fake prince

Chapter 870 Let me loose my mind

Chapter 870 Let me loose my mind

I just received a letter when I came back, and after opening and reading it, Eunuch Zhao couldn't help but feel very worried.

"These princes and grandchildren are not fuel-efficient lamps." Eunuch Zhao thought to himself: "Even the King of Lu, who seemed to be silent, this time he frightened the snake and pushed the grass away, and unexpectedly there are many dark hands."

"The combination of Gray Crane was established with the factor of the Imperial City Division. It was established with the support of a hundred households for the convenience of handling affairs. Therefore, it has always been on the relatively safe list of the Imperial City Division, and it is used from time to time."

"Who would have thought that he would still belong to King Lu?"

"It's a pity...Jiang Yi is dead, and I have to find another person in Daiwangfu..."

Thinking about it, the ox cart arrived at the palace and stopped outside. Eunuch Zhao got out of the cart, straightened his clothes, and headed for the gate. He wanted to enter the palace by car, except for the emperor, empress and empress dowager, who could enjoy it?

At the gate of the imperial city, eight guards with knives stood like nails. They all knew Eunuch Zhao, and when they saw him coming, they all respectfully greeted him.

Eunuch Zhao nodded casually, and was about to enter, when someone shouted behind him: "Eunuch, Eunuch!"

Looking back, Eunuch Zhao knew the person who called him. He was sent out and was in charge of contacting hundreds of households lurking in Prince Lu's mansion.

Why did he suddenly come again? Could it be that something happened to King Lu again?

Eunuch Zhao immediately had an ominous premonition, and when hundreds of households approached, he said directly: "The hypocrisy will be avoided. Our family has no time to waste. Tell me, did you find something?"

"Eunuch, the hidden people planned to get one of King Lu's personal servants drunk, and learned from him..." Baihu didn't dare to say it clearly, and stepped forward to whisper a few words, and Eunuch Zhao's expression immediately changed.

"Is this true? This is not a trivial matter! There is no room for lies!"

Nightmare town is going to die, even the prince will die if he touches this.

There is an example in the previous dynasty. In the Jing'an Dynasty, the eldest son of Emperor Jing'an hated his father for doting on other princes, suppressed him repeatedly, and took risks.

As a result, it was discovered and reported, and the emperor laid down millions of corpses in anger. Not only the eldest son of the emperor was given poisoned wine, but also his mother and concubine. There was a strong smell of blood in the air of the capital.

This kind of thing happened not only in the former Wei Dynasty, but also in the previous dynasties, and a large number of people died every time.

Baihu hurriedly replied: "Elder-in-law, I have 1 guts in a lowly position, and I dare not cheat on this matter. This is what was reported below. There are no mistakes or omissions. I will hold everyone up and serve them with delicious food. Dare to move a hair, just wait for the father-in-law to ask."

"Our family knows, you just wait, maybe you will be sent in to answer." Eunuch Zhao ordered, with a livid face, he hurried into the palace.

Entering the imperial study room, I heard the faint voice of people, waited outside with my hands down, saw an official stepping back, went in and stole a glance at the emperor, went up and saluted without saying a word.

The emperor was startled, and asked with a straight face, "What's the matter with you, old slave?"

Eunuch Zhao nodded repeatedly, and said: "The emperor is in a good mood, isn't it a servant...he brought bad news again."

As he spoke, he kowtowed again, took a deep breath, and told the story one by one.

I thought the emperor would be as furious as before, but I didn't expect that the emperor didn't speak any more, just squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. After a long time, he took a heavy breath: "I see."

But I didn’t feel it when I heard it, and it’s not always true.

Eunuch Zhao looked at the emperor and looked a little older. Ben tried his best to straighten his back and couldn't help but hunch a little, and his eyes were a little sour.

At this time, it was already dusk, the clouds were dark, and the wind came through the door, making it even more silent. He slowly retreated to the side, and the hall was quiet for a long time before the emperor said: "Let Shunde come over."

This was an order to the little eunuch, and immediately the little eunuch responded and went out to find someone.

Eunuch Zhao stood in the corner, raised his eyes to look at the emperor, and lowered his eyes again.

At this time, the emperor called the eunuch Shunde to come, probably to let Shunde investigate the matter.

Sure enough, a moment later, a big eunuch in his 40s entered and saluted the emperor respectfully.

"I ordered you to go to Lu Wang's mansion and check Lu... Does the sixth son have resentment towards me, did he order that Gui Junxi to curse me..."

As soon as the nightmare curse came out, Shunde's body trembled, and he was horrified: "The sixth prince wants to curse the emperor with a nightmare?"

If this matter is true, I am afraid that the sixth prince will end badly. Even if the emperor does not kill this son for the time being, he will not tolerate it for too long.

Thinking of what happened in the Prince's Mansion back then, Shunde lowered his head even lower: "Slave obeys the order!"

Seeing that the eunuch was about to leave, the emperor stopped again, staring at him, and said coldly, "Let Huo Wuyong and Imperial Physician Xun go together to test the blood of King Lu."

"Yes!" Shunde agreed and retreated.

He took people away when there was a "boom" from the sky, and the rain "swished" down. It was already raining heavily, and the study room had become even darker.

The emperor walked to the door, looked at the splashing rain under the steps, and then looked up at the dark sky, with a gloomy and uncertain expression.

It was already June, and the rain was falling frequently and even more heavily. Feeling the rain, the emperor sighed inaudibly: "In the past, someone said that every action of the Tian family must have a spiritual response. Now I believe it."

Turning back to the hall, he glanced at Eunuch Zhao who was standing honestly in the corner, and called out: "I really can't eat dinner, so I'll let the imperial dining room serve it later—you old slave, play chess with me, Let me relax."

Seeing the emperor's bewildered expression, Eunuch Zhao felt sad and agreed in a low voice.

Prince Lu's Mansion

At this time, it was also shrouded in rain and fog. The sudden rain made the servant in charge who was already in a bad mood feel even more uneasy. The maid who served King Lu came from the corridor. Can't wait to complain: "If you say it rains, it will rain. This kind of weather, hey!"

"It's not necessarily bad if it rains, at least it will cool off the heat."

A maid sighed: "The ice cubes in the mansion have long since disappeared, even the prince and princess's house has no ice. If it doesn't rain anymore, the weather is getting hotter. How can we survive?"

As soon as these words came out, the former almost had red eyes immediately.

These maids who follow Princess Lu live more comfortably than the daughters of minor officials outside the mansion. When did they suffer so much?Have you ever been wronged like this?

It's just that they are wronged, but King Lu and Princess Lu are also wronged now, which really makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Princess hasn't eaten all day. I'll go to the kitchen to hurry up and make some delicious food. You go to the sewing room to get some needlework. If you can't get out now, you'd better do some needlework." The latter thought for a while ,Say.

The two maids separated at this point, and the maid who went to the sewing room to get the needles chatted for a while, then walked to the backyard with the needles and threads, and then walked to the corridor of the front yard, when she heard commotion at the gate, she turned around curiously Just one glance, and just this one glance, I was scared out of my wits.

I saw the armored soldier with a knife kicking the door open with a "boom".

(End of this chapter)

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