fake prince

Chapter 886 Heaven's Gate Opens

Chapter 886 Heaven's Gate Opens

"Liu Tou, what you said are all good things, I know." Shi Chengyan looked up at the sky, held back tears, and said coldly: "My nephew is dead, so why not?"

Let's do it, for Shi Chengyan, a well-known arrester in the yamen, Liu Butou knew that he would be full of anger, and he couldn't let it go unless he vented it himself, so he could only shake his head and go get the dog's blood that he had prepared long ago.

"Here we come." It was sent by a Taoist priest. In fact, black dog blood is a folk saying that wards off evil spirits. It doesn't have much effect in itself, but in the future, you will have to deal with shrines more. , not only to ward off evil spirits, but also to break the vitality of the gods.

Long before they set off, they had already prepared a jar full of black dog blood. When Shi Chengyan walked into the temple step by step and looked at the statue of the goddess sitting on it, the Taoist priest commanded two police officers to carry the jar. Black dog blood comes in.

"Old Shi, the things are here, you really plan to do it yourself..."

Liu Butou didn't dare to go in, and peeped into the hall through the door, but felt that there were layers of curtains, and the solemn and graceful appearance of the goddess statue could be seen, so he was timid, and wanted to ask, are you going to do it now?

Seeing Shi Chengyan walking straight towards the jar, taking it from the two with one hand, and walking towards the statue, he swallowed suddenly and stopped talking.

Seeing a few steps closer, suddenly, there was a "buzz", the statue shimmered, and a voice scolded: "How dare you?!"

It was a female voice, and it was unclear where it came from. It echoed in the hall, and the cold breath immediately weighed on everyone's heart.

The people present trembled in fright, and someone exclaimed: "Your Majesty has appeared holy?!"


The weight of these two words is enough to make people terrified and afraid to move forward.

Shi Chengyan, who had lost two brothers and one nephew, couldn't help but pause, but the faces of his eldest brother and sister-in-law suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he only asked him to take care of him when it was dark. How can he go back and say it now?

A wave of hostility rushed up, and he sneered: "Why don't you dare?!"

After finishing drinking, he raised his hand and splashed the black dog's blood.

"Ah——" a scream sounded, it was extremely ear-piercing, and almost everyone present was in a trance. Only Shi Chengyan, who was facing the scream, only paled slightly, and stood coldly, and pressed down. Knife.


Then there was a loud bang, the god statue that was staying on the stage, split from the middle, collapsed to the sides, the debris splashed, and scratched the faces of those who were slow to hide, but it was Shi Chengyan who destroyed the statue , even the broken bits seemed to be avoided, unharmed.

A puff of cigarettes quickly flowed out from the statue, and fled outwards quickly.

Subconsciously, Shi Chengyan made a slash, and only heard a "poof", the slash was a hit, but it seemed to have no effect on the smoke.

"Destroy my foundation, destroy my incense, I will give you retribution, let you be hacked into pieces, and your children and grandchildren will die!"

The moment the cigarette was rolled out, a thin voice was faintly heard, which was actually a curse from the gods.

Shi Chengyan let out an angry roar, and jumped away again, but it was still too late. The cigarette flew away so fast that he couldn't catch up.

"Huh, that's not right!" With Shi Chengyan's eyesight, he could see that the cigarettes were escaping, and it seemed to be thinner in a blink of an eye, and the buzzing thunder seemed to affect it. Is this weakening?

The others didn't seem to have reacted yet, they were still staring at the statue in astonishment, and in a blink of an eye, Catcher Liu came to his senses, clapped his legs and shouted: "It's broken, it's caused trouble."

Liquor store

Su Ziji was sitting when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked out the window.

"Curse?" Su Ziji raised his eyebrows thoughtfully when he heard the soft curse sound.

To let her escape?

He just fell into a dream, and when he woke up, he heard the sound of curses. It can be seen that it is not so easy to eradicate the gods, and it is not so easy to clean up the shrine. It needs to be more cautious.

Of course, this is also within Su Ziji's expectations. The power of the shrines in the capital is not shallow. The believers alone cover the bottom and upper middle classes. No matter which shrine, almost all have powerful believers. Now There are also shrines showing spirits one after another. Which of those powerful and powerful people has no wish to fulfill?

This manifestation gives confidence.

"Your Majesty!" At this moment, Tan Ping, the governor who had just gone down, hurried up the stairs, and when he came in, he breathed a little, and said, "I report that Shuiyun Temple has been wiped out, and dog blood has been poured on it. Do you see..."

"The king will go over and have a look immediately." Su Ziji squinted his eyes and stood up without waiting to finish speaking. Tan Ping had to follow as the king was going.

In the rainy night, the whole street was completely quiet due to the fighting in Shuiyun Temple.

Su Ziji could feel that there were pairs of eyes looking out from inside the doors of some shops or houses.

He ignored these ordinary people. From today onwards, this kind of thing, I am afraid that it will happen one after another. Now that it has been done, there is no need to cover it up.

The entrance of Shuiyun Temple has been cleaned up, the dead bodies have been moved aside, the ground has not been cleaned in time, the blood stains are shocking to look at, and there is a very strong blood rushing in the air, but no matter whether it is Su Ziji or Fu Yin Tanping, Not even a frown.

Fu Yin Tanping was used to seeing people hurting and dying, but he did not expect that Dai Wang could look normal in the face of two rows of corpses and the soaring smell of blood.

"That's right, King Dai once went to the southwest and made military achievements. This is no ordinary prince and grandson." Tan Ping, who quickly remembered this, was not surprised by King Dai's reaction.

Su Ziji strode in. After entering the Shuiyun Temple, he found that the traces at the door were small and fresh. The Shuiyun Temple has not been cleaned up, and there are corpses everywhere. It can be seen that at the end of the killing, even the people in the yamen were killed. In the blink of an eye, there was no one left alive?

Go along all the way, and in front of the main hall, Fu Yin Tanping looked at the people who came up, pointed to a tall and burly man covered in blood at the front, and said to Su Ziji: "My lord, he is Shi Chengyan, not just the first one. I rushed in, and was the first to splash blood on the god statue, and it is said that something strange happened."

Su Ziji took a look at Shi Chengyan, he didn't fall into the name of a famous arrester, but he looked dignified, even more sinister.

"My lord, my lord!" With his head and body wet, Shi Chengyan strode forward to salute the two of them.

"Sure enough, he is a man." Su Ziji asked him not to be too polite, and reported the situation just now.

"Yes, when the villain splashed dog blood just now, there was still a sound of yelling, but the villain ignored it and continued to splash it, turning into smoke and fleeing."

Shi Chengyan spoke in detail one by one.

Before Su Ziji could open his mouth, Fu Yin Tanping, as an insider, murmured first: "How can you show your holiness? I want to write a letter to the imperial court!"

"You've done a good job. You're courageous. I just need someone like you." Su Ziji didn't say anything, he glanced at him appreciatively, and just said, "Master Tan, do you have any vacancies in Shuntian Mansion? Can you fill him in?" One is from the ninth grade."

"No rank is inferior to officials". The head catcher leads a group of arresters to arrest criminals. He is majestic, but he is actually just an "officer". Even if he is a famous arrester, he has no rank and is not an official.

"Thank you, my lord." Shi Chengyan kowtowed with grief and joy, but Su Ziji ignored it. He looked at the aura on the broken statue and thoughtfully said, "There is an aura... It seems that I have arrived at 20 Level, what kind of shackles did you break, Tianmen?"

(End of this chapter)

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