fake prince

Chapter 861

Chapter 861

Such nice words and such auspicious prophecies, the people of the Yu Mansion would naturally like to hear them, not because someone outside heard them and reported them, but he also wanted to report the good news to the master and his wife, there would definitely be rewards.

Master Huidao didn't stop, and after Yu Lu finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Sheng again.

"Mr. Zhang, if you can win the exam, you will definitely win the exam in Beijing. If you don't win the exam this time, you will lose half of your luck. You must be late for one or two subjects. It doesn't matter what the situation will be."

This is just a reminder, hurry up and study as soon as possible, and strive to pass the exam this time.

Hearing this, Zhang Sheng was overjoyed and a little stressed. At the same time, he didn't understand why he won the Jinshi when he entered Beijing this time.

What is the connection between the two?

Or is it that my luck is tied up with Yu Lv?Or... Zhang Sheng didn't know what to think of, and the expression on his face changed.

Master Huidao finished talking about Zhang Sheng, and looked at Fang Xi again.

"Fang Xi, Mr. Fang, although you have made great progress in your studies, you may not have passed this subject, but it is different now. If you go to Beijing next year, you will definitely pass."

"This... real person, can I ask why this happened?" Fang Xi asked.

Master Huidao shook his head: "I can only say this as an old Taoist."

Understood, secrets must not be leaked, right?

Fang Xi seemed to understand, but she also knew that it was useless to ask, so she simply stopped asking.

After all, the real Huidao said that the three of them are all talking about good things. This is a good thing, even if you don’t know why it happened, it won’t make people anxious, and there is no need to know in advance to avoid it. When, naturally, you know why there is luck.

Daoist Hui said again: "Your father Fang Wenshao, I heard that he doesn't want to take the exam anymore?"

Master Huidao knew about this, so Fang Xi was not surprised.

His father, Fang Wenshao, is also well-known in the prefecture and county, and he has been a Juren for many years. If he failed the exam this time, there will definitely be people talking about it. Fang Xi replied, "Yes, last time I went back to Beijing, my father said he would not take the exam."

Daoist Hui said: "Go back and tell your father that if you go again this time, you will definitely pass the exam. Although it is a low-level exam, you can still fulfill his lifelong wish and have a great official career in the future... If you miss this time Opportunity is to cut off your official career, and there will be no more chances."

"Really?" When Fang Xi heard this, she was even more surprised than when she heard that she was in the meeting just now. She stood up and asked, "Really, is this serious?"

"Really." Hui Daoist said.

Yu Lv listened on the sidelines, and felt more and more that Daoist Huidao came here in the middle of the night and said these words deliberately, which had a deep meaning.

He glanced to the side and found that the servant who served tea just now was still standing, but there was no one at the door.

After thinking about it carefully, I knew that the man must have heard the good news and ran to report it to his parents.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard footsteps approaching from far to near. Master Yu and his wife walked in from the outside, saluted Daoist Hui, and said enthusiastically: "The real person is here, today is really a glorious day!" .”

After the guests and hosts were seated again and set the snacks in person, Master Yu suppressed his mood and asked, "I've heard what you said to Quanzi just now, but is it serious? Is it true that you will win if you enter Beijing, and maybe you will be the top one?"

Master Huidao smiled: "Although Poor Dao is a native of the mountains and has a bad reputation, he dare not talk nonsense in the village. This is true."

Oh, this is really a happy event. The couple looked at each other and saw the joy on each other's faces.

"It's not doubting the real person, it's not doubting the real person's words." Master Yu was overjoyed, stood up and apologized repeatedly, unlike the young people who just generally believed in the real person Huidao, the older people in the nearby prefectures and counties were more awed by Tongshan Temple.

Because I know more things, I know that Tongshan Temple even monopolized the position of the Dao Ji Department in the previous dynasty, and this is a ninth-rank official.

It is said that the previous Zhangguan Zhenren also made great achievements in the founding of this dynasty, but unfortunately died of illness later.

Therefore, I am even more in awe of such a real person as Hui Dao. How can I not be happy to hear such willingness to listen from Hui Dao?

But happy to be happy, Hui Daoist came to tell the news in the middle of the night, which also made the couple feel that there might be other requests.

Master Yu said: "The real person came to tell me. I am grateful, but I don't know. Is there anything I can do to help the real person?"

This is euphemistically asking Master Huidao what he wants.

Master Hui Dao stood up with a smile, looked at the sky, and said: "I just had a sudden whim, so I took the liberty to visit. I don't have any requests. It's getting late, and there is nothing to finish. Let's talk about it later!"

Daoist Hui Dao had a gentle attitude, and it was strange to say that there was something that made people feel compelled to respect him. Master Yu didn't dare to keep him, so he leaned slightly and said, "The real person has a lot of things to do, so I don't dare to keep him. This is a little bit of filial piety from my family."

With that said, a bank note was handed to Master Huidao, who saw that it was a 50 tael bank note, just smiled, accepted it, and left.

Master Yu felt a little relieved, but he had an idea, and said, "Lü'er, send the real person away."

It was night now, the rain just now had long since disappeared, and the wind was still slightly hot, Yu Lv sent the two of them out without speaking for a while.

"Renren." Yu Lv secretly looked at Huidao Daoist, and said, "No one else knows, but I am a Juren, and I have studied etiquette in both the provincial and provincial schools."

"The imperial examination is a grand ceremony for the imperial court to use talents. Even the Duke of the State, the king of the county, and the prince, it is difficult to interfere?"

At night, I couldn't see the expression of Hui Daoist, but I heard the voice and walked with a smile: "You are right, you understand that the imperial examination is a grand ceremony for the imperial court, and it is difficult for the Duke, the county king, and the prince to intervene."

"Last time a duke of the state wanted to say hello to one of his disciples, but the emperor found out, and his salary was revoked for a year, and this disciple was deprived of his fame and reputation, and he would not be allowed to take another exam for life—this was dealt with lightly."

"Why then?"

"The number of days changes, how can we know everything, and sometimes misfortune and fortune come without warning." Hui Daoist smiled vaguely, paused, and said: "Of course, the so-called no warning is just that you can't see it clearly."

"If you look at it after the fact, you will be able to find out the reason. This is a little bit of knowing what happened three days ago, and you will be rich and honored for 100 years."

"It's a pity that we are all mortals, not only don't know, but we can't say..."

Yu Lv lowered his head and thought about these things, and he let out a breath for a long time: "If you say that, the students won't be able to ask. It's just that the real person came to inform you. It's a great favor. How can I repay you?"

If this is true, then it’s fine for me to pay it off. I originally wanted to go to Beijing to catch the exam, but Zhang Sheng, Fang Xi, and even Fang Wenshao were different.

If you miss it, there may be many variables.

The three of them have been classmates for two years, and their friendship gradually deepens, but they have to ask.

At this time, he had already reached the door, and Master Hui Dao was not pretentious, and said directly: "I don't ask for anything else, the old Taoist only hopes that if everything the old Taoist said comes true by then, I just want to be introduced for a while."

"Just introduce one or two?" Yu Lv listened, pondered for a moment, then smiled: "Naturally."

A gust of wind passed by, and Master Huidao heard it, and Jishou said goodbye, and couldn't help but silently recited it in his heart.

Master, you are in the spirit of heaven, did you hear me?I followed your instructions to bury the secret technique, but now that the secret has been greatly changed, your revenge can finally be avenged.

(End of this chapter)

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