fake prince

Chapter 898

Chapter 898

It’s true that when a scholar meets a soldier, it’s hard to tell how polite he is. No matter how eloquent he is, as long as the man really kills someone and stabs him with a knife, how can we wait for you to persuade him?

His gaze turned from this head to Bo Yan in front of him again, not to mention that Sun Bolan actually found this person as an assassin, and sneaked into the Dai Palace to find an opportunity to kill himself.

"I almost died." Wen Xunpeng was afraid for a while.

Bo Yan looked at Wen Xunpeng's face, saw that his face was full of emotion and fear, and he didn't get angry immediately, so he knew, regardless of whether it was to appease him first, at least, he did have room for redemption now, so Bo Yan Yan kowtowed again and again: "Mr. Wen, I still have something to report."

"Captain Bo, please say so." Wen Xunpeng took a long breath, feeling that he was mentally prepared, and signaled Bo Yan to continue talking.

Bo Yan lowered his eyes and said, "Among the new recruits at the same time as me, some of them may be spies."

As he spoke, he said the names of Zheng Huai and Pang Si.

Wen Xunpeng was still hesitant at first, thinking that although this person had killed Sun Bolan decisively, he had killed someone from Daiwangfu before, and felt that this "decisiveness" was too tricky, and he was too out of the world. With an idea, he pondered for a long time, and his expression became better towards Bo Yan: "Captain Bo, it's a good thing for you to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and it's another merit to point out the spies. Let's go, let's go see the lord!"

"I will speak for you and protect your life and future."

Bo Yan's heart was in his stomach. Saying that, it means that he took this step, or it was the right one.

He put the head back in the food box and followed Wen Xunpeng with it.

The two walked around the study room, passed the flower cave along the corridor, and arrived at the inner courtyard. As soon as they entered the courtyard, they heard a voice and saw a Taoist talking in the small hall.

"Your Majesty, don't doubt it. The aura of a nobleman goes straight to the top of the cloud, but it is true, classical records, and endless things."

"What is this?" Wen Xunpeng was a little surprised. You must know that although Dai Wang respected Dao Fan, he was not very enthusiastic about it. It's just being polite, why, another Taoist priest?

At this time, a person came, it was Lu Fengyun, a wild Taoist. The wild Taoist put his finger on his mouth and hissed. Wen Xunpeng was startled, stopped, and stood outside listening.

I heard the Taoist say in the hall: "The air of the king's cloud is blue and round like a car cover, covering the top. This is the air of an inhuman subject."

When Bo Yan heard this, he was both surprised and delighted, regardless of whether it was true or not, this kind of statement really made the people who followed Daiwang feel comfortable.

Who doesn't want to have the merit of being a dragon, and there is only one person who is not a minister!

At this time, standing at Wen Xunpeng's position, he could see a beautiful woman walking out of the small hall, it was Princess Ye Buhui.

When the Taoists in the small hall saw Wangfei Ye Bugui, they were stunned, and sighed again: "The princess is pregnant, with cloud energy inside, and her shape is like a dragon, which is also a very noble appearance."

In the small hall, Su Ziji heard this, and couldn't help spouting tea, thinking: "It's too nonsense, this cloud is blue and round like a car cover, isn't it what Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of Wei said back then."

"The fetus nurtures cloud energy, which looks like a dragon, and many emperors used it when they were born."

"Could it be that the magic sticks are all similar, cultivated by the same batch of textbooks?"

In a blink of an eye, all of them, including Ye Daoist, showed doubts, half-believing, and didn't believe it, and smiled: "Master Huidao, show me these two people."

As he said that, he looked straight outside.

Bo Yan was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what this meant, but Ye Taoist turned around and said, "Captain Bo, you and Mr. Wen go in."

The two people Dai Wang mentioned were actually himself and Mr. Wen?While Bo Yan was surprised, he also felt flattered.

Although he thought he was good at martial arts and was unappreciated for his talent, the experience he experienced after entering Beijing had gradually made him realize the status of quacks in the eyes of the rich and powerful, and he dared not talk about it anymore. It's not a one-off in the world!

Dai Wang was the first person who valued and returned the official status, and now he called himself in together with Mr. Wen. Could it be that in the eyes of Dai Wang, he is also a person who is valued as much as Mr. Wen?

It has been more than [-] years since Dazheng founded the country. Due to the peace of the world, the status of literati has gradually increased, and the status of warriors has gradually declined. Although it is not exaggerated, Bo Yan knows that military generals of the same rank are no better than civilian officials. In the eyes of Dai Wang, I can be compared with Mr. Wen, so I naturally have feelings.

Besides, in the small hall, the Taoist who spoke to Dai Wang Su Ziji was none other than Daoist Hui Dao who came from afar.

When he came to Beijing, he came directly to ask to see Dai Wang, because he had met Dai Wang once, and the meeting went smoothly, the faces of Dai Wang and Dai Wangfei made Hui Daoist sigh in his heart: "It really is! "

"The Su Temple has become popular underground, and the ancestors of the Su family have the title of king, so it really should be on Dai Wang!"

"The acting king has already recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan. If it is just the king, it is impossible for the adoptive father's family to become king in the underground. Unless the acting king has a further possibility, the adoptive father can be posthumously named only if he becomes the most noble person. king!"

And the situation of Ye Buhui, the acting princess, made Hui Dao even more stunned. Ye Buhui was originally the daughter of a bookstore owner, so it can be said that her character should be very low. So rich.

"In the past few years, when passing through the capital, because Princess Xinping often went out, I had a look at it, and she was of Quaker status. This was because of her emperor concubine."

"Ye Buhui looked at it at a glance, and it was somewhat similar to her."

"Now there is still a hint of the fate of the phoenix, carefully distinguish, she is pregnant with a precious son!"

"The appearance of the emperor, the appearance of the empress, and the appearance of the mother of the noble son, the combination of the three into one is really rare in the world."

Both mother and child are extremely expensive, so it's not surprising that they have such luck.

After all, he is the son of the legitimate son, and he is likely to be the heir of the acting king, and the throne of the acting king is extremely expensive, so if there is no accident, the eldest son of the legitimate son must also be extremely expensive.

Daoist Hui Dao became a little suspicious, looked carefully at Dai Wang again, and laughed secretly: "I'm suspicious, the so-called difference between inside and outside, in the past, some people took advantage of luck, and the python pattern on their face is just an appearance, not a god."

"The Dai Wang is clearly inspired by the dragon spirit of the Great Wei, and he is perfect inside and out, so he is undoubtedly the son of the Great Wei Dragon."

"Even if Ye Buhui is a dragon girl left behind among the people, it is impossible to change the inner fate of Daiwang, and there is absolutely no other variable."

I wanted to take a closer look, but I heard what Dai Wang said, look at the two?I knew that Dai Wang was a little unconvinced, but this was an examination of himself, but he was skilled in the art of heaven, so he was really not afraid of this test.

If there is no real gold, how can the first teacher support Longting?


After coming in with a piece of paper and a piece of martial arts, Master Hui Dao looked at it carefully, but frowned and remained silent.

"Why, is there any difficulty?" Su Ziji smiled.

"There is no doubt about it, it is only now that I know that the nobleman really has the ability to change fate!"

"Oh? What do you mean by the real man?" Su Ziji asked.

Master Huidao said: "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, both of them have the appearance of death, and their lives will not be long. This gentleman, according to his fate, should die even now."

(End of this chapter)

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