fake prince

Chapter 872

Chapter 872

The rain is splashing, and the window can still see the shadows of the trees swaying.

The person who searched Lu Wang's study before came back, holding a tray with a crumpled and unfolded rice paper on it.

"Eunuch, copied this."

King Lu was about to stand up subconsciously, but Eunuch Ma was faster than him. He reached out and took the piece of paper from the tray. When he saw it, his face changed slightly.

Who can sue

An inch of soft intestines with thousands of strands

where does spring return

The garden is full of fragrant grass and the sky is at dusk


have feelings alone

Can't look back

This is a new word for the poem "Wang Jiang Yuan". It would be good if it was written by a girl or young woman in a deep boudoir. It uses the scene of late spring to express the depression and sorrow deep in my heart.

The whole word is one long and three sighs, with beautiful language and artistic conception, which has the beauty of exhausting words but endless meaning.

But King Lu wrote it at this time again, and the words are exhausting, which is just resentment, and it is a resentment word copied from King Lu's study!

Such a poem is enough to be submitted as evidence.

King Lu couldn't care about anything else, he leaned forward to look at it, his face changed drastically when he saw it, and he hurriedly said: "I didn't write this, Mr. Ma, someone planted it on me!"

Eunuch Ma smiled, and hastily put away the words: "Sixth Master, please be calm, someone will tell whether you wrote it or not."

For handwriting recognition, there are special personnel here.

However, King Lu was very disturbed. The handwriting was enough to confuse the real ones. When he glanced at it just now, he felt in a trance that maybe it was really written by himself. If someone harmed him, would he really be able to find out?

At this time, Huo Wuyong came in and said, "The sixth master is of royal blood, but..."

He leaned in front of Eunuch Ma and whispered a few words. Eunuch Ma took a deep look at King Lu, and there seemed to be pity in his eyes.

The King of Lu felt even worse, but Eunuch Ma had already ordered: "You must serve the King of Lu well, and you must not make mistakes!"

Saying that, he walked away, happened to meet Lu Wangfei, and even made a family salute, bowed to her, and then left the hospital without looking back, and hurried away in the rain.

All of a sudden, the yard was empty, and amidst the sound of rain, King Lu was sitting and moving alone. When he saw Princess Lu coming in, he suddenly swept away and smashed the porcelain not far away. After a burst of roaring, it turned into a hoo hoo when it reached his mouth. .

People under the eaves, why don't they bow their heads, the rain is getting harder and harder.

In the deep palace, no one spoke, only the chess pieces were played slightly, and the back of Eunuch Zhao who played chess with the king was covered with sweat.

When playing chess with the emperor, you can't be perfunctory, you can't lose too obviously, and you can't just know to win without any scruples. The emperor's chess skills must be the best, but people let a servant play chess with him to relieve boredom. When it's bad or boring, be the one who must lose, and let the emperor have a good time.

It is really difficult to grasp this kind of sense of proportion, but for Eunuch Zhao, it is not difficult.

What is difficult is the complicated situation now.

Especially today, there might be a prince who wants to curse the emperor. If the evidence is found out, there will be another bloody storm in the capital. Just thinking about it, Eunuch Zhao feels his throat is dry and the back of his neck is cold.

Just thinking about it, there was the sound of footsteps, and a person walked in small steps outside the hall, it was the eunuch Ma Shunde who was sent to Lu Wangfu.

Seeing that he was back, the emperor pushed the chessboard and stood up.

"No more, let's pack it up."

"Yes!" Eunuch Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, and carefully picked up the chess pieces to clean up the mess.

Eunuch Ma knelt down hurriedly, and reported to the emperor about the affairs of Prince Lu's residence, and said: "According to Huo Zhenren's test, Lu... the sixth master's blood is the same, but there seems to be something wrong with the maternal blood."

This matter is very important, not only to listen to Eunuch Ma's report, the emperor also announced that Huo Wuyong and the imperial doctor who were waiting outside to come together have an audience.

Huo Wuyong and the imperial doctor came in, their rhetoric was no different from that of Eunuch Ma.

The emperor's expression relaxed, no matter how you say it, regardless of whether there is something wrong with Concubine Wei, at least King Lu is his own son, and the blood is the same, that's enough.

This at least shows that he did not raise a son for others. He heard that he had copied some documents and a poem from King Lu's study, and the emperor said, "Submit it."

Eunuch Ma personally handed it over, the emperor first picked up the document and looked at it, these are nothing, it is just that Lu Wangfu violated the laws of Dazheng and made some transactions, although the prince broke the law and the common people are the same crime, but this is just a cover, no one can do it .

It is nothing more than the purchase of some gray industries, which will not make the emperor angry.

He picked up the paper on which the lyrics were written and looked at it. After finishing the poem, the emperor didn't speak for a while.

Eunuch Ma knelt on the ground, not daring to move.

I don't know how long it took before the emperor breathed out a foul breath: "I don't know yet, I, the sixth child, still have this elegance."

"Writing lyrics on a rainy night, looking at the river and complaining, good!"

The emperor seemed to want to laugh when he said that, the laughter was so dry that even he felt hoarse, so he changed the subject: "You and Huo Wuyong go to the empress and check Wei's blood."

"Yes!" Both Eunuch Ma and Huo Wuyong responded, seeing that they had nothing to say, they retreated into the rain.


The plantains in Shizi's courtyard were swayed by the heavy rain, and the candles in the room were brightly lit, and someone was carefully walking to the bed with a medicine bowl.

The young man lying on the bed was only wearing his underwear and covered with a pure silk quilt, his face was paler.

"Young Master?" Daotong Hongdao, who has grown a lot in the past few months, has changed his clothes now, has grown up a bit, and looks like a teenager. After putting down the medicine, he moved to the side of the bed and called softly.

The young man woke up just now, but he didn't open his eyes. At this moment, Fang raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

"My lord, it's time to drink the medicine." Hongdao was not afraid of being looked at so coldly by him, and said with his neck stuck.

The young man, namely Xie Zhenqing, frowned and motioned for Hongdao to help him sit up.

Hongdao put a cushion on his back, slowly helped him to sit up, took the medicine bowl, and fed him spoon by spoon.

Xie Zhenqing drank and didn't speak for a long time, and Hongdao also didn't speak, and stood aside with his hands down, waiting for orders.

Xie Zhenqing was a little helpless about this. Last time, all the people in the Taoist temple sacrificed in blood, and the relationship between the two became like this.

Hongdao's loyalty is unquestionable, but his temper is a bit stronger than in the past, but he still looks like he is silent, hey, he is really a stubborn donkey!

But at this time, Xie Zhenqing just picked up a small mirror and looked at his face, and saw the black air between the brows of the young man in the mirror, and put down the mirror silently.

"Hey, King Lu's game is useless, and I have a lot of backlash."

"If I hadn't gone to the Three Corpses and become a demon, I would definitely die this time."

Just thinking about it, she coughed again, looked at the handkerchief, and there was some blood, Xie Zhenqing was a little helpless, after a few times of tossing, this body might not live long, ten years?

Ten years is enough, but since the generation of the king entered the capital, the storm that has been rolled up is too big, and the previous layout is almost torn to pieces.

The most frightening thing is that even I can't figure out how it was formed, it seems to be natural, and it has become like this.

Is there really a destiny?

(End of this chapter)

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