fake prince

Chapter 882 Deja Vu

Chapter 882 Deja Vu

However, it's strange to say that Su Ziji didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. He looked at the saluting monster casually with downcast eyes, and waved his hands: "Get up!"

This posture seems to be the monarch looking at his subjects carefully. There is still a face in the big demon that looks familiar, and he has returned to the illusion. Who is he now?

"Your Majesty." At this time, another figure came down from the jade steps. Before the person arrived, the voice had already arrived. The voice was soft and sweet, and somewhat familiar. Su Ziji went up to meet him, and saw a young girl coming. , with cloud hair on the temples, a jade belt on his belt, and wearing a cloud brocade, his face is exquisite, and in terms of rank, he seems to be higher than the big monster who just saluted.

"It's Qingqiu Fox."

With a glance of the dragon's eyes, he knew that the Qingqiu fox was different from the Qingqiu fox he had seen before, faintly similar, but his appearance seemed to have changed a little, a little familiar, a little strange.

Taking a closer look, the unfamiliar face was blurred for a moment, and when it became clear again, I remembered it.

Combing the hanging sideburns, embellished with emerald jade, she walks gracefully, like a fairy, look at this girl, isn't it the Miss Hu Xiyan Hu that Su Ziji met in the small town in the past?

"Fate once, meet again."

It is not surprising that she is a fox demon, but she has a lot to do with the Qingqiu fox in the illusion, which has to make Su Ziji pay more attention.

The true nature of the fox seemed to be revealed under the sweeping eyes of the dragon. Su Ziji took a look and saw that "Miss Hu" still looked like an important official of the Dragon Palace, and he did not expose it.

Speaking of which, both of them came together miraculously, so there is no need to talk about the other.

"His Majesty!?"

The body automatically led the dragon into the hall, Hu Xiyan wondered, in theory, the dragon king is the dragon, and the only dragon, why another dragon came to the water palace, or is this a matter of course?

"Pfft." Just thinking about it, a chuckle sounded in my ear, and a female voice said: "Although you are Lord Qingqiu, spying on His Majesty is not allowed."


The little fox was startled, but the consciousness in this body was very calm, as if he didn't hear the sound, he continued to lead the dragon deeper.

In the depths, it is no longer a palace, but an abode, a rockery pool, flowers all over the small gate, winding paths leading to secluded places, only to hear the jingle of the rings and the delicate fragrance, a figure appeared in front of it.

Black silk hangs down her waist, tied up with copper rings, her eyebrows are slender, her skirt is green, and she is holding an oiled paper umbrella. When she gets closer, the little fox realizes that this is a strange beauty she doesn't know.

The eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, with a kind of softness and weakness. When she raised her head slightly, when she looked over, she seemed to be surrounded by misty rain and gentleness.

It's just that when I saw it myself, I felt awe-inspiring and mighty, and I didn't dare to go one step further.

Is this beauty looking at the dragon she led in?

The little fox thought about what he said with a chuckle just now, and suspected that it was the woman who was warning him, for fear of prying into his own thoughts, he suppressed it and didn't dare to think about it.

Su Ziji was led into the hall by Qingqiu Fox, and saw a strange woman coming out to greet her, with a friendly expression, as if she knew the dragon he had transformed into, and as soon as he thought about it, he heard "myself" say: "Just come back!" I’m sorry to ask you to welcome me out once.”

The words are quite close.

The woman smiled: "It's been a long time since Your Majesty came back. When I heard that you arrived, I really missed you, so I couldn't help but come to greet you."

As he said that, he let a dragon and a fox into the small hall. The small hall has a faint fragrance, and the furnishings are all elegant. It is different from the luxury of the Dragon Palace, but it also has a fusion.

The three "persons" were seated. The little fox, with his identity, seemed to be very familiar with the woman, and his status was not low. Although he talked less after he came in, it was not because of the alienation, but he seemed to be deliberately giving the woman and the dragon more to talk to and get along with. Chance.

She sat quietly aside.

The strange woman poured Su Ziji a glass of wine, and Su Ziji drank the wine "by himself" and sighed. The woman asked, "Why is your Majesty sighing?"

"Life is short, and life is approaching." Su Ziji heard "myself" answer like this.

"Your Majesty reversed the destiny and built a world of great prosperity. It's nothing more than the longevity of the country, but also to control the inspiration. The spirits in the world are all sighing, are you really sighing for this?"

"Or, you already want to leave, don't love this country and the throne?"

"Even if you don't love me anymore, can't my child and I keep you?" The beauty's eyes were like autumn water, and she sighed softly.

Su Ziji looked at her, and when he heard these words again, he felt that the consciousness of this body was a little moved, and his heart trembled slightly, as if there was a faint sense of sadness and guilt.

Do I actually know this woman?

Such a scene is somewhat familiar.

Su Ziji's lips moved slightly, just looking at the woman in front of him, he felt an urge to comfort him, and just as he was about to speak, a fire broke in, interrupting what he was about to say.


The courtyard swayed, the rockery exploded into pieces, and the trace of nostalgia just now was swept away.

"Damn it, hate it!"

Seeing that the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity disappeared, the woman sitting opposite was furious. When she spoke, a golden light appeared, and a dragon unfolded faintly, covered with fine and dense golden scales, majestic and solemn.

Su Ziji was in a trance, and found that the woman had changed her appearance at the same time. She was a strange and beautiful woman just now, but looking at it now, she was clearly Zhou Yao!

how come?

Not only was Su Ziji surprised, the little fox had just regained control of her body, and was crushed to the ground in an instant. She raised her head in astonishment, and was also shocked to see that the woman was Zhou Yao.

"Your Majesty..." It's a pity that she didn't have time to vent her anger, and "Zhou Yao" disappeared in an instant.

"Huh?" The flame that came in and spun around a few times, landed, and turned into a woman, a little older, a beautiful woman with outstanding charm.

She is said to be a beautiful woman, but she is actually just a young woman, with crowed hair piled up in a bun, jewels hanging down, like a fairy concubine, and she herself obviously regards herself as a fairy.

When Su Ziji saw her, he knew who it was.

"Three Cave Empress?"

She bowed her knees and blessed her, her skirt swayed, neither humble nor overbearing, in her smile, the mist flowed, and she was full of charm: "I can finally see you, Daiwang."

Just as she was about to stand up with a smile on her lips, she suddenly stopped, as if she hadn't realized where this was until this moment. The dream of Dai Wang was actually such a scene?

Seeing the girl kneeling again, there seemed to be a strange atmosphere in the whole hall, she was a little surprised, this was different from the scene she imagined meeting Dai Wang.

At this moment, Su Ziji was able to speak, and he sighed. He felt a little complicated about the sudden intrusion of the three-hole empress. It seemed like a big dream just now. It wasn't her sudden intrusion, but he almost agreed just now.

Yes, what will happen?

But after leaving the woman suspected to be Zhou Yao, the third lady who came now is also troublesome, Su Ziji asked: "How can you see me like this?"

I am a majestic acting king, how can ghosts and gods invade my dreams?

(End of this chapter)

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