fake prince

Chapter 866

Chapter 866

Imperial City Division Chong Qing Lou

This is the middle section of West Street, even if it is raining, because it is summer, pedestrians come and go, the shops are crowded with customers, and people's voices are noisy.

Chong Qing Lou is not a brothel, but a shop that sells expensive porcelain, so there are not many customers. On the third floor, the room is not big, and the windows are wide open. People passing by outside can see clearly.

A light came in and fell on the man sitting in the main seat. Accompanied by colorful lights and shadows, the curtains moved with the wind, and the man's white and beardless face was gloomy, and he didn't seem to be smiling in front of outsiders at all.

He was like a statue of a god, sitting upright and listening to the report of the man in Tsing Yi in front of him.

"...Captain, that's how it happened. The three of them were hanged on the spot. This is something that all the servants in charge of the acting palace have witnessed." The man in Tsing Yi said.

"They're all dead." Hearing that Nanny Jia, Lu Da, and the owner of Liu's shop were all hanged to death, Eunuch Zhao still had no expression on his face, so he just said this lightly.

It is a pity that this person who betrayed the master died, but it was a pity to replace the king. When the person died, the clues would be cut off.

But thinking about it again, if these three people are not executed, Dai Wang may not be able to catch the real behind-the-scenes handle. The three people who can be used for this kind of thing are just cannon fodder that others use and throw away.

As stupid as that Grandma Jia, I'm afraid she won't know at all. Even if she succeeds in killing the concubine, if she didn't show any flaws at the time, she is still ordered to take money and fields. If she has no luck to enjoy it, she will surely silence her after a while.

Besides, I'm afraid it may not be a good result if we continue to study on behalf of the king.

"In addition, the Dai Wang also promoted Jiang Yi and Bo Yan. Jiang Yi was promoted to be the Deputy Steward of the Dai Wang's Mansion, and Bo Yan was promoted to the Deputy Commander of the Third Mansion's Army. They each received 100 taels of silver. When the villain came, the Dai Wang Mansion had sent I went to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to report to the two of them."

"That's all for Jiang Yi, and Bo Yan has also been promoted?"

When Eunuch Zhao heard this, he had a strange expression on his face and was speechless.

The man in Tsing Yi raised his eyes for a glance, then hurriedly lowered his eyes: "Yes, Bo Yan made a contribution in the investigation of Nanny Jia, so he was promoted to the deputy team leader. The villain thinks it's not surprising."

He continued: "However, this Bo Yan seems to have accepted the order from King Qi..."

He was promoted at this time, hey, where can we talk about this kind of thing?

"The acting king is also helpless. This is because the foundation is still shallow and there is no one available." Eunuch Zhao got up and took two steps, looking thoughtful: "Otherwise, we can't just insert people in, and Jiang Yi can't be so easy. promise to respond."

Even if there is a so-called "righteousness", other palaces are not so easy to "respond".

Just as Eunuch Zhao was speaking, someone rushed up the stairs suddenly, and he immediately stopped vigilantly. Sure enough, in a blink of an eye, someone outside reported: "Report...to the governor, Jiang Yi is dead!"

"What?" Eunuch Zhao stood up immediately, and the face that was still full of emotion was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

"Jiang Yi died? How did he die? Who killed him?"

Someone actually killed a member of the Huangcheng Division, it was damned, no wonder the eunuch Zhao was furious, this was really a slap in the face of the Huangcheng Division.

The young man who came in was dressed in gray clothes, looked very inconspicuous, knelt down on the ground, and quickly reported: "Captain, I don't know who killed Jiang Yi, it seems that he was assassinated, and he was killed with a knife. Outraged, I have ordered to investigate the murderer."

Eunuch Zhao couldn't help but walked around the house twice, wandering around, his anger was slowly suppressed, and he couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression again.

Ordinarily, Jiang Yi was interviewed by the Secretary of the Imperial City, and he was the person who was inserted into the Dai Wang's mansion. The most likely person to attack Jiang Yi should be the Dai Wang.

But the Imperial City Division sent Jiang Yi to lurk, but he didn't let him do too much. Even if Jia Nanny was caught and bit Jiang Yi, how long had it been?

Not to mention whether Dai Wang would attack Jiang Yi if he found out that he was secretly colluding with the Imperial City Secretary.

No matter how you look at it, Jiang Yi's death seems to be a provocation against the Dai Wang. Because Jiang Yi was promoted in public, if someone wanted to provoke the Dai Wang, they would kill the "hero" who had just been rewarded by the Dai Wang on the same day. The face of the king can also make the servants in charge of Dai Wang's mansion panic.

The person who did this at this point in time, could it be...

"Order, let the people lurking in Lu Wang's mansion go and investigate Lu Wang's movements immediately!" Eunuch Zhao was silent for a moment, and then ordered.

"Yes!" The man in gray immediately responded.

"Also, send people to guard Lu Wang's mansion, don't let people go out easily."

"Yes!" Another man in Tsing Yi also took the order to retreat.

Prince Lu's Mansion

Cicada's cries are endless, which is usually disturbing, but in this situation, it is even more disturbing to the hearts of the trapped people in the mansion.

A steward Fang went out from the inside, and stopped when he was a dozen steps away from the door.

The concierge has long been taken over by armored soldiers. Standing there, you can see the concierge and the guards along the wall with three steps, one post, five steps and one post, all of them holding long knives, not looking at each other, full of fear.

Although a soldier like this in the past would not be despised by an ordinary steward of the Lu Palace, at least he would not be looked down upon.

The seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, and the same is true in front of the prince's mansion.

But now, this ordinary armored soldier was enough to scare Fang Guanshi to a halt.

King Lu has now been dismissed as a prince and has become a commoner, and even the servants in charge of the palace, who used to show off their might, are like bereaved dogs, in constant fear.

"Hey!" Sighing deeply, the steward turned around and walked back.

Although the gate is right in front of you, there are armored soldiers guarding it, and you don't have tasks like shopping for vegetables. Let alone go out, even if you get closer and take a look outside, you will be scolded.

He has become the steward of Prince Lu's mansion, and he has always been praised by others when he goes out. He has never been so angry with outsiders!

It's just a few armored soldiers, but it makes him so afraid!

"Hey!" He sighed again, only to find out that the sound was not made by himself. The steward looked up and saw his old rival Qian Guanshi, who was also sighing.

The previous hostility disappeared at this moment, and they were both anxious and uneasy. The two looked at each other, and they came together, dejected, and walked side by side.

"Tell me, do they plan to keep guarding like this, and circle the people in the mansion to death?" Steward Qian shuddered when he said this.

To deal with the prince, apart from bestowing death, the biggest thing is confinement.

Once the palace is closed, the palace will become a living coffin until you die.

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't talk nonsense!" Although Fang Guanshi was also full of frustration, he still raised his eyelids when he heard this, and glared: "The prince is the emperor's own son! My dear, this time I just suffered an indiscriminate disaster. After a while, the throne can be restored, and the palace can also be restored!"

Guanshi Qian also felt that what he said was ominous, so he nodded: "What you said is, what kind of nobleman is the prince, he will surely come to the palace, and the palace will be fine by then..."

That's what he said, but the two people who said this were frustrated. Obviously, these words were just to comfort themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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