fake prince

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

In the summer now, thunderstorms are normal, but as a real person, I already had a premonition, how could I be stunned by thunder all of a sudden, there is no warning, it is not a good thing!

Dao Tong also looked up, feeling very strange, and muttered: "The rain really comes when it comes."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Master Hui Dao looking up at the sky, with a strange expression, half a smile but not a smile, half a cry but not a cry, and hurriedly asked, "Really, what's wrong with you?"

Master Huidao didn't speak, just stared at the sky.

When Daotong saw him, he could only shut up and stand aside restlessly.

I don't know how much time has passed before Master Huidao let out a heavy breath and asked, "When I came back during the day, I heard you say that someone sent a horse in the temple?"

Daotong didn't understand what the real man asked this for, and replied: "Yes, I heard that he was a merchant who wanted to start a business. He bought a few horses outside the Great Wall with a lot of money, and wanted to give gifts to the officials... because he was on a temporary basis, he couldn't put them elsewhere. Don't worry, I will send the horse in the temple."

Master Huidao ordered: "Go borrow a horse immediately, let's go out!"

"Hey! Then I'll ask..." Dao Tong said.

Master Hui Dao was obviously more anxious. After thinking about it, he strode directly towards the stables and said, "Forget it, it's too late."

That's too late?What's too late?

Daotong has short steps and needs to walk quickly to keep up.

After a while, I arrived at the stables, and a Taoist was feeding the horses. When he saw the Daoist Hui approaching, he immediately called out "Taoist Zhangguan"

Daoist Hui Dao is the master of the temple, even if he left for a year or two halfway, his prestige has not disappeared.

"Whose horse is it?"

"It belongs to Zhang Jun, do you remember? He visited you once, and he wanted to dedicate it to the new prefect, Lord Bi Shangyi Bi. He is a good official..."

Master Huidao has also heard about it. It is said that once he came, he would rebuild the school dormitory and inspect the water conservancy and agriculture in the county, but how could he have the patience to say this at this time: "Quickly, get the horse out and saddle it, I will borrow it for three days... "

The Taoist was stunned, embarrassed: "This is Zhang Jun's horse, it's a trivial matter to use it for one or two hours temporarily, and use it for three days..."

"This is the rent. You tell Zhang Jun that I need it for something urgent."

Saying "pa", a silver cake was thrown in the past. When the Taoist took it and looked at it, it was a piece of official silver, which was worth five taels, so he immediately bowed and said, "Don't worry, Master Zhangguan, I and him There is still some friendship, it must be able to make sense, so I will get the saddle for you."

In an instant, the saddle from the next door came over, and he put it on quickly. After getting the horse, Hui Dao immediately led the horse out. Wordy: "This guy remembers

Luo Han was taken in by a real person back then, and he didn't want to be so snobby, and had to bargain..."

"At first he was not a true Taoist, but he was just sent to the monastery to beg for food." Master Huidao replied casually, leading his horse and galloping out of the Taoist monastery.

Daotong hurriedly followed, the wind was blowing fast, and there was still rain, so he couldn't speak.

Passing by nearby villages and towns, passers-by heard the horseshoes galloping and had to give way one after another. Some people saw two people in Taoist robes and knew they came from Tongshan Temple, and some people recognized the horse in front at a glance. It was the former Daoist Huidao.

"what happened?"

The passers-by who recognized Huidao Daoist were very strange. This Tongshan Temple has a good reputation, and Huidao Daoist is even more famous. Even if he has been making friends with high-ranking officials and dignitaries, the Taoists in the temple are not so rampant!

Or, what happened?That's why the Taoists of Tongshan Temple can't care about these things?

"Real man!" Daotong's equestrian skills are average, but because there are not many pedestrians on the road, as long as he let go of the horse, he can go up quickly, so he quickly chased after him, facing the wind, and shouting.

Master Huidao just said: "Follow!"

Just keep pushing the horse forward.

Where is this going?Look at the way to go, is it going out of Linhua County?Could it be that he is going to Jinggao County, the next county?

Dao Tong panicked when his horse was bumped, and he complained a little, but he dared not stop.

He knows the ability of a real person, and it may be a big deal to make a real person so nervous.

It really made him guess that Master Hui Dao rode a horse in front, as expected, along the road, all the way out of Linhua County and into the boundary of Jinggao County.

However, he didn't enter the city, but ran along the road to the vicinity of Xiaoyu Mountain.

"Woo--" After slowing down, he pulled the horse's rein, and the horse that had been running finally stopped, panting heavily.

Sitting on the horse, Master Huidao looked up at the Xiaoyu Mountain in front of him, but saw that the mountain was green and full of lush green bamboos.

"Drive!" As soon as he urged the horse, he trotted forward for another distance.

When you get closer, you can see dozens of acres of sloping fields, and there is still smoke curling up. If you look far, you can see a ancestral hall and a tombstone.

"Really, are you here for the owner of the tomb?" Dao Tong was also a smart man, grinning his teeth and asking, and then he said: "My ass hurts so much!"

He ran wildly all the way, his butt was about to bleed, seeing the real Huidao nodding, he immediately got off his horse, led the horse he was riding with the real person, and headed towards it.

Get closer, look carefully: "It's Suci!"

Daoist Hui also got off his horse at this time, his eyes fell on the words, and he said, "That's true."

After saying this, he asked Tong: "What did you see?"

Daotong stared at Su Ci, then scratched his head for a moment. Normally, since the real person asked such a question, there should be some way here, but he really didn't see any way here. Could it be that his cultivation base is not high enough and his eyes are not good enough? , can't see the mystery here?

Thinking like this in my heart, I said: "Really, this disciple feels that there is nothing special here, but it is a little bit of a tributary of the earth, or a little bit of blessing, but it is not rich."

This is not wrong.

It was really excellent Feng Shui, and it was not the turn of Su Ziji, who had not yet gained power at the time, to get it.

Master Hui Dao nodded, then shook his head, and said: "The master here is just a scholar in the Yang world, but in the Yin world, he has the honor of being a king."

ah?so smart?

Daotong stared at Su Temple again, but no matter how you look at it, this place is very ordinary, that is, it has better geomantic omen than ordinary people's tombs, and even worse than the ancestral tombs of officials and eunuchs, how can it be as expensive as a king?

Although the yang world and the yin world are two worlds, they are connected with each other. The status and status of the yin world are closely related to the yang world. The three generations of Suci are ordinary people, at most they are scholars, and they have no status. shade.

Although he brought up the Dai Wang and had a father-son relationship, he has never heard of an official imperial conferment from the imperial court.

Of course, it may be the geomantic veins, but no matter how you look at it, it is not so valuable. To be crowned king, it must be the veins of the king.

How could there be such a dragon vein here?

I want to ask the real person, who would have thought that the real Huidao got on his horse after finishing speaking.

Daotong also felt that something was wrong at this moment, so he didn't cry out for pain anymore. He got on the horse and asked, "Really, where are we going next?"

"Going to Yu Mansion, you can do one or two. If Yu Mansion is, then it is."

(End of this chapter)

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