fake prince

Chapter 867 To Contact Gray Crane

Chapter 867 To Contact Gray Crane

King Lu was the first among all the kings to be deposed from the throne and be reduced to a commoner. Even King Qi was arrogant and domineering, and he was only reprimanded and never demoted his title?

Then think about the unspeakable His Royal Highness the Crown Prince more than ten years ago... Hey, who knows whether waiting for them is the guillotine that is about to fall, or the new Jinxiu Taiping?

Even the stewards in the mansion thought so, and the servants and maidservants were all downcast. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't escape at all, most of them would have dispersed immediately.

Gui Junxi was walking in the corridor, and at the same time seeing this scene, he also saw something that ordinary people could not see with naked eyes.

"It's more than half gone." He stopped and looked at the sky above the palace, but seeing Ben's flood shadow gathered on the mansion, most of it had already dispersed, suddenly a wave of restlessness surged up, and he couldn't help coughing.


Intermittent coughing violently, as if seeing something, a white shadow flashed, and when I looked again, it was gone.

"Could it be a cat?" Two or three female family members in the mansion like to keep cats. He has also heard about this. It is not surprising that there are cats running through the mansion.

Gui Junxi didn't pay attention to this little episode, and walked forward slowly, and saw a person standing in a moon gate passing by, it was one of the prince's small storerooms, and there were some ordinary antique calligraphy and paintings, he When looking over, the person was putting something in his arms.

"Isn't this person Zhao Zhu?"

This is the prince's personal servant, and he is also doing such a small trick, looking sneaky, could it be that he is stealing something?

"At the end of the day, even the lord's personal servant is upset."

Whether it is the palace or the palace, it is not uncommon to steal and sell things in the face of difficulties. People are mostly self-interested, and they dare not dare before.

Now it's a stop loss, so it's natural to steal something.

At the end of the former Guozuo General, a major case occurred, not only stealing porcelain vases, calligraphy and paintings, which were buried in cinder trucks and transported abroad, but even the gold books of noble concubines, which made the emperor furious and killed more than [-] people.

Gui Junxi saw it, but he pretended he didn't see it. Now that he can't care about the big things, why bother with the small things?

If people's hearts are scattered, no matter how you manage it, it won't help.

Walking slowly to King Lu's hospital, seeing government soldiers guarding the door, he asked, "Is Your Majesty here?"

"Yes, inside." Although King Lu was deprived of his title, people in the mansion still used to call him "Prince" and "Great King".

Hearing that King Lu was inside, Gui Junxi pushed the door open and entered. After walking a few steps, he couldn't help covering his mouth and coughing again.

King Lu looked haggard, but there was still light in his eyes, which showed that hope had not been lost. Seeing that Gui Junxi was coughing, he asked with concern, "Mr. has a cold, why is he coughing so badly? Sit down quickly." !"

After being invited to sit down, Gui Junxi sat down slowly and said, "I'm fine."

"I am no longer King Lu, and you don't have to be a minister anymore, sir." King Lu smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, it's not the time to be discouraged. The emperor's decree to cut the nobles may not turn things around."

As Gui Junxi said, he touched his sleeves and found something hidden inside: "Furthermore, although King Lu's mansion was besieged, His Majesty has not completely cut off the news from the outside world..."

"You can still go in and out to buy vegetables and goods. Even the prince's soldiers have not disarmed. This already shows the heart of the Holy One."

This is true, King Lu nodded. Although the ordinary servants in charge of the mansion cannot go out, the full-time people who buy and sell daily necessities can still go in and out, and the control is not too strict.

King Lu's influence is not limited to these people in the mansion. He has been rooted in the capital and outside the capital for several years because of his insignificant development. With this convenience, it is not difficult to pass on news or investigate a matter.

While talking, an unremarkable young man came from afar, and when he arrived, he knelt on the ground and handed a note to King Lu without saying a word.

"Grandma Jia, Lu Da, and the owner of Liu's shop are all hanged?"

King Lu opened his eyes and saw that the news came suddenly and was a little horrifying. Thinking of Dai Wang's ruthless methods, his face turned pale.

If Wang Jue was there, he would not be afraid even if he was found by Dai Wang, but now he feels a little guilty.

"Dai Wang found out so quickly? He really is a deep-minded person!" It didn't hurt, and Lu Wang became a little more jealous of Dai Wang's nephew.

Gui Junxi didn't answer King Lu's words, and the room fell silent.

Sitting there, King Lu's face was cloudy, and he suddenly asked Gui Junxi: "Sir, tell me, is it the fault of the acting king that this king has fallen into such a situation?"

Gui Junxi's heart moved, and he thought it was possible for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head again: "Although the acting king may have this reason to play tricks, but think about it, Zhou Liang is an old man in the palace, and he has been with you for a long time. , This time I went to Shuntian Mansion to inform, no matter whether I succeeded or not, it was a dead end, how long did it take for the acting king to come to the capital? How can I bribe such an old man in the palace?"

To make Zhou Liang risk his life to do this, either Zhou Liang was caught by someone more terrifying than death, or Zhou Liang was someone else's from the beginning.

Judging from the current situation, the latter is more likely.

King Lu pondered for a moment, and had to admit that what Gui Junxi said was reasonable.

"Sir said yes."

He also felt that Zhou Liang might not belong to him from the very beginning, but someone else inserted him into his house. Only in this way can he explain Zhou Liang's practice of dragging himself down with him rather than dying.

Unless it is for others to be loyal and willing to die, otherwise, it is really impossible to explain the logic of Zhou Liang going to Shuntian Mansion to inform.

Even if Dai Wang knew that he wanted to kill Dai Wangfei, so what?

But if you don't have the ability to plan in advance, and you don't have the ability to predict the future, if you take a step back, even if you have the ability to predict the future, how much can you do?

In the final analysis, in terms of foundation, acting as a king is still too shallow. No matter how scheming the city government is, no one can use it.

It wasn't the act of acting on behalf of the king, but who did it?

King Shu, King Qi?

Both of these two are suspected. King Lu hated the black hands behind the scenes who cheated him. As long as he thought about it, he was now cut off from his title. King Qi was watching his own jokes, maybe the two of them had a hand in this matter, and their teeth chattered with hatred.

"Come here!" Following King Lu's voice, the guards at the gate immediately came in and knelt down.

"Change into clothes, take this token to contact Gray Crane, let them investigate King Shu and King Qi."

Gray Crane, this is not the name of a single person, but the name of a team lurking in the capital. It can be regarded as one of the most useful combinations of King Lu, a killer in the dark.

The mansion soldiers guarding the door were relatively trusted by the King of Lu, and they knew more than his personal servants. He was in charge of the connection about the gray crane, and it was the right person for him to contact.

As for the siege of Prince Lu's mansion, it's not that everyone can't leave. It's not difficult for the mansion soldiers to take advantage of dinner to transport the team out.

Gui Junxi listened, feeling a little inappropriate, opened his mouth to persuade, looked at King Lu's face, and stopped again.

This silence is tantamount to acquiescing.

(End of this chapter)

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