fake prince

Chapter 873

Chapter 873


A flash of lightning fell, and the rain gradually became heavier. The branches and eaves of the trees were brushing, and the world became chaos. Xie Zhenqing watched for a long time, pondered for a long time, and gradually revealed a sinister smile.


"The Dragon Lord is not fighting, so he died. If I don't fight, I will end up with the Dragon Lord!"

"Isn't the destiny already dead? It's better for the Shangguan to take care of it now. The emperor is the sky now. With his hand, why not die one more?"

"However, don't be rough, just give it a push!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a bright flash in the sky, and the room was pale white, followed by the muffled thunder, which made Hongdao shrink back in fright.

Xie Zhenqing made up his mind, sat up suddenly and gave orders, his voice seemed calm.

"Don't be afraid, go to the two kings of Qi and Shu to check the response, and also, send this to the fourth floor of Emperor Long'an's mausoleum."

"The tomb of Emperor Long'an is guarded by armored soldiers, you can use the secret passage."

As soon as the words fell, Xie Zhenqing pressed against the wall next to the bed, and opened a small hidden door. Inside was a palm-sized hidden compartment, and there was nothing else in it, just a small box. The box took out a roll of yellowed old paper and handed it to him. Gave it to Hongdao.

"Remember not to make mistakes."

"Yes!" Hongdao resisted his uneasiness, agreed, and turned to leave.

Qi Wangfu

When Sun Bolan rushed to the door of the study room, he saw King Qi squinting at the bookshelf in Langya, and hurriedly greeted King Qi.

King Qi saw that his eyes were swollen, and ordered: "Bring a bowl of ginseng soup to Mr. Sun."

As he sat down, he asked, "Have you finished your work?"

"My lord, it's over. A new villa has been built in the mansion, with [-] mu. This is the land deed."

"What else?" King Qi took the paper and glanced at it before throwing it on the table.

Sun Bolan's expression was a bit haggard, and he raised his eyebrows to look at it: "I also checked the situation of Dai Wangfu. The business of the six restaurants is booming, but it's because of the fans."

"It's just that the people in the hotel don't have prescriptions themselves, they are allocated monthly on behalf of the palace."

"Pa" King Qi was suddenly furious, and slapped the table: "Is it these trifles that I need to know?"

Sun Bolan quickly knelt down on the ground, as if he had aged ten years in less than half a year, he repeatedly kowtowed to confess his crimes.

As soon as King Qi raised his eyes, he saw the sticker "Beware of haste and patience", and his heart sank. He glanced at Sun Bolan and fell silent. He felt a little regretful.

Since the last time he killed an aide and forced Wen Xunpeng away, the counselors below are all obedient, but the errands they do are getting more and more missed.

"Knowing things doesn't mean being able to do things!" Qi Wang was thinking about it, and heard the sound of flapping wings outside the window, and soon the servant outside the door reported: "My lord, a carrier pigeon has sent back news."

"Get up and go see what's going on." It has to be said that King Qi has improved a bit. He glanced at Sun Bolan and said, Sun Bolan hurriedly retreated as if he had been pardoned. After receiving the letter in the servant's hand, he couldn't help but change his face. , Hastily entered and submitted.

"Your Majesty, something happened to King Lu. Not only was he deposed as a prince, but Eunuch Ma broke into the mansion with his armored soldiers."

"What?" King Qi snatched the letter and looked at it. It was rare that he was not irritable, but he was a little uneasy.

Shu Palace

At this time, the clouds were thick and the sky was dark, and it became more and more deep, and there was a melodious sound of the piano in the distance, seemingly absent, continuously curling up, circling in the hall.

After listening to it in the other hall, the King of Shu sighed: "The situation in the capital is about to change... Luo Pei has left the capital today, what do you think?"

Everyone was pondering, and one person said: "This matter is not easy to handle. Luo Pei is now the governor of the Southwest, and he can't be swayed. There must be a big mistake."

"But what he gave to the emperor, I've figured it out. It's true that there are some thieves and thieves. If we follow the policy, I'm afraid the Southwest will be able to calm down."

The king of Shu felt a little uncomfortable, and sighed: "Why don't I know, so I want to discuss it with everyone."

Just as he was speaking, he heard someone report from outside: "My lord, there is an urgent report."

The king of Shu was startled, knowing that there was no serious matter, and he would not come to report, he said, "Come in!"

A servant came in and presented a piece of information. The King of Shu took it and flipped it over. His whole body couldn't help shaking. He stood up, as if feeling hot, and ordered: "Open the bead curtain."

"Yes!" Immediately, a servant pulled away, and then retreated. A gust of cool night wind rushed in immediately, making the corners of the clothes rustle.

"My lord, what happened?"

In front of these people, the king of Shu could always calm down quickly, pondered for a while, briefly explained the matter, and murmured: "Is the sixth child out of the game?"

After speaking, he passed on this information to the counselors present.

After reading it all, the counselors discussed in a low voice, and some of them showed joy. After all, there was one less competitor, but one counselor didn't speak, just murmured.

His expression didn't seem happy either, and he looked worried.

The king of Shu couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ji, what's wrong?"

Ji Hongxu was shaking a folding fan in his hand, full of bookishness, and frowned at this moment: "My lord, do you feel that this development is a bit too fast?"

The king of Shu didn't understand, what do you mean by developing too fast?

"My lord, don't you think that there have been more major events in the past two years than in the past ten years?" Ji Hongxu said with a serious face, "Whether it's the intensified conflict between you and King Qi, or the collusion between Qingyuan Temple and the big demon, and the shrine Apparition, a meteorite from the sky."

Ji Hongxu flexed his fingers: "There is also King Lu being deposed as a prince, and Concubine Wei being demoted, one after another. The situation is developing too fast and I can't handle it."

"Don't you feel startled?"

The king of Shu was startled, and gradually changed his color.

In the past two years, it seemed that the whole world was speeding up, and incidents came one after another. The reason why he didn't feel that anything was wrong was probably because his father was getting old.

Ten years ago, the father was still in good health and held great power, but they just started to confer titles and climbed up the ranks.

In the past one or two years, the father's health has obviously deteriorated day by day. King Qi is arrogant and domineering. He, a prince who is similar to his age, is the strongest opponent in the fight for the crown prince.

Now being reminded by this counselor, I can't help but be terrified.

That's right, even if it's because the father's health is not good, all kinds of things have popped up in the past two years, but this time coincides with the rise of Dai Wang, which makes people think more.

"Yes, in the past one or two years, there have been many major events, and people are really overwhelmed." The King of Shu paused, then turned around and asked, "Do you think it has something to do with the King Dai?"

"The mansion has been collecting and investigating all the previous major events. With the permission of the prince, I have to observe the main points, but the frightening thing is that none of them really seem to have anything to do with the acting king, but every time the acting king got the advantage, step by step. From Daihou, Daigong, and even Daiwang."

"If it's related, it's fine, no, I'm afraid to think about it."

The King of Shu was palpitated when he heard this, and was in a daze for a long time. He picked up the information sent back to his hand, put it on the candle and burned it bit by bit.

The flames lit up the hall and were thrown to the ground when they were almost exhausted.

Someone asked: "Master, where is Luo Pei?"

"Don't move him first, let's see what the King Dai is doing." The King of Shu said with a difficult expression on his face under the candlelight.

(End of this chapter)

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