" Dao Tong simply pushed the door open, muttering to the Taoist behind him.

"Shen Cheng offended King Dai back then, and even dug King Dai's ancestral grave."

"Although Shen Cheng has been condemned, and this ancestral tomb is not the tomb of Dai Wang's real ancestors, but he has also committed a big taboo. At first, everyone didn't know about it, but when the news spread to the counties, there is no reason not to be afraid."

The old Taoist's expression was light: "It's not just that I'm afraid of offending the Dai Wang, and the number of pilgrims will decrease. At that time, some Taoists left in the temple. There were only a few people left, and some were too busy."

Dao Tong twitched the corners of his mouth, but said nothing.

The real person is saving face for the Taoists in the temple, otherwise, just because of the deserted appearance of the Taoist temple, anyone can say some bad things.

When I left the Tongshan Temple, the temple was full of incense, and it has only been a long time, and it has become desolate.

It turned out that these two people were none other than Daoist Huidao and Daotong. It had been a long time since they left Tongshan Guanyunyou.

Entering through the door, I saw the ground was a bit messy. It was like this when I came back during the day, and there was no Taoist cleaning it. Some trees, flowers and plants nearby and even in the distance were already withered.

Guan Nei is indeed much deserted, and the sign of decline is obvious.

"I didn't expect that the Tongshan temple, which was so popular and powerful in all directions, was so dilapidated." When I entered, there was no Taoist to greet me. It was a huge Taoist temple, and the lights were very scarce, only occasionally one or two sounds in the distance gave people a little bit With the smell of fireworks, Master Huidao secretly sighed in his heart. Although this is dilapidated, it is not a crime of war, and it is caused by himself not teaching the true art, but how can he not be moved?

After taking a few steps, he realized that the sky was overcast, and the stars and raindrops had fallen. Master Huidao couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Today, as soon as I feel emotional, it rains. It really is what people wish for!"

Just as he was speaking, suddenly there was a bright flash, followed by a thunderous thunder, which shook the Taoist temple. Master Hui Dao was unprepared, stunned by the shock, and raised his head in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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