fake prince

Chapter 862

Chapter 862


Accompanied by a maid, Ye Buhui walked through the corridor, and not far away was the newly moved garden, which is the essence of the royal mansion. The outer canal was planted with prunus bamboos, and connected to a pool. In midsummer, when the sun is scorching, as soon as you enter the garden, you will feel the cool water, which can cool off the heat, and the environment is extremely quiet.

But at this moment, there was some chaos and noise outside the garden, Ye Buhui couldn't help slowing down to look around.

I saw that the small square was crowded with people, there were hundreds of them. At a glance, almost all the servants in charge of the house had arrived. For some reason, they were called to come, and they were pressed to kneel on the stage, and three people who were tied up were kneeling. Panicked, everyone was silent.

"Princess?" A big servant girl worried that the concubine would be shocked, so she called out. This is the order of the prince. Pregnant women should not stay still. They walk along the corridor every day, but they must not fall or startle.

"It's okay." Ye Buhui smiled and continued to move forward. Not only did she see the crowd of people, she also saw Jia Nanny who was tied to the high platform.

Grandma Jia also saw Ye Buhui, and hope suddenly appeared on her originally numb face, and she shouted: "Princess save me, concubine..."

"Shut up, don't disturb the concubine!" The guard guard kicked her with a nasty voice.

"Princess, for the sake of serving you, please help me!" But this still couldn't stop Nanny Jia from crying.

Ye Buhui continued walking, seemingly turning a deaf ear to it, but actually his heart was in a mess.

She was an ordinary girl who grew up in the folk, with a soft heart. An old servant who had lived with her for more than a year wanted to murder her and her child. This incident was a huge shock, and her mournful cry , which upset her even more.

Pressing her lower abdomen, Ye Buhui pursed her lips. It was fine for her to plead for common things. She saw with her own eyes that the magic weapon was found from Nanny Jia, and Mr. Lu told him that the magic weapon was in her pocket. , It is not good for mother and child, it is to harm her and the child in her womb!

A woman is strong as a mother, no matter how miserable the screams were, she suppressed her heart and flustered, Ye Buhui didn't make a sound, just ordered "You guys wait here" and went in by himself.

"My lord, this is a document approved by King Lu, with his handwriting." As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Wen Xunpeng talking, and when the princess came in, he shut up and stepped aside.

"Buhui is here." Su Ziji saw it at a glance, got up quickly, helped Ye Buhui to the seat, let him sit down, took a few peaches, peeled them, cut them into small pieces with a clean knife, and put them on the plate , brought it to Ye Buhui.

"You try it."

"This is..." Ye Buhui looked at the fruit with some hesitation.

"This is a peach. A fertile woman eating it is good for herself and her children. It tastes good. See if you like it."

Su Ziji also used a few thin wooden sticks to stick on the flesh, and when he was talking, he poked a piece of flesh with a stick and fed it to Ye Buhui's mouth.


Ye Buhui was a little embarrassed, seeing her husband looking at him with bright eyes, holding up the fruit and waiting for him, he held back his shyness and opened his small mouth.

The pulp was fed in, and the sweet and sour taste made her almond eyes light up.

"Is it tasty?"

"Mm, delicious." After chewing a few mouthfuls slowly, Ye Buhui's gaze fell on the whole plate of cut fruit.

It's strange to say that she didn't like eating sour before, but now that she has a body, this mouthful is getting better every day. Although this peach is sweet and sour, the sour taste is actually stronger, which makes Ye Buhui eat it so much. satisfy.

Seeing that she likes it, Su Ziji smiled and said, "Although it tastes good, you can't eat too much every day, at most one plate per meal."

Seeing her squinting her eyes while poking the fruit with a small sign, Su Ziji went out and closed the door smoothly to isolate the sound from outside.

"My lord?" Ye Taoist and Wen Xunpeng were waiting outside. Wen Xunpeng didn't speak yet, but Ye Taoist seemed to disagree and called out.

"Hey, although Buhui is pregnant, she is still the mistress of the palace. She should take care of this mess from now on. I have to see that she knows some rules of the palace."

Wen Xunpeng didn't speak, but his heart was clear.

Ye Buhui was originally a commoner girl, but the rules of the palace are not only lenient, but also strict. He wanted to let her see blood, but he couldn't bear to startle her, so he had to close the door at the gate of the garden. It is well-intentioned.

But he didn't dare to say anything about his intentions, and just followed.

"My lord, everyone has been arrested, and they are all here." In the small square outside the garden, Jiang Yi saw the Dai Wang and the two gentlemen coming, and hurried forward to report.

Su Ziji glanced at the servants in charge below, and seeing that they were all blank-eyed, he told Jiang Yi: "Everything you will find out should be reported in public."


Jiang Yi, who took the order, turned around, faced the servant in charge below, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Everyone, the prince called you here this time, not for anything else, but to deal with those wolf-hearted and betrayed masters in public. Righteous stuff!"

"Mother Jia, you should all know each other. Her husband's family, like most of the people present, used to be an old man who assisted the former Crown Prince!"

"So she was one of the first to be brought back by the prince!"

"The lord is not mean to everyone. Find everyone, give us a place to stay, clothes for all seasons, food, children, and the elderly, and money every month. When we walk out of the gate of the palace, who doesn't look at us because of the lord?"

"But even so, there are still people who are dissatisfied. The words are answered, and people's hearts are not enough!"

"Grandma Jia serves in front of the princess, and the princess treats her very well. The monthly rewards are doubled, and each reward is the first one. Who doesn't envy you?"

"But she, for 1000 taels of silver and a hundred acres of land, sold out the princess, the prince, and our palace!"

"An outsider asked her to harm the princess's son, but she agreed for the sake of money and Tian!"

"Not only did he agree, but he actually ran in front of the princess with a magic weapon to kill the little master. If Bo Yan hadn't found out the truth and reported it in time, she would have succeeded!"

A few words made everyone commotion, Jiang Yi glanced at Su Ziji's jaw, and continued speaking.

"I was there at the time, and I saw with my own eyes that the banknote and the magic weapon were found on her body, and she couldn't answer a single question to her!"

"It is said that the [-] mu of land was given to her by relatives, you say, is this true? Whether it was given to her by relatives, or was given to her by outsiders to bribe her, even we all know it well!"

"But the prince is still afraid of wronging a good person and chilling the old man's heart, so he asked me to continue to investigate. The princess also said, don't implicate innocent people, so I was ordered to investigate thoroughly."

"Under the name of Nanny Jia, there is indeed an extra 1000 taels of silver, and an extra [-] acres of land!"

"Except for the bank notes found on her, the rest of the bank notes and the land deeds were taken back to her natal family and hid by her family! Now that everyone has stolen the money, I will take all the people involved in this matter with me by order of the prince. Come back, these people kneeling in front of you!"

"Wow", these words caused an uproar among the people present, who began to discuss in low voices.

(End of this chapter)

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