fake prince

Chapter 881 Met Your Majesty

Chapter 881 Met Your Majesty

There is a servant girl who knows that these two foxes have different meanings to the prince and concubine. Even if they are pets, they are also Jingui's pets. Seeing them trembling with fright at this moment, what if something happens...

Thinking of this, the maid quietly opened the door and looked inside.

In the end, he pushed open a crack, and before he could say anything, he heard someone talking on the bed curtain: "Why do you seem to hear Xiaobai's cries?"

"Princess, you heard me right! The two foxes seem to have been frightened by the thunder. They ran here just now, barking non-stop, and won't let us hug them." The servant girl quickly replied.

"Let me take a look." With his slender hands lifting the curtain of the bed, Ye Buhui sat up in his white underwear, put on his shoes, and went outside.

I found that the maids outside were all squatting, not knowing what they were looking at.

"Princess, look quickly, the little fox is not moving!" Seeing Ye Buhui come out, several servant girls hurriedly got up and said hurriedly at the same time.

Ye Buhui hurried over, and saw two foxes, one big and one small, lying on the ground. The big fox was trembling and still moving, but the little fox was motionless.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai?" Ye Buhui thumped in his heart, and hurriedly touched its breath.

Fortunately, there is still breathing, but the eyes are tightly closed, and no matter how you scream, you don't move. Could it be that you fainted from fright?

At this time, the little fox opened his eyes, and found himself lying on a couch in a palace room. From the side, he saw bead curtains hanging down the floor, inlaid with fine and dense crystals. When the wind blew, they jingled.

Turning his eyes, he saw a heavy curtain on the couch. When he opened it, he saw a small room, not far away was a desk, with white jade paving the floor, and pearls embedded in the wall, crystal clear, showing luxury everywhere.

"Back to the past again?"

Hu Xiyan sat up, thoughtful.

She remembered hearing from her third aunt that the Water Mansion is the seat of young dragons, and the Water Mansion is related to the authority and power of the master. When the master of the Dragon Palace is strong, the Dragon Palace will be majestic and magnificent, and when the master of the Dragon Palace is weak, the Dragon Palace will be dilapidated. The embodiment of power and strength.

I still remember that it wasn't long before the young dragon was reborn, so it shouldn't be like this.

"Mr. Qingqiu, you are awake. I will help you change your clothes." Hu Xiyan was only thinking, when a maid with bright eyes and white teeth came in, with a faint light on her body.

"Mr. Qingqiu?"

Theoretically speaking, the patriarch of the Qingqiu Fox Clan leads the title of Lord Qingqiu, which is a title recognized by both the Dragon Palace and the Great Wei.

As the new patriarch of Qingqiu Fox, Hu Xiyan was supposed to inherit the title of Lord Qingqiu, but at this moment she suddenly realized that she had become "someone else", so she didn't panic.

"Just take this opportunity to see the reality of the Dragon Palace." At this time, she already had a guess in her heart, and the guess was true, so there were not many opportunities to see the prosperous Dragon Palace in the past.

"Mr. Qingqiu, Your Majesty is here." Finally, he thought this way, someone said in a low voice, but his body involuntarily moved.

The autonomy that the little fox had just now was taken away at once, and she walked out of the hall by herself. At the gate of the hall, she saw a dragon flying through the clouds.

The whole body of the dragon looks like light blue, coiled up slightly, the dragon's head is raised up, the dragon's eyes are majestic, revealing a kind of indifference that sees through everything, and then it turns into a human form.

She was covered in a crown dress, with twelve coats of arms, and 24 feet, but her face could not be seen clearly, as if shrouded in a kind of halo, which made her see clearly.

The little fox let his body greet him, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty."

Liquor store

Su Ziji closed his eyes and rested his mind. The sounds of killing and shouting in the distance gradually faded away, and there was only the sound of "Dangdang", which was a long and clear bell.

My feet seemed to be stepping on the clouds, the sky and the earth were dark, and I was slowly descending.

There is no light, no wind, a piece of darkness, and a piece of light below, which is slowly approaching, and there are large and small buildings suspended in the air on both sides.

Needless to say, there are pavilions, towers and pavilions, and there are even rare and rare treasures in the world, which are so casually hung among them, dotted with pieces, very bright.

"What is this place? Is it the underworld?"

He was still descending, without opening his eyes, but he was unexpectedly able to describe the scenery along the road he was in at this time.

It was as if he had seen all of this millions of times, and it could appear in his mind without opening his eyes.

Su Ziji's mind is very clear, but his eyelids are a little heavy. He knows that there must be a mysterious reason for his sudden appearance here.

With this thought, the original human body changed in an instant. He could feel the dragon's tail swaying happily, and he became a dragon again?

This is not the first time I have experienced turning into a dragon, descending or flying. Su Ziji thought about what he encountered when he turned into a dragon last time, and he had an idea in his mind. When he landed, he slowly opened his eyes.

There are multiple buildings and pavilions, with continuous gates, and the scale is much larger than the Daiwangfu. The steps are one step higher, paved with jade, and in the distance, a small part of the palace covered by light clouds and mist is shining with precious light.

This building looks familiar, but also unfamiliar, Su Ziji thinks about it, and realizes it.

"Dragon Palace, the complete Dragon Palace that I have seen in inheritance."

With this comprehension, he looked up and saw the sky, not only pale gold, but also perfect gold, rippling like water waves, shimmering down, making the Yao grass Ganoderma lucidum planted in the courtyard flourish.

Not far away, there is a dragon with white jade patterns, corals slanting horizontally, and the spiritual light is slowly permeating a faint, fresh air like new rain in the empty mountains. This is the Dragon Palace in its heyday, which can be called resplendent.

"No, it's stronger than the complete Dragon Palace seen in the last inheritance, but it must be one."

There is only one Dragon Palace, and its strength is related to its master. The former Dragon Lord was famous and made all the monsters submit. He was also the first dragon in the world. His strength was unfathomable. It is not comparable to the young dragons now. This palace is impressive. I was in awe, thinking that the palace in the sky was nothing more than this.

I saw bead curtains hanging down to the ground, inlaid with fine and dense crystals. When the wind blows, they jingle. At the foot of the jade steps, there are two rows of armored soldiers. The God of Golden Armor, some maids at the bottom of the steps are carrying things into the hall. They are all dressed in colorful clothes, with beautiful looks and light steps. They look like they are preparing meals.

When Su Ziji fell to the ground, he turned into a human form. In an instant, the bell rang and pierced through the main hall. A few big monsters came out from the palace gate, with wide robes and wide sleeves, exquisite materials, beautiful, and divided into grades. Seeing him appear , came down to greet him, and said in unison: "I have seen Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, did I not only become a dragon again, but also a Dragon Lord? No, no!" Su Ziji looked at himself, he was wearing a crown dress, and the sleeves of his clothes were full of brilliance.

"Hey, it doesn't look like the Dragon King's Mianfu, but the Emperor's Mianfu."

It's strange to say that sometimes I change into a dragon and sometimes into a dragon, and I don't know what the law is.

Su Ziji frowned, and could feel that the big monsters in front of him were not only brilliantly dressed and luxuriant, but also had terrifying power cohesively, like a mountain.

It's no wonder that after hundreds of years, the monster clan has declined. He once thought that Zhou Xuan's talent was unique after his death. After all, he was a big monster who could create a road to the demon king. Compared with these big monsters, You can't tell by their aptitude, but in terms of strength, none of these monsters are inferior to Zhou Xuan!

(End of this chapter)

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