fake prince

Chapter 860

Chapter 860

Linhua County Xihe Town Yufu

At night, a courtyard in Yu Mansion was still brightly lit, and even the entrance of the courtyard was lit with lanterns.

Near this courtyard is a small lake, a lake of flowing water. Because it was enclosed in Yufu, a pavilion was built on it, and there was a bridge connecting it. Although there were many mosquitoes in summer, a thin cloth was wrapped around the pavilion. Putting on the curtain, and lighting the mosquito repellent incense, it will be very cool on the water. When the breeze blows, the curtain will flutter, which is even cooler than staying in the house with a basin of ice.

Yu Lu, Zhang Sheng, and Fang Xi moved the pavilion from the courtyard to the small pavilion in the lake because of the hot weather.

There are three lights in the pavilion, and there are lanterns swaying in the breeze at the four corners of the pavilion, which is even brighter than the courtyard.

Yu Lv looked at the small lake outside through the curtain, and felt that the scenery here was good, which made his head clearer, and reading could get twice the result with half the effort.

The three of them still read aloud in accordance with Su Ziji's method at the beginning. When others "listened" to the book, the three of them took turns a few times, and Yu Lv put down the scroll in his hand: "I've finished reading this book, let's rest for a while." , how about... let's compose poetry?"

"Good poetry!" Fang Xi picked up her own tea bowl from the side, drank it clean, and wiped her mouth: "I already have it, how about you?"

Yu Lv laughed: "Such a beautiful scenery indeed has a poem already!"

Even Zhang Sheng is not as hard-educated as he used to be. He has already won the prize of a scholar, although it seems that the scholar is everywhere, as if it is worthless, but not everyone can pass the exam. You can't win a scholar.

Being a scholar proves that Zhang Sheng has indeed worked hard in the past two years, and writing poetry is not difficult for him.

When Yu Lu told Fang Xi that he should write a poem first, Zhang Sheng did not refuse. After thinking about it, he went to the rice paper that had been laid out and wrote a poem with a brush.

"In early summer, it's as cool as water, and tonight the lake is full of moonlight. How can I sit alone by chance, so how can I comfort Pingwu?"

"This poem is not bad!" Fang Xi praised: "Brother Zhang, you have made great progress in learning, and you have even begun to have aura when composing poems!"

Both Fang Xi and Yu Lv were candidates, and Fang Xi himself was more arrogant. He had never praised Zhang Sheng so much before, and he certainly would not flatter his friends indiscriminately. Once he said this, it proved that he was sincere.

Zhang Sheng suddenly showed a little complacency, hehe: "It's nothing, isn't this feeling coming!"

Yu Lv looked at it with a smile: "You have to be really talented to write what you feel in your heart. Before you were selected as a scholar, your uncles and aunts were very happy, thinking that you have made progress. In my opinion, if you continue to work hard, you may be just as good in the exam. Over the past few years."

This exaggeration made Zhang Sheng's cheeky face turn red.

"Where, where, hey, I still have something to learn! Unlike you, who have studied hard for more than ten years, I regret it more and more now. I worked hard a few years ago, and I wouldn't suffer as much as I do now!"

Thinking about what kind of life he has lived in the past two years, Zhang Sheng couldn't help but feel sorry for himself even though he was showing signs of coming to an end.

Fang Xi said, "It's never too late to know how to make progress. Besides, you are younger than me and already a scholar. No matter how humble you are, you are proud."

Yu Lu also said: "What's more, you have made great progress in learning. Now that you have enlightened, you can improve day by day in the future."

As soon as he was speaking, he saw a servant from the Yu residence hurried over and bowed: "My lord, someone knocked on the door just now, and when I opened the door, I found out that it was Daoist Hui who came to see you, look..."

"Master Huidao?" Not only Yu Lu was stunned when he heard the name, Zhang Sheng and Fang Xi were also stunned.

In this prefecture, Daoist Huidao is still very famous.

Especially Fang Xi, who had been treated before, although he always felt that he could have a good relationship with the nobleman, who is now the king, but in the end he had accepted the love of Daoist Hui, and when he heard that he was coming, he immediately stood up.

Yu Lv put down his book, and couldn't help frowning: "This is a distinguished guest, but, come here so late, is there something urgent?"

Zhang Sheng didn't have much thought: "When you see it, you will know what it is."

It made sense, Yu Lv said to the two of them: "Anyway, this is a distinguished guest, it is only proper for us to go out to greet each other."

Right and left they are resting for the time being, the sudden visit of Daoist Hui made Yu Lv a little curious as to why.

The three of them hurried out of the kiosk and went straight to the front, to greet Daoist Hui.

Master Hui Dao and Dao Tong came in one after the other, and the three of them felt even more strange when they saw it for the first time.

Seeing that Daoist Hui's hair was in a messy bun, his face was a little sweaty, and his Taoist robe was also wrinkled. He looked like he had come here after a long journey, and he was a little embarrassed.

Not to mention Dao Tong, walking is a bit awkward.

Yu Lv let the two of them into the living room, invited them to sit down, Yu Lv sat at the head seat, invited the servants to serve tea, and asked: "The real person is visiting late at night, is there something to do?"

This is considered a visit to friends, shouldn't it be during the day?Coming back after dark is not something normal people can do.

Daoist Hui Dao glanced at him, his heart was fixed, and he thought: "I know the details of Yu's family, but there are three hundred acres of land, and the grandfather is a juren, so he won't have such great luck. Even if Yu Lu has it, the other two will not." Possibly at the same time."

"It seems that I am not mistaken."

Feeling certain, Master Huidao didn't answer for a while, but took a sip of tea to quench his thirst, and smiled: "This time, I'm here to congratulate the three of you!"

Yu Lv was even more surprised, so he asked: "My family is just a squire, even if I get the job by chance, I am considered a gentry, why should I be happy?"

Zhang Sheng also joked: "Could it be that you want to get rich?"

Master Huidao quenched his thirst, breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: "The three young masters are very strange, why would I visit late at night, old man? To be honest, I came here in a hurry because I sensed something."

As he said that, he pointed at the three people in front of him, and said in turn: "You guys are about to get lucky, getting rich is nothing, it's just incidental."

After being glanced at by Daoist Hui Dao and pointed at by his fingers, Yu Lu, Zhang Sheng and Fang Xi all felt moved, because they were all locals, and they believed in the Tongshan Temple, especially the Tongshan Temple, the owner of the temple. In his eyes, there are indeed some cultivation bases and some abilities.

When they treated Fang Xi at the beginning, they all saw it with their own eyes and felt it. Now when they heard Hui Daoist's words, they were at a loss, and they were really half-believing.

"Really, I don't quite understand what you said." Yu Lv said.

Master Huidao looked at Yu Lv and pointed out: "Young Master Yu, you are now a Juren, but your luck has come. Go to Beijing tomorrow spring to take the exam, and you will definitely win the Jinshi. You are not yet the top three. If you have a chance, you can enter the top one!"

The sound of "hiss" was not made by Yu Lv, but by a young servant from the Yu Mansion not far away.

This boy also believes that the Taoist priests of Tongshan Temple are capable, but now, the Daoist Daoist Hui came here in the middle of the night, and said so bluntly that his son will definitely be a Jinshi, and there is still a chance to be a first-class... That is a first-class, The worst is Tanhua, could it be that my young master still has the luck of being a Jinshi?

That's really the case, it can really be said that it's great luck!

(End of this chapter)

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