fake prince

Chapter 871

Chapter 871

"Although the princess lay down early, she just fell asleep just now, please don't disturb me!"

"There is something important, call the princess to get up."

Concubine Lu faintly heard the sound, but it was very small. She was extremely tired and couldn't fall asleep at first, but fell asleep only after lighting the "Tranquilizing Incense".

The spread of the way of incense is not as familiar as the way of tea chess. Spring, medicine, and incense are the most taboo in the palace. Although some women like to use them, they are obviously stolen goods, and it will be over if they are caught.

The rules of the palace are not as strict, but it is not easy to get it. I couldn't sleep just now, so I insisted on lighting a "sedative incense" to fall asleep. Once I fell asleep, the elegant fragrance made me almost want to continue to sleep.

"Princess, concubine, wake up, someone is coming from the palace!"

What?Someone from the palace?

The anxious call in the ear made Princess Lu wake up, and she turned over and sat up without caring about her posture.

An anxious look appeared in front of her, it was one of the personal maids.

"Is someone coming from the palace? To announce the decree?" Princess Lu asked while gesturing to the maid to embroider her shoes, her heart beating wildly.

Several maids helped Princess Lu put on her dress and tidy her hair one after another. One of the maids was still shivering when she recalled what she saw just now, and said in horror: "It is Mr. Ma who came. The gate of our palace is open, and armored soldiers broke in. It's scary!" Yes! Hey, Eunuch Ma has brought many armored soldiers to rush in and go to the prince! Princess, tell me... do you think..."

King Lu and Princess Lu didn't live in the same yard, they were just next to each other. Hearing this, Princess Lu's heart turned cold.

Although when she married into the royal family, the graves of the prince's mansion were full of elders, and she had never known the former princess, but growing up at home, she could occasionally hear the elders whispering quietly, of course she knew that once her husband fell into the situation of the former prince , What will happen to her as a princess, I am afraid that she will have to go to Huangquan together, and cold sweat will break out on her forehead in just a moment.

But she is still the daughter of an official family. After training, she knew that she still needs to stabilize people's hearts at this time, and said: "The prince is the emperor's son, even if there is no prince, he is also a prince. Common people, there will be no fear of life, since you are servants of the palace, don't scare yourself first."

Rather than saying this to these maids, it is to say it to myself.

It was already June, and the clothes she was wearing were thin and few, and it didn't take long to tidy them all up. Princess Lu only brought a nanny and a personal maid there, and when she saw it was raining, she even opened an umbrella.

"No one is allowed to move, anyone who dares to run around will be shot to death." In the rain, a stranger shouted in a low voice, but it was not to her, but to the servant girl.

Seeing the armored soldiers pouring in, leading to King Lu's courtyard in a straight line, and there were guards holding knives everywhere, Princess Lu asked the maid in a low voice, "Which yamen is this from?"

"The servant asked, it's from the Imperial City Division."

Princess Lu suddenly had an ominous premonition, she couldn't help but shuddered, she mustered up the courage to go forward, but no one stopped her, when she arrived at King Lu's courtyard, she saw even more dense armored soldiers, all of them staring at each other , although she didn't stop her, but the atmosphere was chilling, and her face became paler and paler.

This situation is not good for the naked eye.

In King Lu's Courtyard, Ma Shunde didn't stop on his feet, and went straight to the room where King Lu was resting. The door slammed open, and looking at the young prince sleeping on the couch, Eunuch Ma was not polite, and directly said to the servant of the palace standing next to him: What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and wake up Master Liu!"

King Lu was shaved into a bald prince. This sixth master is the ranking recorded in the royal family tree. Except for the former prince, King Qi, and King Shu, there are two other princes who died in their early ten years. Death, although the funeral is not a big deal, but the order does not disappear, and generally there is a posthumous title.

"Master Liu, Master Liu, wake up! Master Liu!" The servant who was glanced at was Zhao Zhu. At this time, he was dripping with cold sweat. He felt that the five taels of silver in his arms was too heavy, and he panicked. call.

Although he called Wang Ye in private, but when someone came from the palace, he didn't dare to call him that again.

And the title of Sixth Master was really unfamiliar. After calling out a few times, the person on the bed responded.

King Lu finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, he first saw Zhao Zhu who was full of anxiety. Then he realized that there were other people in the room, so he looked over again and saw Eunuch Ma all at once.

Someone from the palace? !

Eunuch Ma looked serious. Seeing that King Lu was awake, he bowed towards him and said, "Master Liu, this servant is coming this time to ask you to test, please cooperate."

Two people came from behind, one was the imperial doctor and the other was Huo Wuyong.

These are all people that King Lu knew. Now the three of them are expressionless. King Lu sat up. At this time, the drizzle was falling, and it merged into one under the eaves. Under the dark sky, it looked extremely terrifying. The heart is tangled up, a little pain.

Eunuch Ma performed the ceremony of master and servant, and said to the little eunuch: "Take a few people to the study, remember, don't mess up Liu Ye's things."

When King Lu heard this, his heart tightened again. Fortunately, he immediately thought that what he kept in his study were all things that he was not afraid to check, so there was no need to be nervous.

But he had expected the test a long time ago, and he didn't find it strange that his father sent someone, but he also went to search his study at the same time. , Still doubt what I have done?

Because he didn't know what it meant, King Lu felt restless and restless, but he gritted his teeth and kept silent, maintaining the last bit of dignity.

"Sixth Lord, please be patient a little bit." Eunuch Ma brought a small jade plate up to him. This is not so much a jade plate, but a small bowl, filled with densely patterned patterns, no, they are spells.

There was also a little eunuch beside him, holding a silver plate with a long silver needle on it, and accused him of a crime first.

"That's the test."

Although King Lu is confident, he also knows that life and death are all about honor and disgrace, so he can't help but stare at him.

Huo Wuyong came over at this time, and motioned to King Lu to stretch out his hand, then he pinched a thin and long silver needle, and lightly pricked the belly of one of King Lu's fingers.


Although it was a light prick, but with ten fingers connected to the heart, King Lu subconsciously frowned, but he didn't pay attention to it, but stared closely at the few drops of blood that fell on the jade plate.

But before he could look at more, the jade plate was taken away by Eunuch Ma, with a silver cover on it, and went to the outer room, where the imperial doctor and Huo Wuyong waited for the change.

In this room, King Lu was sitting, a little fidgeting, but Ma Shunde was still standing with his hands down, maintaining the duty of a domestic slave to his little master, even though he was actually holding his life in his hands.

You can kill, but you can't humiliate, because humiliation means that you have surpassed your duty and hit the emperor in the face.

Many eunuchs fell and died because of this.

Ma Shunde thought about it carefully, and revealed a faint smile, not laughing at King Lu, but at Eunuch Zhao—every time the news reported to the emperor was bad news, loyal is loyal, but it will annoy the emperor I hate it, once the house slave is hated, who will be used in the end?

From now on, it will be my Ma Shunde's world!

(End of this chapter)

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