fake prince

Chapter 894 Kill the Thief Sun Bolan

Chapter 894 Kill the Thief Sun Bolan

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, that's right, they were only employed by Sun Bolan before, and even if they became enemies with the Dai Wang, they were only acting as "knives".

Xiong Yi opened his mouth first, and the others became excited all of a sudden, thinking that this was a good idea, and they all offered advice.

"Seventh brother, outsiders think that we are roaring in the rivers and lakes, eating delicious food and drinking hot food, but who knows our hardships, the knife head licks blood, walks by the river for a long time, no one does not get wet shoes, and the court is getting more and more stable, free to deal with us , the world is getting more and more difficult, when we went to Beijing, there were thirteen brothers, now there are only six."

Seeing Bo Yanyi, Xiong Yi wiped away his tears with emotion, his voice trembling a little.

"That's the reason. Brother Yan in the past wanted to find a way out for us. Back then, a hundred households were promised to Brother Yan. He was the deputy team leader of the ninth rank. He never succeeded in his life. I don't want you, Brother Seven, to succeed."

"Seventh brother, let's do it!" Jiang Bo was especially envious of Bo Yan, and said at this time: "Seventh brother, you can introduce all of our brothers to the Dai Palace, and then we brothers will support each other, and we will definitely be able to do something good! "

"That's right, Seventh Brother, kill Sun Bolai quickly, we brothers are plotting to get rich together!"

Listening to the prospects of the brothers, Bo Yan sighed, the matter has come to this point, even if he wants to continue to fulfill this business according to morality, the brothers probably will not agree.

Although his brothers may not have betrayed him, but because of a single business, they broke friendship with them, which is not what Bo Yan wants to see.

Bo Yan was silent. In fact, in terms of income, the income of a group of people is not low, not to mention from the ninth rank, even a hundred households of the eighth rank can't get that much.

It is useless if the income is not low, and it is not possible to see the light. It is true that there is no ten-year luck in the world. Every year, one or two brothers will be lost. How many brothers can continue to be lost?

Therefore, Yan Zongyun pays a lot of money every year, which can promote hundreds of households, so he has confidence. He doesn't want these hundred households to cross the river and demolish the bridge before they are about to be promoted.

Will the acting king cross the river and demolish the bridge this time?

Looking at the expressions of his brothers, Bo Yan couldn't help but see the face of Yan Zongyun when he was dying. He sighed and made up his mind.

"Brother Yan, I am sorry for you, I have to arrange for your last brother."

He nodded and said, "Understood, just do as you said."

Then he said: "Just killing Sun Bolai may not be enough, I also know a few spies in several mansions, and I can report them together at that time."

While speaking, the faces of Zheng Huai and Pang Si emerged in his heart, and he sighed secretly: "For the sake of my family and my brothers' lives and future, I can only feel sorry for you."

Xiong Yi and the others were very happy when they heard this.

They have even begun to think about how to make meritorious service when they enter the Dai Wangfu, and how to let the Dai Wang see their loyalty and ability. As long as they can be valued, they will be promoted just around the corner. Isn't that why they have been in the rivers and lakes all these years?

To whom is it not selling?Those who can give the future dare to follow!

"Newspapers are on sale, newspapers are on sale! Today's new Wenlin Newspaper is out! Fresh periodicals! Every penny!"

Just at this time, the shouts of newspaper sellers sounded outside the teahouse.

Dazheng's newspapers and periodicals are published in the capital, and there are only a few well-known ones. This Wenlin Newspaper is one of them. The founder is a great Confucianist in the former dynasty. It was suspended during the war. Later, Dazheng was established here, and there were scholars Gathered in the capital, within two years, the Wenlin Newspaper was republished, and it became very popular.

A penny is not much for ordinary people in the capital, but there are actually very few ordinary people who are willing to read newspapers. After all, reading newspapers requires literacy, but most of the people do not know a few words.

Therefore, newspapers and periodicals are generally sold to lecturers and literati.

When the narrator reads it, he can talk about the contents of the newspaper in teahouses and restaurants, and those who go to drink or drink tea can listen to it, and they can also learn about the news in the newspaper.

The literati are literate, and generally the literati living in the capital are not so poor that they can’t afford a penny of newspapers and periodicals. Moreover, the articles on the newspapers and periodicals are often contributed by literati. , The article after article is also like a ring, when it gets lively, there will naturally be more "onlookers".

Hearing the call for Wenlin Times outside, there were a few tea drinkers in long robes sitting near the door in the teahouse. One of them went out and bought a newspaper.

Bo Yan didn't pay attention to this matter at first, but they couldn't help watching the discussion, especially the mention of "Dai Wang", which made Bo Yan immediately prick up his ears.

"It was said earlier that the Dai Wang hadn't moved. I don't want to send the Shuntian Mansion directly to take down the Shuiyun Temple last night and take over this prostitution nest. It is worthy of the Dai Wang. If it were someone else, they might not dare to do this!" The speaker lowered his voice.

The companion also said: "Brother Zhang is very true. I heard that the Dai Wang came from the people and hated evil like an enemy. Now it seems that this is indeed the case!"

"I heard that Shuiyun Temple resisted with bows and arrows, and several officials died."

"What, isn't this killing officials and rebelling?"

"That's why it is said that Shuiyun Temple is a den of prostitution and a den of thieves. I heard that it is also harboring the great thief Shen San."

"Hiss, it turns out that Shen San colluded with Shuiyun Temple. No wonder they couldn't take it down even though they had their lives in their hands and ruined many girls."

They talked in low voices, but Xiong Yi and the others were all quacks with better ears than ordinary people, not to mention Bo Yan, when they heard about Dai Wang, they all stopped talking and just listened to their chat.

Soon someone came in with a newspaper and commented on the articles on it. The people at the previous table also let go of their courage, and their voices gradually became louder.

Bo Yan wanted to inquire about the situation, and when he returned home, he could report to the Dai Wang, so he walked over, listened carefully, smiled and bowed to them, and asked, "So it's a good thing that the Dai Wang wiped out the Shuiyun Temple?"

Several people were chatting, and when they looked up, they saw that although the person talking to them was not a literati, but a young man in military uniform, he was an official, and he dared not neglect. One of the long-faced men hurriedly said: "Of course, that's fine. Otherwise, how many female relatives will be harmed by keeping the prostitute shrine?"

Bo Yan listened, thoughtful.

"I don't know what your name is? Which yamen do you work in?" Some of the literate tea drinkers asked cautiously because they were afraid that Bo Yan would not like them discussing this matter.

Bo Yan smiled politely, and replied: "It's just people who are begging for life in the capital."

Seeing a few people still a little uneasy, he is now used to the intimidation that his official belt can give to ordinary people, so he said more kindly: "You guys continue to chat, and I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, he went back to his own table, and said to his brothers: "Go, it's not too late, let's get this done right away, don't make any troubles."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of scratching his neck with his fingers. Xiong Yi and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the excitement in their companion's eyes, and immediately got up.

"Kill that thief Sun Bolan!"

(End of this chapter)

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