fake prince

Chapter 880 The Way of the University

Chapter 880 The Way of the University

In fact, many things are not only judged by success or failure, but also by their nature. For the matter of Shuiyun Temple, it is justifiable to use government servants, but it is not the same to use Habayashi guards to suppress it, but it is okay to supervise.

Sure enough, after a while, the yamen servants had to attack under the escort of the armored soldiers.

"Kill, they don't have many bows."

The arrows from above continued to shoot, and several more were injured. The yamen servants had rushed close. The walls were not for military use, and were very low. Some were in disrepair, and collapsed when pushed.

"Kill, kill these thieves who dare to resist!" A head catcher shouted. At this time, the swords were fighting hand-to-hand. At this time, the martial arts of the famous catcher God catcher was displayed, and he rushed forward and immediately chopped down a piece.

Hundreds of people beat dozens of backbones, so what if there are a few quacks among them?

Su Ziji didn't think about it any more, and looked down at the half piece of red sandalwood tin.

"The demotion of King Lu to King Ninghe greatly changed the future and formed the seed of humanity. Is it absorbed by Panlong Xinfa (18999/19000) (this is irreversible)?"

At this time, once the Panlong mental method is pressed, the highest level is 20, and I can feel that this step will bring huge changes to myself and the world.


Su Ziji hesitated for a moment. At this time, there was a sound of shouting and killing in the distance, and even the guests downstairs were awakened. They probably knew that there was a battle in Shuiyun Temple.

Some even wanted to poke their heads out to look, but when they saw the yamen servants with knives everywhere, they immediately shrank back in fright.

Su Ziji chose OK.


"[Boiled Dragon Heart Method] absorb the seeds of humanity, promote to level 20, and upgrade Wen Xin Diao Long - the way of the university lies in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in ending in perfection"

This is the general outline of "Book of Rites·University". Su Ziji is a top scholar, so of course he knows that these are the three cardinal principles of Confucianism, pointing out virtue, being close to the people, and ending in the ultimate good.

It is not only the program of the "Great Learning", but also the goal of Confucianism "establishing education for the world". Confucianism actually develops according to the three cardinal principles and eight objectives.

Ming Mingde, the former Ming is a verb, which means "to make clear", and the latter Ming is an adjective, which is an upright character.

As for being close to the people, a great Confucian said that according to the following "Zhuan" text, "close" should be "new", that is, to reform the common people, to make people abandon the old and pursue the new, and to abandon evil and follow good.

"No, it's not just that."

"Last time I realized that no matter how great an individual's talents are, they cannot be combined with the general trend or the organization. It would take a little effort to wipe them out from above."

"Even if you are the king of Lu, in fact, a decree can kill anyone."

"Hey, the emperor represents the general trend, and although King Lu is a prince, he is still a subject and an individual."

"Confucianism is not an imperial power, but it also has its own method of uniting the people - in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in being the ultimate good - in fact, it means spreading its reputation and taking root in the people."

"Anshi can't come out, so what's the world like?"

"Great Confucian scholars of all dynasties knew this truth very well. Xie An, Wang Anshi, and even the descendants were all looked after by the public and combined with the general trend, so they took power as soon as they came out of the mountain."

Of course, it will take 20 or [-] years of support, and the cooperation of Shilin, the conditions are very strict.

"But now, Wen Xin Diao Long saves a lot of time."

"As long as the legends and books that carry my deeds can spread relatively quickly, I don't know how much faster."

"This is the true meaning of 'being clear about morality, being close to the people, and striving for perfection'."

"The mighty power to conform the individual to the people."

Following Su Ziji's comprehension, it seemed that there were fluctuations and changes in front of him, but it seemed that nothing had changed.


It was late at night, although the sky was full of dark clouds, the raindrops swept down, but the thunder was quieter. At this moment, suddenly, an unprecedented bright flash fell, and immediately the entire capital was no longer dark, followed by deafening thunder. Everyone was shocked.

"What a big thunder."

At first glance, the lightning bolt seemed to be falling at the restaurant, but for some reason, when it was about to hit this building, it suddenly deflected halfway, and with a "boom", it landed in the distance.


At this time, the rain was getting heavier, and the drainage channel was buzzing, and the accumulated water was draining into the canal. The two maids on duty held umbrellas and wore coir raincoats in the corridor, and patted their chests.

"It was such a big thunder, it scared me so much that I almost fell down the corridor."

"Forget it, it's the last time tonight, you can go to bed after the tour, the fox house is in front."

The maid looked and saw a room closed, the maid in front couldn't help but smile: "Foxes also have special houses. I went to see them last time. There are not only fox dens, but also climbing frames and dried fruits. The treatment is better than that of human beings." Well, I'm really envious."

"That's right, and let the kitchen specialize in cooking chicken, it can't be sloppy at all." The maid from behind responded enviously: "I don't know if the thunder is afraid of the fox."

"I'm not afraid, I saw it last time, I slept soundly."

As he said that, his eyes were dazed, "boom" a bolt of lightning fell, and it seemed to be falling on his side, the two screamed in fright, and sat on the ground with their buttocks.



Seeing that the roof of the fox house was blown into a big hole, two foxes rushed out in a daze, screaming loudly, their voices were panicked and aggrieved.

"How did thunder hit my house?"

Seeing the constant rain outside, the lightning and thunder passed by just now, and there was still faint thunder brewing. The two foxes dare not stay here anymore, they can feel that a wave of heavenly power is covering them.

"Run away!"

At this time, only noble people with noble spirits can save themselves.

According to folklore, there are often monsters who go through catastrophe and hide in the place of nobles when they are hiding from the sky thunder.

At this time, Dabai Xiaobai thought of this for a split second, and regardless of whether it was useful or not, the white light flashed and rushed over.

The courtyard where Ye Buhui lives is not far away, just run along the corridor and pass the rockery pond, leading directly to the inside.

"Chirp!" The big and small foxes scrambled to the door, scratched desperately, and screamed in a terrified voice. They were not so scared just now, but now they are really scared.

The moment the lightning struck, they felt the breath of death.

"Who is calling, who is scratching the door?" Finally, the voice woke up the maid who guarded the door, and she got up to take a look.

"Oh my god, isn't this a fox? Why did you come here suddenly?" One of the maids looked at them in surprise.

"Scared by thunder? Poor, come quickly." A maid called them over.

At this time, there was another flash of lightning outside, followed by a loud bang. The two foxes were so frightened that they were about to cry.

However, the servant girl's consolation will be avoided, staying by their side will neither save them nor easily cause trouble.

The big and small foxes yelled towards the inside, and the maids understood: "This is looking for the princess!"

"Stop screaming, the princess is sleeping."

"Why don't you go in and take a look? If the princess wakes up, report it?"

(End of this chapter)

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