fake prince

Chapter 887

Chapter 887


The name of this workshop is good, but it is a relatively poor workshop in the capital, with a total of sixty or seventy families. Most of the families have already fallen asleep, and occasionally a few families are still staying up late spinning.

A house in a narrow and long alley seemed to be out of fire. Inside a house, there was nothing but a straw mat, and a person was sitting cross-legged.

This person's complexion is sallow, his lips are black, his whole body is more than ten years older than before, and he vomits a mouthful of blood from time to time, it is none other than Gui Junxi who escaped from Prince Lu's mansion.

He is now in the basement of an ordinary house, in pitch darkness, but his eyes are like will-o'-the-wisps, flashing unwilling anger in the darkness.


Seeing that the king of Lu is doing well and has hope of winning the final victory, but he falls short, how can he not let him feel heartbroken?

But all he can do is escape here, like a mouse in the dark, not even daring to show his face.

Due to backlash, his cultivation base has been greatly reduced now, and he has to heal himself. A bronze mirror is placed in front of him. As long as he lowers his head, he can see the scene inside the bronze mirror. When he appears in the bronze mirror, it is the courtyard outside the secret , relying on it, Gui Junxi can feel at ease.

Suddenly, his slightly lowered eyes turned cold: "Who?"

No one answered in the secret room, Gui Junxi was not fooled, sneered, and poked the bronze mirror with his hand.

With a sound of "poof", there was a wave of water in the bronze mirror, and a woman's figure appeared, her hair was disheveled, her robe was torn with blood, her face was even more ugly, she looked quite embarrassed.

"It turned out to be you, Mistress Sandong." Gui Junxi shrank his pupils, coughed, and sneered, "Why did you become such a mess?"

"Also, is it still manifesting here?"

Obviously, he knew Empress Sandong, with vigilance and surprise.

Mistress Sandong was poked by him just now, and now she has her face trampled on again, she said angrily, "Aren't you also a bereaved dog?"

"As for the appearance, hey, the gate of heaven has been opened, and it is getting easier and easier to appear, but you may not have the opportunity to enjoy it."

Hearing her sarcasm, Gui Junxi's face was slightly cold, and she had no respect for the three empresses, and she looked embarrassed, obviously suffering a big loss, and even dared to sarcasm herself.

"I heard that this woman was originally a prostitute in a brothel. By chance, she was incensed in the previous dynasty. Up to now, few people know her details."

"Looking at her appearance now, it may be true."

"If I can take her down, maybe I can make up for my loss." Thinking of this, Gui Junxi's eyes darkened, and there was also some greed in his eyes when he looked at the three-hole empress in the mirror.

The Empress of Three Caves seemed to be aware of it, and when she was about to say something, there was a sudden sound of gongs outside, the sound came from far to near, making the two "people" with ghosts in their hearts hold their breaths and stop.

"There is an order from the government—seal the Shuiyun Temple——"


"Decide Sandong Empress as an evil god—"


"People are not allowed to visit the shrine without authorization—"


"The violator is guilty—"


"There is an order from the government—to capture Gui Junxi, a monster—"


"There is a big reward for reporting—"


The watchman beat the gong and yelled, and the words he yelled stunned the two "people" in the secret room, and then both of them had distorted expressions.

After a long time, when the watchman had passed by far away, and the voice gradually faded away, Mistress Sandong was silent for a while, and said, "Join hands?"

Thinking of his current situation and his completely ruined future, Gui Junxi wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth just now, and replied: "Join hands."

Outside the capital·Xinpingguan

The rain hits the flowers and branches, the shadows of the branches are slightly swaying, the corridor folds over the artificial mountain and the canal, the moon shines through the dark clouds, the quiet light is scattered, just now there was a strong wind and thunder, many maids in Taoist robes did not dare to come out, now the rain has subsided, the maids Unable to sleep for a while, the doors and windows were opened to let in air, and groups of three or four enjoyed the cool in the corridor at the entrance, shaking their fans and talking and laughing in low voices.

In an elegant room, Zhou Yao, who is staying temporarily, is sitting cross-legged on the bed. In the darkness, a woman is standing opposite each other two steps away. Although they have different looks, they have a very similar feeling, obviously not the same picture. The face, standing opposite to each other at this time, looks like a mirror.

"It's a pity!" The woman opposite sighed, and this sigh successfully made Zhou Yao feel cold.

Zhou Yao's character is not impulsive and irritable, so she couldn't help but ask at this time: "Do you have an explanation for what happened to Dragon Palace just now? Tell me, what did you want to do just now?"

If she hadn't been interrupted suddenly, could she be planning to do something to Qinglong?

Zhou Yao's dissatisfaction was more because this incident exceeded her expectations, which made her feel like things were getting out of control, and to a certain extent, it was Qinglong who gave her a strange feeling, which made her feel familiar, but she still couldn't remember it. Remember when you have seen this dragon.

The woman looked up at her, looked at her, and suddenly smiled: "Hey, what are you afraid of? I don't plan to do anything to it, I just want to resurrect it."


This word even touched Zhou Yao's sensitivity. She opened her eyes wide and her expression was chilly. Although the woman said every day that she and she were one, Zhou Yao didn't feel that she and herself were one person. Say, think differently.

"Could it be that she lied to me?"

The woman seemed not aware of it, and said with regret: "Yes, as long as it agrees, I can be resurrected, even if... I am already dead."

"Resurrection..." Zhou Yao whispered the word, "Didn't you say that I am your reincarnation? Since I am your reincarnation, why do you need to be resurrected?"

"Yes, you are my reincarnation, it is indeed true, but..."

The woman looked at Zhou Yao's face with affection and pity. As her cultivation gradually increased, Zhou Yao's appearance became more and more beautiful, and she was about to become less human.Zhou Yao herself can be called a beautiful woman, and her facial features haven't changed much recently, but they have changed a little, and she looks perfect, without any flaws.

Temperament is also gradually transformed, and only by continuously improving this point, an ordinary woman can become a beauty, and she is already a beauty, and she is developing towards a fairy.

Such a face is almost on par with the previous life.

It's a pity, even so, the cultivation base is still too far behind.

The woman was still staring at her, looking into her gaze, tenderly: "...but you are still a human being, if you are really resurrected, you may regain your personality, don't you want to feel the joy of stepping into the road of the gods like that? hapiness?"

The woman sighed: "You have felt strong before, so you won't be content with being weak now..."

"Especially now that the gate of heaven has been opened, the broken must be repaired, and the weak must be strengthened. You know, in our world, there are no so-called immortals at all, let alone immortality."

"I read the "Biography of the Immortals", and it said that 70 people became immortals, and they all became immortals after eating precious jade, stone marrow, or pine nuts." Zhou Yao listened, followed the Taoist scriptures, She has read a lot recently: "Could it be that all of these are wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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