fake prince

Chapter 890

Chapter 890

Wen Xunpeng is the least confident of the four. In terms of seniority, he is the shallowest. In terms of merit, he has just joined in and has no credit at all. The same is true in terms of feelings. He is still a little reluctant to talk to Dai Wang , I don't think Dai Wang will have much affection for him.

The above points will definitely affect Dai Wang's trust in him. He doesn't know what Dai Wang will let him do, so he can only wait anxiously.

"I was in charge of the Beijing News before, I don't know if I will be assigned to manage this aspect..."

Wen Xunpeng thought in his heart, but with his keenness, he has discovered that the Beijing News is very important. Dai Wang will definitely use someone he trusts to control the Beijing News. He has just joined Li and only done some small things. He continues to be in charge of the Beijing News?

Just as he was thinking, he heard Dai Wang say, "As for Mr. Wen..."

Dai Wang looked at it with a smile: "You are more familiar with the capital city, and you have a good literary talent, why don't you continue to be in charge of the documents and the Beijing News?"

Wen Xunpeng's uneasy heart finally settled down, and he immediately responded: "I must do my best to handle this errand well!"

Su Ziji talked with him several times. Although he has not gained much experience until now, he can understand him and is very satisfied with his attitude. However, he still told him: "The matter of the Beijing News is very important. Can you control public opinion? Have a A powerful channel to speak out depends on how well the Beijing News is run.”

"Not only the Beijing News, but also other newspapers and periodicals should be influenced as much as possible, but we cannot control it alone."

With the invention of movable type printing, there were actually newspapers in ancient times. This is also an objective need. The emperor's edicts, officials' memorials and official documents are called "dibao".

Some businessmen saw that selling newspapers could make money, so they printed and sold the newspapers. Therefore, newspaper houses were established, with more and more content, and gradually formed a system. Now there are more than a dozen newspaper houses in the capital, with different names.

Although the imperial court has not yet clearly understood its role, it is not stupid enough to ignore it, so controlling one or two families by itself is the limit, and if there are too many, it will reveal its flaws.

Wen Xunpeng naturally agreed with Dai Wang's words very much, because he carried a magazine with him, he took it out of his sleeve at this time, got up and handed it a few steps forward: "My lord, this is the new title that is going to be released, please have a look."

Su Ziji took the capital in his hand, flipped through it and read it carefully. After a long time, he nodded: "It's well written."

At the same time, Su Ziji thought to himself: "This article is a bit like a press release. I don't know how the effect of "the way of university lies in Ming Mingde"..."

So he said: "Let this article be published by other newspapers first, and then the Beijing News will follow."

After all, the Beijing News was published first, so it was easy to be exposed. Su Ziji's intention was to muddy the water, not to let the Beijing News stand out now, and to follow the other newspapers to speak out, just like a tree in the forest, with a cover.

Wen Xunpeng felt more and more that he and the lord had a good understanding, and he thought of something, and he was happy, and he answered sharply: "My lord, I have already prepared this way, and I chose the mansion banknote, which is an old-fashioned banknote in the capital." Sign up."

"The sender has also been in contact with Di Chao for a long time. He is an old scholar. It is not too suspicious to publish it under his name."

"As for the encirclement and suppression of Shuiyun Temple, other newspapers will definitely follow up. Our Beijing News will publish it later, but it will deepen on the basis of the previous ones."

Su Ziji was very satisfied with the way things were done. Looking at the scribes in front of him, he sighed once again that the King of Qi was really stupid to let such a person go and keep Sun Bolan instead.

"I heard that you are not only good at writing manuscripts, you are also good at writing excerpts. You are responsible for many of the excerpts written by King Qi. How about writing an excerpt for this king to report to the emperor on Shuiyun Temple. Pay attention and write down the contributions of the Daofan family. go up..."

As soon as Su Ziji said the words, Wen Xunpeng's eyes lit up, and he praised: "My lord, this is great kindness!"

"Although the Dao and Fan families intervene, they like to flaunt their distance from power and don't rely on nobles. However, my lord, you recommended them in the name of the king. If they don't board the ship, they will board the ship."

Even if they feel that they have not completely surrendered to Dai Wang, can other forces believe it?

In order to prevent other forces from finally fighting for succession and successfully liquidating these "Daiwang Party", the Daofan family can only follow Daiwang wholeheartedly.

This is a conspiracy, and the matter is clearly laid out, but unless the Taoists and the Vatican turn their faces and draw a clear line now, or even if they twist their noses, they still have to accept the sentiment of "not greedy for credit on behalf of the king" and jump into this trap.

Ye Taoist also laughed, and said: "I would like to add that although we have a list of targets for the next step, we can let the Dao and Fan families continue to recommend the next target of the crusade."

"Good!" This is sharing the firepower, and the three immediately praised it.

Wen Xunpeng was in the small circle of Dai Wang's staff, and finally felt a sense of joy to get rid of his pig teammates and cooperate with a group of people with online IQ, and continued: "I can also borrow other people from the Times to make an appointment to provoke some opponents. Juren who are not sensitive to political affairs in the court, let them publish articles supporting the crackdown on prostitutes."

"Yes, cracking down on prostitutes is equivalent to supporting the lord. The people involved may not have any intentions, but others may not see it that way. When there is a storm, they will naturally have to board the boat." Not only that, when it comes to cracking down on prostitutes, our Daiwangfu's big plan is to get more people involved, and by then, our Daiwangfu will be able to develop many people to support it!"

"After all, they are entitled to board the ship, not disembarked."

There were faint human voices in the small hall, and ordinary people couldn't hear them clearly outside, but for experts with special powers, it might be a different scene.

In the corridor not far from the small hall, Bo Yan, who was wearing a ninth-grade military uniform, moved his ears. His ears are special. As long as he uses this ability when he wants to hear sounds within a certain range, he can hear things that ordinary people can't hear. to the sound.

In front of Luo Jiang was looking at the scenery in the distance, Bo Yan also looked away, and his ears were filled with the voices of the acting king's staff in the small hall.

Whether it was the savage Daoist who had long made Bo Yan feel that he was not a good person, Cen Rubai who looked free and easy, or Mr. Jian who was gentle and polite, they all spoke about the matter of pulling people on board, every word , made Bo Yan feel terrified.

Not to mention Wen Xunpeng, his main target in entering the royal palace, this person is so vicious!

Bo Yan sighed in his heart: "As these people said, once this plan is worked out, the Dao-Fan family has a deep foundation, and they may be able to jump ship at a certain price. Juren who got involved inadvertently may never have a chance to change their appearance. "

Who would have imagined that it was the right thing to inadvertently support the crackdown on prostitutes, but they might have to board the boat, and they might lose their wealth and lives from then on?

"It's no wonder King Qi wants to order Wen Xunpeng to be killed. Such a person falls into the hands of others and becomes someone else's knife. The power is too great."

Bo Yan felt sorry for him, but there seemed to be a voice in his heart: "But such a person was forced to leave by the King of Qi and took refuge in the King Dai. Doesn't it mean that the new prince Dai Wang is more powerful than the King Qi?" Is the prince who has been in business for many years more worthy of allegiance?"

As soon as such a voice appeared, it was immediately suppressed by Bo Yan.

He raised his head and looked at Luo Jiang again, and saw that although her face was still a little pale, most of the gloom had dissipated. Thinking that she could recover a lot, it might be because she had met Dai Wang and said something to him. As soon as it hurt, he said in his mouth, "You seem to have recovered a little recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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