fake prince

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

Hearing this, Luo Jiang turned to look at him, his expression was indifferent, but upon closer inspection, he could see that his expression had improved a lot, and there was no trace of sadness.

"People always have to look forward." In the eyes of everyone, the long eyelashes of the girl who had just lost her mother drooped, and her slightly pale face was even more pitiful: "I can only live a better life, so that my mother can rest assured."

His gaze flicked on Bo Yan's face, and Luo Jiang withdrew it. No matter what, the fact that Dai Wang saved his mother must not be known to outsiders. It is a great fortune that his mother is still alive.

The Imperial City Division was built by the order of Zheng Gaozu, with only 500 people in the direct staff, but it has great power and is in charge of spying and supervision. It is an institution directly under the emperor. Although it is impossible to penetrate every hole, once the wind leaks, it is difficult to cover it up.

At that time, there will be big troubles involving the mother's life, even if it is Bo Yan, she can't tell.

But her calm gaze and indifferent tone made Bo Yan open his mouth, trying to say something, but couldn't.

What can I say?Since she let go, it was a good thing for her, and she should breathe a sigh of relief for her, but thinking that the reason why Luo Jiang looked so much better might have something to do with Dai Wang, he felt a little uncomfortable.

After being silent for a while, Luo Jiang spoke again, but this time he asked, "What are your plans?"


Bo Yan's heart tightened, and he twitched the corners of his mouth: "Of course I did a good job in Daiwang's Mansion. Now I'm a ninth-rank deputy captain, and I'm a serious official. As long as I keep going, I will always have a good life."

What he said made Luo Jiang sneer.

"You can lie to others, but you can fool me? You are in two boats, but you will capsize."

Seeing that Bo Yan's expression turned cold for a moment, and his gaze turned scrutiny, Luo Jiang sighed, looked at him helplessly, and said, "What are you worried about? Do you think I will report you?"

Bo Yan didn't speak, he just looked at her.

Luo Jiang sighed: "You and I grew up together when we were young, how could I report you? But your matter is not a secret, if nothing else, your little brothers all know it. It's no longer a secret, you don't understand this truth? With more people, the Daiwang Palace will find out sooner or later."

When Bo Yan heard this, he was furious, and said coldly: "My brother and I have been through life and death for many years, we can give our lives to each other, and we will definitely not betray me."

But these words sound very confident, but in fact, with enough interests, whether he will be betrayed or not, presumably Bo Yan himself has no idea.

Luo Jiang didn't refute, just continued: "Sharing adversity is easy, sharing wealth is difficult, let alone you enjoying wealth alone?"

"If you are still their leader, leading them through life and death, and being the vanguard, I believe your brothers can continue, but now you have passed the birth, and they are still living a life of sucking blood in the rivers and lakes."

"One year or two years is still understandable, five years and six years, eight years and ten years?"

"What if your brother dies while performing a mission? On the one hand, you enjoy wealth and wealth, and on the other hand, they are shrouded in straw mats. Will they still understand you and recognize you?"

"Besides, you don't belong to anyone. Even if you work for someone, you are just hiring and taking orders."

"Now that you have been heavily used by the acting king, you are already an official, and you will have a bright future in the future. Don't you feel it a pity to give up your hard-won official status for one or two short-term orders? Which is more important, you yourself think about it."

After hearing this, Bo Yan pursed his thin lips into a line. Luo Jiang's words were like directly revealing his thoughts during this period.

It was indeed this that troubled him the most.

As a Jianghu person, he pays attention to the morality of the Jianghu. King Qi made an order, and he accepted it, and it should be completed. This is not only for money, but also because he has taken a fancy to King Qi. future.

But after accepting the order, the only person who contacted him was Sun Bolan, who was in front of King Qi. Official body, what kind of good fortune is this?

Don't underestimate the status of a ninth-rank official. If you want to be an official, you need to have a clean resume. Now it's not a troubled time. Even if the generals in the southwest are recruiting people, they will not be willing to accept people from the rivers and lakes. Who knows if they are under control?Was it bought by others?

The background is not clean, and there is no chance to take the martial arts exam. Apart from clinging to the nobles, or becoming the king of the mountain, there is no other way.

And the possibility of becoming a mountain king is far greater than being recruited.

Bo Yan easily got the ninth-rank official position, if other people in the Jianghu knew about it, he might be envious and envious.

Brothers, can you really accept and understand?

"Luo Jiang, you seem to have improved a lot. You couldn't say that before." Bo Yan restrained his expression, and couldn't see much expression.

"People always grow up, and the treasury of Daiwang's Mansion is not small." Luo Jiang's eyelashes seemed to cast a light shadow under his eyes: "Bo Yan, you don't care how much we paid for a sword or sword manual." clear."

"But now, although it is not easy to get it, as long as you pay loyalty, it is not difficult to get it."

"Why do people do these dirty jobs?"

"They won't live long."

While the two were talking, Bo Yan's ears moved, and he heard that the discussion in the small hall had come to an end, and a group of people came out surrounded by the Dai Wang, and Luo Jiang seemed to feel it, and said: "We grew up together when we were young. The words are from the heart, think again."

Saying that, he stood up and faced the small hall, and in a blink of an eye he saw Dai Wang coming out, so he walked over to greet him.

"Really?" Bo Yan felt bitter in his heart. If Luo Jiang had no affection, he could see her concern, but her concern might not be the kind he hoped for. At this moment, he couldn't bear to think too much, and he also asked Dai Wang salute.

Su Ziji didn't know the undercurrent between the two of them, so he gave way to Ping, and asked Luo Jiang: "By the way, have you finished practicing the sword manual that Gu gave you before? If you finish, Gu will give you another copy."

This Luo Jiang is a born embryo of martial arts, if you give her a few cheat books, she will be able to practice the essence, and she can absorb it happily, so she has to cultivate it.

Luo Jiang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I have finished practicing before."

When she looked up again, she saw a new cheat book in Dai Wang's hand, and handed it to her casually.

This cheat book is also a sword manual, the cover is indigo blue, and there are a few black characters on it, which are written quite elegantly: "Gasting Wind Sword Art?"

Bo Yan's eyes froze. Although the name of this "Guild Wind Sword Art" is very common, almost everyone in the Jianghu has heard of it.

This was written by Ye Wenliu, a top swordsman more than 100 years ago. Now it is regarded as Ye family's unique knowledge, how could it fall into the hands of Dai Wang?

He had fought against the descendants of the Ye family before, and the opponent should be the Gale Sword Technique that he had learned, which was very difficult to deal with, but now this sword manual is rewarded casually like a miscellaneous book?

Is this the emperor's house?

Thinking about Luo Jiang's performance when he fought against Luo Jiang last time, he suddenly realized: No wonder Luo Jiang's martial arts improved by leaps and bounds!

Bo Yan's heart was in a mess.

Who in the rivers and lakes doesn't want to become a master?

(End of this chapter)

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