fake prince

Chapter 863

Chapter 863

To say that it was the Jia family that was hit the hardest. There were three members of the Jia family working as errands in the mansion. The eldest son, Jia Lerong, suddenly "boomed" and his blood rushed upwards.

Looking around, seeing the people around, as if they smelled a bad smell, they immediately took a few steps away, and the Jia family was immediately isolated.

"Idiot." Jia Lerong didn't know how to describe it. In theory, Nanny Jia was originally from the palace. Before the crown prince's accident, she was released from the palace and became Jia Wuyou's successor. As a result, the crown prince's accident happened, and Jia Wuyou was kicked out because of his small official position. die of depression

The sons and daughters fought for property, and they didn't pay attention to her stepmother. Grandma Jia made a living by washing clothes, so it can be said that she suffered a hard life because of it.

But once the acting king returns to Beijing, not only the Jia family will receive the favor of the acting king, but she will also be greatly favored.

More importantly, no one will tolerate such a thing. Even if it is done, the person who instigated it will be silenced immediately.

Jia Lerong looked at Nanny Jia who was bound and kneeling on the stage, and felt pitiful at first, but now looking at her, hatred burst out of her eyes!

How stupid is she to dare to harm the princess and the prince?

"Dare to harm the prince and the princess, such a madman, send her to the official to deal with."

"Exile for three thousand miles, cut to pieces."

The people below immediately became noisy and threw them over with a sound.

Working in the palace, whoever wants to work for a long time, who doesn't want the princess to give birth to a son safely?

The prince and the concubine have a son, and they are basically the sure heirs, the son, the future little prince!

This can be recognized by the imperial court, so that everyone can continue to eat their jobs. Not only that, but at least several generations can eat it. This old thief actually wanted to harm the fetus in the womb of the princess, he deserves to die!

At the same time, everyone's nerves were also tense. If such a big incident happened, would the prince be allowed to clean up the personnel in the mansion?

After a short turbulence, the servants in charge below gradually silenced, looked at each other, and looked at Dai Wang.

Su Ziji had been listening with his arms folded, until now he opened his mouth, and it was Jiang Yi who asked: "The Jia family has solid evidence and the crime is unforgivable, but does the Jia family know?"

After hearing this, the three of Jia Lerong immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "This person has always been at odds with us, the villain really doesn't know, the villain really doesn't know!"

Su Ziji stared at him, then at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi's eyes flashed, but he told the truth.

"My lord, the Jia family really doesn't know about it. Nanny Jia only wants to give the money to her natal family. Only her natal family knows about what she has done, but they don't know much."

As long as the Jia family didn't know, Su Ziji nodded.

Why can Nanny Jia enter the Dai Palace?Isn't it because he married into Jia's family as his second wife?Jia Wuyou was dead, and the children of the Jia family, together with the widow, Nanny Jia, had benefited after rising to power on behalf of the king. Now it seemed that they were not all white-eyed wolf, and Su Ziji didn't have to attack the Jia family.

He asked, "Jia Wuyou has three sons, and they are all working in the mansion?"

"Yes, Jia Lerong, the eldest son of Jia Wuyou, is the second-class manager in the mansion, and the second and third son is the first-class mansion soldier." Jiang Yi had made a clear investigation a long time ago, so naturally he answered immediately.

Su Ziji pondered for a long time, the whole scene was silent, and the Jia family kneeling on the ground was dripping with cold sweat.

"Jia Lerong was demoted to one level, and the two men who were government soldiers were demoted to second-class government soldiers."

The stewards in the palace, apart from the chief and deputy housekeepers, have a total of third-class stewards, and the youngest third-class stewards usually only manage one or two people, or even a bare-bones one, and manage a small warehouse, while the first and second ranks are for the housekeeper, and they are relatively rich.

A word from Dai Wang made Jia Lerong fall from the second class to the third class. When Jia Lerong heard this, the muscles on his face twitched.

As for the two younger brothers, they had worked well as first-class soldiers, but due to Madam Jia's incident, they were downgraded to second-class. They were treated similarly to the new guards, and they all lost face.

But to say that they did not breathe a sigh of relief, that would be a lie, not only them, but everyone who heard about Dai Wang's handling also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the three members of the Jia family were innocent, the punishment involved in the murder of royal blood was already lenient.

At that moment, Jia Lerong led the two younger brothers and kowtowed together: "The villain thank you for your kindness."

Looking at Bo Yan, he didn't say a word, thinking to himself: "At first, I thought that Dai Wang would be furious, but I didn't expect to be so magnanimous, isn't it a bit soft-hearted?"

Just thinking this way, he heard someone speak again, and looked towards the sound, it was Mr. Lu who was beside Dai Wang.

Ye Daoist grinned, let the three members of the Jia family step aside first, then looked at the three still kneeling on the stage: "Jia's crime is unforgivable, needless to say."

"Lu Da, and you, Boss Zhang of Liu's shop, you are involved in the murder of the prince, no one can save you, come and ask them to go."

"Yes!" With a bang, the government soldiers immediately stepped forward, dragged the three people on the stage and left.

Not far from the platform, there are a few trees, all of which are big trees with tall and straight trunks, many branches, and lush greenery. The branches fell down, tugged and tied again, and the three hanging covers were tied, and everything was understood immediately.

With a sound of "buzz", the men present were still able to hold on, at most the newcomers changed color, and the old people from the previous palace even showed joy.

"Just now I was too lenient to the Jia family, now I'm a little tricky."

But a large group of maids and women were all so frightened that their faces turned pale, and the gossip that had been watching the excitement disappeared without a trace.

"Please!" Seeing that the three of them were trying their best to refuse to move forward, the courteous soldiers immediately dragged them forward.

Grandma Jia was gagged, she couldn't make a sound, and her expression was so frightened that she lost her shape.

"No, please forgive me, I only want ten taels of silver." Lu Da was so frightened that his face turned pale, crying for mercy, desperately trying to back off.

Although Boss Zhang of Liu's shop was also trembling with fright, he still tried to shout: "You can't do this, even if I'm guilty, I will be punished by the "Da Zheng Law", you can't use lynching!"

Ye Daoist laughed: "Hey, do you still understand the "Da Zheng Law"? They are indeed not ordinary people. Come here and send them on their way!"

With an order, the heads were stuffed into the cover, and the three of them were kicked over by the government soldiers.

All of a sudden, the three of them struggled and kicked desperately with their six legs, uttering "hehe" from their mouths, and tried their best to scratch the rope around their necks, but they couldn't grasp it at all, and couldn't scratch it. Little by little, the struggle became smaller and smaller...

This "lynching" was not over until a stench of stench came out from under the corpse and spread in the wind, and the corpse was even more blown by the wind. On the field, the man's face turned pale, and the woman fainted from fright. several.

Ye Daoist didn't notice any difference, and looked back.


"Why do I always feel that the king's luck has increased a lot?"

"Could it be that these people are dealt with and the rules are cleared? Not so!"

(End of this chapter)

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