fake prince

Chapter 865 You are provoking me

Chapter 865 You are provoking me

After Jia Lerong finished speaking, the three men fell silent, and Jia Lerong's wife, who was sitting in the distance coaxing the child, did not speak.

After a while, she suddenly heard the sound of a chair, and when she looked up, she saw her man and two younger uncles going out.

This is to collect the body for the mother-in-law. The woman softly coaxed the child, a burst of inexplicable grievance and sadness welled up, she wiped the corners of her eyes and sighed.

The three brothers of the Jia family didn't make a sound when they went out, and went to the small square in silence. When they met people on the road, seeing their expressions and appearances, those who wanted to say hello were choked up, and they just let them open the way and watched them pass.

When they arrived, the three corpses were still floating in the wind, and the closer they got, the stronger the sense of fear.

After all, the person who was hanged alive was really unattractive in appearance. The three of them endured the smell and felt awkward, and worked together to untie the hard and heavy body after death.

"Brother, look, let's go find someone to buy a thin coffin!" The third child was soft-spoken, and when he saw Mother Jia's death, he opened his mouth first.

"Just go to the Zhang family's coffin shop. Since you have collected the corpses, you can do it beautifully. It doesn't matter if you have a heavy burial. It's too hypocritical, and no one will believe it. Buy a middle-to-high-end coffin."

Jia Lerong was educated back then, and he was clear about his affairs. Both younger brothers obeyed him, so they responded immediately. They are soldiers in the government. They have been eating meat and exercising every day for half a year. They are very strong. After saying hello, they didn't need a buddy to deliver the goods to the door. The two of them carried a coffin that was not too heavy into the small square.

At this time, Jia Lerong's wife also came, and she felt that it would be bad for her to bring her home and change her clothes, so she temporarily set up a reed mat and changed her clothes inside.

This set took a lot of time, and there was no one to help. The corpses were loaded, and it was night before they saw it.

"Why is it raining again?" Everyone was so tired, their stomachs growled, and seeing that the rain was not heavy, and it was falling, they carried them home.

Originally it was very lively, but what happened today, there was no one in sight. After walking for a while, Jia Lerong wiped off his sweat, and saw a person leaning against a pavilion not far away. Looking carefully, this is not a new Sheng's deputy housekeeper, Jiang Yi?

Jiang Yi seemed to be looking towards this, with a posture of watching the excitement, which made Jia Lerong angry.

The two usually don't have any conflicts, but in this situation, just relying on the pavilion to watch the excitement, it's really unethical and too insane!

Holding down the third child with the most violent temper, Jia Le tolerated his anger and went up to say hello. After all, now that the Jia family is in the limelight, it is not appropriate to make enemies.

"I met Steward Jiang."

"Butler Jiang?"

Jiang Yi didn't move and didn't make a sound. Looking at it like this, if you look carefully, you can even find that the other party hasn't even blinked an eyelid... Wait!

The eyes are not moving?

Jia Lerong sniffed it, and there was a fishy smell, like...the smell of blood.

"Jiang Steward?" Jia Lerong trembled, took a step forward, and pushed gently.


Jiang Yi, who was standing there leaning against the pavilion, fell obliquely and landed on the ground, leaving a lot of water. There was a mass of scattered blood on his back. Someone was stabbing Jiang Yi with a murder weapon. In the back of my heart, is this a one-shot death?

With a pale face, Jia Lerong put his fingers under Jiang Yi's nose with trembling hands, he was already out of breath!

Jiang Yi's eyes were wide open. Just now, he didn't know he was dead, and he thought it was a high-level look. Now he knew he was dead, and when he looked at it again, he felt that it was clearly a death that would not rest in peace!

"Big brother!"

"This... is this dead again?"

Jia Lao Er and Jia Lao San were stunned and trembling. Jia Lerong's wife's legs were even weaker and she fell to the ground. She reacted quickly and immediately covered her mouth tightly, not to cause trouble to her husband.

"Look at the scene, I'll report to the lord immediately!" Jia Lerong's face turned pale, but he was greatly changed. Although he was not flustered, he had already strode out of the pavilion and ordered: "Look closely, no one is allowed to touch, I'm going to report to the prince."

As he said that, he immediately hurried towards the inner courtyard.

There were a group of people in the inner courtyard, talking in low voices. When these maids heard the footsteps and looked up to see Jia Lerong, they had a somewhat contemptuous attitude, and those who greeted casually were considered polite.

Some people didn't pay attention at all, thinking that the old lady of Jia Lerong's family almost harmed the princess, and it was a little awkward to see the Jia family.

Jia Lerong was preoccupied at this time, and had no time to pay attention to these changes in attitude. He hurried in, and suddenly his vision blurred, a fox came out of the house and ran towards the outside. There is a pocket under the fox's neck, and the corner of a piece of paper is exposed in the pocket.

"Wait! The prince is inside, don't you want to break in like this!" A woman stopped Jia Lerong at this moment, and reprimanded unhappily.

Jia Lerong was anxious, so she pushed the woman away, and shouted inside: "My lord, something happened, Jiang Yijiang's assistant housekeeper died!"

In the room, Su Ziji was talking to the wild Taoist at this time, and the wild Taoist asked: "Did the letter just now be written lightly?"

Su Ziji took two steps and said: "Mr. Lu, it is just right to make people believe. If the writing is heavy, it will make people suspicious. King Lu's temperament, even if he is wronged, will not be too revealing."

"You've worked harder recently, so keep an eye on it."

"I understand." Ye Daoist responded, and at this moment, he heard noises outside.

"My lord, something has happened! Deputy housekeeper Jiang Yijiang is dead!" Then someone shouted outside.

Su Ziji just frowned, got up and went out in a hurry.

"What did you say? Jiang Yi is dead?"

"Yes, the villain went to Zhang's coffin shop to buy a coffin to contain the corpse. She was unjust to my family, and I can't be sorry for her name."

"When I didn't want to come back, I encountered this."

Seeing the king, Jia Lerong immediately knelt down and told everything about what happened to him just now.

"Go and have a look." Su Ziji's face sank like water, and he walked towards the small square.

When they arrived, they saw a group of people surrounded. Some people were shocked. Jia Laoer and Jia Laosan yelled loudly to ask people to stand back and not to destroy the scene.

"Oh my god! Who did it? It turned out to be a one-shot death? Who killed Deputy Butler Jiang? You really didn't see the murderer?"

"Can you actually kill people in the palace? Could it be that there are assassins lurking in the palace?"

"I think it might be seeking revenge... Otherwise, why did you only kill Deputy Butler Jiang?"

Everyone talked a lot, until they heard "The prince is here—" and they hurriedly made way for the king.

Dai Wang obviously came in a hurry. As soon as he walked in front of the crowd, he looked at Jiang Yi who had fallen to the ground and died.

"To actually openly assassinate this king's newly promoted deputy housekeeper is simply audacious and a provocation to this king!" Dai Wang was furious.

"Bo Yan!"


This young man who had just been promoted came out from the crowd.

"Go and find out who the murderer is!"

Bo Yan was still a little uncomfortable, so he hesitated and replied: "Yes, I obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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