fake prince

Chapter 869

Chapter 869

The palace is now under control, and the food has dropped a few levels. When they heard that there was wine and meat, they immediately responded.

Anyway, they are all servants of the palace, so they are not afraid of harming themselves. Besides, Brother Ji also has some face, making friends is not a bad thing.

"Okay, Second Brother Ji said so, wouldn't it be unreasonable if I don't go?" Zhao Zhu smiled, but when Zhao Zhu followed to the room and looked at the table of wine and food, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Ouch, sweet and sour pork ribs? Stir-fried diced rabbit? The food is not bad, how did you get it?"

This dish was not a big deal before, but when the palace was closed, it was not easy.

"Although the gate of the mansion is closed, access is a bit strict, but you can always get it if you have a relationship." Ji Erge smiled: "This capital, that military camp and yamen, are there no relatives?"

"Even so, you probably spent a lot of money." Zhao Zhu said.

Second brother Ji asked him to sit down, filled him with wine, and said: "Otherwise, what can we do? The prince can't get out, we are just servants, the master is precious, and the chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven. Now, can we not be taken away for money? It’s not bad if you don’t help.”

At least you can still get food and drink after spending money. If you can't spend all the money, that would be the most terrifying.

After Zhao Zhu heard this, he felt that this was the reason. He sighed, and as soon as he raised his hand, he drank the small cup in one gulp.

Second brother Ji hurriedly filled him up again, Zhao Zhu slammed his mouth on the bar, but did not continue to drink, but picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of ribs, put it in his mouth, and ate slowly.

"This taste, um, not bad!"

I picked up other dishes and tasted them slowly.

Seeing that Zhao Zhu prefers food to drinking, Second Brother Ji, who was sitting across from him, couldn't help but shake his chopsticks, filled himself a cup, and raised it to Zhao Zhu: "The last time our brothers drank, I'm afraid it was a month ago. Already? It’s rare to get together again, come, touch one?”

Zhao Zhu smiled and toasted, and drank it down in one gulp.

But he already had a good capacity for alcohol, and after drinking some, he refused to drink no matter how much he persuaded him. He ate a lot of food, so naturally he was not drunk.

He is so tight-lipped, even if Second Brother Ji is a little anxious, he doesn't know how to say it.


There was a cat meowing outside the window, and Second Brother Ji was thinking about filling Zhao Zhu with wine, but he didn't pay any attention to it.

Zhao Zhu, when he heard a meow, his head "buzzed", shook his head, and thought to himself: "I've only had a few drinks, why am I a little drunk?"

Thinking like this in my mind, but my hands seemed out of control, I actually filled myself a glass, and sipped it in with a sip.

"Good wine!" He praised, and filled himself another glass and downed it.

Brother Ji, who was a little anxious just now, now sees his drinking method, his eyes are a little straight.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhu only drank two cups like this, and then started to eat again, returning to his previous attitude.

Brother Ji also pretended to accompany him to drink, but in fact most of the time he just took a sip and put it down. Most of the good peach blossom wine on the jar went into Zhao Zhu's stomach. He became drunk and talked more and more.

"Let me tell you, I'm bragging if I'm not a brother...My lord, I've always been the most important person...No one else can compare to me!"

"Yes, yes, brother Zhao, you are the prince's favorite, and you are highly valued. You may be able to be a housekeeper in the future!"

"Hey, the butler is a ball! Me, I have always wanted to be an official! To be an official, to be a rich official, to be a high official! This... this is a matter of honoring the ancestors, right?"

"Yes, yes, if you can become an official, you will indeed honor your ancestors. If the prince is willing to give it, maybe you can release a county magistrate!"

"What are counties and magistrates? Small, small seven-rank sesame officials! I... If I want to be a high official, I will be a high official! A high official!"

The more he said this, the less hesitant it became. Brother Ji took a closer look and found that Zhao Zhu's eyes were blurred and he was a little drunk.

Brother Ji knew that this was a good opportunity, so he said: "Yes, it would be great if we could do that, but our prince is in trouble now, and we don't know what will happen in the future... Hey, let's not talk about this ,drink wine!"

After speaking, he filled another glass of wine, and Zhao Zhu picked it up and poured it into his mouth.

After putting it down, he was coaxed to drink a few more glasses. At this time, he became drunk and spoke more boldly.

Not only is he bold, but he is also very high-spirited, and there are some complaints in his mouth.

Second brother Ji didn't want to listen to his words, he sighed: "Hey, tell me, our prince is so considerate and kind to others, why is it now that he is a scapegoat and the whole capital is talked about?"

"Men, especially the prince, being talked about...who can bear such a thing?"

"But the lord not only had to endure it, but was actually decreed by the emperor to cut down the prince. It's miserable, it's too miserable!"

"Now that things are going on, you still want to be an official, a high official, don't even think about that, the prince has come to this end, even we can't fall!"

These words really caused Zhao Zhu to sigh again and again: "Yes, yes, you don't know, the prince became very angry after receiving the order, and even kicked over the desk, asking Mr. Gui to write a curse to curse him to death..."

Having said that, Zhao Zhu shuddered instantly, his dizzy head immediately woke up, realized what he had said, and hurriedly stopped.

How could he suddenly say such a thing?

Looking at Second Brother Ji in front of him, he also seemed to be drunk, sitting and giggling, Zhao Zhu's beating heart calmed down a little bit, but he didn't dare to drink any more wine.

And what I said suddenly just now is strange to hear, who knows what nonsense I will say if I continue to stay?

"I... I still have something to do, so I'll go first!"

Hastily got up, pushed away the chair, Zhao Zhu fled in a hurry, was blown by the outside wind, and cursed inwardly: "Drinking crazy, what nonsense? You really want to beat me!"

Immediately, he slapped himself, stepped out of the yard without stopping.

Seeing the people going away, Second Brother Ji stopped his smirk and was stunned.

Although I only listened to half of it just now, but seeing Zhao Zhu leaving immediately in fright, I already had a guess in my heart: "Mr. Gui, I have also heard that he can use spells. Curse him to death? Who is he to curse to death? Could it be..."

As soon as this guess came out, Second Brother Ji trembled in fright, he didn't dare to delay at all, he hurried out the door, a gust of cool wind blew, it was cool at first, but at this moment he shuddered and hurried towards the back door .

"Who is it?" The armored soldiers were also guarding the back door, who happened to be familiar with the "colleague" who knew the identity of the second brother Ji, and let him pass without seeing it.

When Second Brother Ji went out, he hurriedly got into the alley and disappeared in a moment.

Seeing that the sun was about to set again, an ox cart was heading towards the palace, and Eunuch Zhao frowned slightly as the cart swayed, feeling a little annoyed.

Jiang Yi's death made Eunuch Zhao a little uneasy.

In the Imperial City Department, Jiang Yi's interface is not low. After all, he is working on behalf of the prince's mansion. This kind of latent personnel is also used carefully, and generally will not be exposed easily.

What Eunuch Zhao is worried about now is, what is the root cause of Jiang Yi's exposure? Could it be that people from the Imperial City Division also got in with the kings?

That's right, big trouble.

He pressed the center of his brows, and let out a breath of foul air.

(End of this chapter)

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