fake prince

Chapter 864 Reputation Matters

Chapter 864 Reputation Matters

Ye Daoist looked at the crowd and saw the dead body floating in the wind, and all the faces of the people present were pale.

Although most of these people were not seeing the dead for the first time, the dead were different from the dead. This time, the dead were former colleagues, who were hanged for betraying the Lord. This was obviously killing them.

But can the prince be blamed for this?

Everyone knows the prince's treatment well. In fact, it's not that the monthly rate of the acting king is high, it's [-]-[-]% higher.

The two kings of Qi and Shu have been kings for a long time, and many people have been carried out from the mansion. I thought that the acting king was magnanimous, but now I still say the same thing, people, cherish blessings.

"Jiang Yi." Dai Wang looked away from the corpse and landed on Jiang Yi again.

Jiang Yi hurriedly lowered his head: "Yes."

"This time, you have done a good job. The position of deputy housekeeper is still vacant. You are allowed to fill it up. I will reward you with 100 taels of silver. You can go to the cashier to withdraw it."

Jiang Yi was overjoyed. Being able to climb to a higher position in the mansion not only meant that he could do more things, but also represented the trust of the king.

Seeing Jiang Yi's happy expression, Su Ziji looked at Bo Yan again: "Bo Yan."

"My lord!" The young man stepped out of the team and saluted Su Ziji.

"You have made great contributions to the investigation of Nanny Jia. Although you have been rewarded, it is not enough compared to the achievements you have made. In this way, you, like Jiang Yi, can go to the cashier to withdraw 100 taels of silver. I will give you a silver reward. Also, Bo Yan, this king has been promoted to the deputy commander of your third government army...From now on, I hope you will do well."

Dazheng followed the system of the former Wei Dynasty. The nobles allowed a small number of soldiers, and the prince had three teams with 150 people. According to the rules of Dazheng, Wu Shi’s chief is not yet an official, but the chief and deputy captain is already an official.

Even though he is a soldier of the palace, he is still in the ranks, and he can get an official position, but Bo Yan has mixed feelings when he hears about the generous reward from the ninth rank.

Many people always think that this official is small, but it is completely different with or without official status.

There are so many tycoons in the rivers and lakes, but they can't get it from the ninth rank.

"I didn't expect that I would be valued by the Dai Wang instead of my ambition here." Bo Yan even couldn't help thinking, if he didn't agree to the errand early on, would he be a loyal minister if he followed the Dai Wang now?

While thinking about it, Bo Yan looked at Zheng Huai and Pang Si from the corner of his eye, they had already knelt down on one knee, changed their address inadvertently, and said: "Yes, I will do my duty faithfully and never let down the trust of my lord!"

"Then, let's break up!" Su Ziji also glanced at Zheng Huai and Pang Si, from half a piece of red sandalwood, he could tell that Bo Yan was just a charlatan, and had not yet joined other palaces, while Zheng Huai and Pang Si, But they are from Qishu.

"With the hanging carrots, not only the house is shocked, but also positive."

"Zheng Huai and Pang Si will definitely go on a mission in the future, and they will definitely work harder, so that they can drain the oil."

Su Ziji thought about it, then turned around.

"Congratulations, Captain Bo, you've been promoted, don't forget about your errands." After Dai Wang left, Mr. Lu came over and reminded him in a low voice. .

After the nobleman left, the crowd surrounded him and continued to congratulate him.

"Congratulations to Duizheng Bo, now you are valued by the lord, and you will surely have a prosperous career in the future, with a bright future!" Zheng Huai was the first to come up, with a half-smile.

"Bo Duzheng, I got money and got promoted today, I'm going to have the cheek to ask you for a drink!" Pang Si laughed out loud, a little wet.

Bo Yan suddenly had a headache. Although he didn't reveal his identity, the two of them seemed to smell something. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but grimace, and then smiled.

"Congratulations to Team Bo for being..."

"Steward Jiang, congratulations, treat me soon!"

Today, the two people who were rewarded and promoted became the focus of the crowd.

On the way back, people kept saying congratulations to the two of them. Bo Yan was full of worries and had to pretend to be happy, so he had to force himself to laugh till the end.

At the same time, there are people who dare not cry, and that is the three brothers of the Jia family.

Jia Wuyou's three sons, together with the eldest son's wife and children, now live in a remote small courtyard. There are still two families living in the courtyard. The three families have close contacts on weekdays, but on the way back today, the two families only spoke a few dry words to them. If they don't, they will look at each other without saying a word, and go back to their homes.

After all, when the old lady died in Jia's family, according to the normal procedures, it should be mourned, but who made this mother Jia be given death for betraying the Lord?

As neighbors, it’s not consolation, it’s not consolation, it doesn’t seem right to say anything, isn’t it just to avoid embarrassment?

The three brothers sat in the room, the doors and windows were closed, the light was very dark, and they didn't speak for a while. The sound of congratulations came from the half-open window in the distance, which made them feel even more aggrieved.

Others have been rewarded and promoted, what about them?

The boss, the steward, is afraid that he will never be able to climb up again. It is obvious that he will be promoted to the first-class steward, and he still has hope of climbing to the position of deputy housekeeper. Now it is all confused.

The second- and third-rank soldiers were all reduced to the second class. Although the monthly income was still quite a lot, enough for the two bachelors to eat and drink every day, how could the second-class soldiers compare with the first-class soldiers?

Regardless of the fact that there is only a first-class difference, in the future, whenever there is a promotion, they must be selected from the first-class soldiers, and there will be no second-class soldiers!

Furthermore, after what happened today, the blessing left by their deceased father may be exhausted this time.

The boss, Jia Lerong, remained silent with a sullen face. After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "There is a saying that it is safe to bury her in the ground. Now that the matter has come to an end, let's think about how we can bury our mother."

Jia Laosan had a bad temper and immediately jumped up: "Why? This woman has always been restless. She used to gossip about washing clothes for others. That's all. Small families don't pay too much attention."

"Now you are still trying to harm the princess in private, which palace will have this incident, and the whole family will not be affected? If the prince is not kind, because of the love that father served the prince back then, our family will be finished."

"We haven't investigated her for framing us, but we want to collect her body. Why, it's not our mother, but an adopted one."

Jia Laoer squinted his eyes and said, "Brother, she only gave the money to her natal family. We didn't get a cent, and we were wronged. If you want to collect the body, it will be her natal family."

"shut up!"

Seeing the two people talking more and more shamelessly, Jia Lerong frowned and looked at: "What do you know? She has been with Dad for many years, even if you don't look at her, you should look at Dad's face and restrain her for her!"

This is also true. Before Jia Wuyou died, his stepmother married his father as his stepmother. They were young at that time. Although the stepmother didn't treat them very well, she didn't let them starve to death, and even spent many years of hard life with their father. Based on this, no matter how resentful her stepmother was for cheating her family, she couldn't really let her die without a place to bury her.

"The most important thing is that our Jia family has been implicated by her in the final analysis, and there is still room for redemption. She is our stepmother in terms of status. She can be unkind, but if we don't collect the corpse, what will outsiders think?"

"We have to restrain the corpse, let the prince and others complain about virtue, so that we can turn around!"

This is absolutely correct, reputation is a very important thing, if you lose it, you can't get it back.

(End of this chapter)

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