fake prince

Chapter 895 Eyelid jumping

Chapter 895 Eyelid jumping


The stars in the sky are dim, and the moon is in the sky. Because it cleared up after the rain, and the ground is sultry, cicadas cry one after another, which makes people feel upset.

Bo Yan didn't return home, but left the teahouse, changed his clothes, and went to several pubs one after another. When night fell, he had already reached the sixth pub.

"Oh, guest officer, you're here, please come in, please come in! There are private seats upstairs, look, do you go to the second floor, or find a table for you on the first floor?"

The guy who greeted the guests saw a young man coming in and stepped forward to let him in.

Bo Yan's expression was indifferent: "There is no need for the private room, just find me a table in the lobby."

"Okay, please come with the villain!" The clerk saw that he was easy to talk, and he felt relieved. He hurriedly led the way, found a table in the back, wiped the table carefully with the white towel on his shoulder, and then Said: "My lord, please sit down! What are you going to eat? The wine in our small shop is good, and the best is pear blossom brewing!"

"Your signature dish here, serve two dishes, and a small pot of pear blossom stuffing, and nothing else." Bo Yanyi didn't eat, just casually.

"Okay! Guest officer, please wait a moment, I will let the kitchen prepare!" The waiter left immediately, and after a while, he brought a pot of tea and a plate of peanuts.

In the tavern at this time, because it was dinner time, except for the table he was sitting at, it was basically full of people. During the day, several newspapers and periodicals were sold out, and most of them were articles about Dai Wang's encirclement and suppression of Shuiyun Temple , At this time, this matter has spread, many people know and talk about it, almost everywhere you can hear this matter being discussed, especially in wine shops.

In the few teahouses and restaurants he went to before, there were already speakers who started to talk about this new newspaper. Even those who could not read the big characters, many of them knew about the incident in the newspaper, and knew that the Daiwang sent people to encircle and suppress Shuiyun. The shrine, the Shuiyun Temple, the obscene temple, has been sealed.

Bo Yan was sitting, and there was a table nearby discussing the matter of encirclement and suppression. There were three people sitting at this table, and they all seemed to approve of this matter. One of them couldn't help but said: "I used to have some opinions on Dai Wang, Looking at it now, he is indeed a man who has done good things for us people in the capital!"

"Isn't that right? This obscene temple can be abolished, but it's a good thing to save many female relatives from being entrapped, but I'm also a little worried. I heard that there are some high-ranking officials and dignitaries among the believers in Shuiyun Temple, and not all of them are female relatives. If these people hold grudges against Dai Wang, Dai Wang may be in some trouble."

"Look at what you said, who is the acting king? It's the grandson of the emperor, so why are you still afraid of those high-ranking officials? In terms of dignity, they are more valuable than the grandson of the emperor and the prince?"

In addition to this table, there are also people who are discussing this matter, but they are not all approving. A person who looks like an old man shook his head slightly and said: "After this matter is done, there are Di Chao and Wen Lin. Touting is inappropriate."

"The method is not prudent. It's a sword at every turn. It caused bloodshed. If it wasn't for the blessing of the emperor, the matter was done. If there was a mistake, how to make up for it? Obviously, it can be solved quietly."

"Although the Shuiyun Temple has been abolished, the Shuiyun Temple is an old temple after all. There are many pilgrims, and there are not many nobles. I don't know what the result will be."

The companion also nodded and said: "No, besides, this matter has been exposed, how can those female relatives live? Isn't this harmful?"

Someone happened to pass by, and when they heard the people at this table talking, they immediately became unhappy: "It's better to have pain sooner than later, this matter will be over soon! If this matter is not resolved, how many women will be victimized in the future, do you think this is wrong , so according to your opinion, you should continue to cover this matter?"

"That's right! Your female relatives also believe in the temple, so you won't think it's wrong!"

After talking about it, I said it to the other party's female relatives.

Not far away, Bo Yan was drinking wine silently, listening: "I have listened to six schools, and most of them approve, while a few question it. This is not easy."

"Dai Wang's reputation has suddenly increased!"

Although he had the reputation of the prince's son before, relying on the reputation of the so-called ancestors always makes people feel that he is not strong, and makes people feel that no amount of fame is just an excuse, but this time the siege of Shuiyun Temple has let more people in the capital know The method of acting as a king, even if it offends some people, is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, although the encirclement and suppression of Shuiyun Temple was not a small matter, it suddenly made him feel a little strange when it became like this.

"It's not a small matter, but isn't it too much?"

Bo Yan felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything strange. After all, this matter was indeed spread by the people spontaneously, and the people were indeed willing to discuss it.

At this moment, the two entered the tavern one after the other, and soon arrived in front of them. It was Xiong Yi and Jiang Bo.

The two sat down, Xiong Yi first poured himself a cup of tea, raised his head and drank it, and said to Bo Yan, "Seventh brother, we have heard the news that we will meet, only half a day later, Sun Bolan came, just half a mile away. Feng's Restaurant."

"It seems that Sun Bolan's pressure is not small, too, I heard that he is not as proud as before in the Qi Palace, and he is anxious to make some achievements."

"Are there any guards?" Bo Yan asked with his jaw.

Xiong Yi replied: "Yes, but only two."

Two, Bo Yan tapped the table with his fingers, there are not many guards in the palace, and the two guards can be regarded as one of the certificates.

"Seventh Brother, let's do it." Jiang Bo was afraid that Bo Yan would regret it at the last moment, so he couldn't help saying in a low voice.

Bo Yan didn't intend to go back on his word, and said after hearing this, "Brothers, according to the old rules, when I went to see Sun Bolan, you all killed the guard."

He said coldly: "Since you are ready to do it, you must not let the matter fail, and you must not let them escape!"

Both Jiang Bo and Xiong Yi grinned: "Yes!"

Quackers like them are actually no different from desperadoes. They didn't dare to kill them before because they considered the consequences, but now they are desperate, as long as they give benefits, let alone Sun Bolan, even the powerful would dare to kill them.

Since he was ready to start, there was no need to eat the food and drink. The waiter had just served the wine, and Bo Yan drank some wine casually, then threw a small piece of silver on the table, asked the waiter to collect it, and took him out.

Another brother was watching at Feng's restaurant. As soon as Bo Yan arrived, they all exchanged glances, knowing that Bo Yan didn't let Xiong Yi and Jiang Bo go up with him, for fear of arousing the vigilance of the two guards.

He went up to the second floor by himself first. In the corridor on the second floor, he saw two men in royal guard uniforms standing against the wall. When they saw him coming up, they didn't speak. report in between.

Bo Yan stood respectfully, and sneered in his heart: "It's just a low-ranking mansion soldier in Prince Qi's mansion, yet he still looks down on me? I'm from the ninth-rank team!"

And in an elegant room at the end of the corridor, Sun Bolan was sitting on a chair and waiting. The wine and meat on the table had only moved a little. Because he had been doing things unfavorably recently, he had also been reprimanded by the King of Qi, which made him feel very bad. At this moment, my eyelids are twitching, and I feel a little uneasy.

"What's going on, is something going to happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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