fake prince

Chapter 899

Chapter 899

After hearing this, the expressions of both of them changed, and they both held their breath and continued to listen.

"Now you (Bo Yan) have the roots of a general at the same time, and you (Wen Xunpeng) have the appearance of a minister at the same time, you can see the odd fate!"

The words of Daoist Hui Dao are too straightforward and shocking.

The two people who entered the small hall, whether it was Wen Xunpeng or Bo Yan, were startled and looked straight ahead.

Who is this old man?How dare you say such a thing?

Looking at Dai Wang's expression again, Dai Wang only smiled and listened, and his expression couldn't tell if he believed it or not.

But no matter Dai Wang believed it or not, Wen Xunpeng thought: "If the lord hadn't made Bo Yan willing to jump back, I might have been assassinated, and this really fits."

As for the chancellor, what does it mean that he can become a minister? Needless to say?

Bo Yan had just confessed to Wen Xunpeng about the assassination, and he also felt that he was hit, thinking: "I haven't reported the assassination to the king, and the king will not set up this game for a small person like me, so say , is this Taoist really capable?"

Three candles were lit in the small hall, and even Su Ziji was a little surprised by what Daoist Hui said just now, but he didn't show it.

Because of Ye Buhui's heavy body, he was accompanied back by the servant girl.

"These things can't be taken seriously." Su Ziji gave up his seat with a smile, ordered someone to serve tea, seemed to have a long talk, and stopped talking, but Wen Xunpeng immediately understood, and pulled Bo Yan back to the side hall.

"Huidao is the master of Tongshan Temple, and he is a famous person in Linhua County."

"At the time, I thought he was the mastermind behind the scenes, but later I found out that he was not, and I also felt that this person is not ordinary."

"Now I come here eagerly, as if I have the intention of seeking refuge. I am now at this place?" Sipping his tea, Su Ziji glanced at Hui Daoist: "But I have doubts. I really have a face and aura. What about it?" Everything is preordained, so what else do you need?"

Daoist Hui said with a smile: "Everything is doomed, it's a mediocre view, the so-called fate is something that cannot be changed by manpower, and it does exist."

Seeing Su Ziji listening intently, Master Huidao said: "For example, you have profound talents and knowledge, you are rich in knowledge, and you won the first prize, but even so, you are nothing more than a three-rank character. , even the deposed king of Hening cannot be compared."

"This birth cannot be caught up by manpower. This is life."

"The place where manpower can change is where fate changes. The king of Hening was originally the king of Lu, so it is also a clear proof that he has been lowered."

"Being a scholar, the world knows that there is no need to worry about food and clothing. The world knows that a country gentry has won the Jinshi. The world knows that the official residence is five-rank."

"This is actually physiognomy. The so-called physiognomy means that it has been given from the outside, and you only need to bend down to pick it up."

"Of course, if you don't even bend over to pick it up, then it's God who will take the blame instead." Because of the cool wind blowing in, Master Huidao smiled.

If Su Ziji realizes something, this is actually fixation and change.

Some people get a lot of fixed capital once they are born, and others can't even catch up in their lifetime.

But everyone has a changing part, and physiognomy means that the external conditions have been met, and it is waiting for you to get it.

"This is incisive. When people like this come here, at least they are optimistic about me. The more at this time, the more we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity." Su Ziji said to himself in his heart.

Su Ziji can feel that the world is undergoing great changes, and the world structure is also changing. He seems to be in charge of the beginning of this change, but whether he can benefit from this change still needs to continue to plan.

Is this change good or bad for him?

Daoist Hui Dao seemed to be too precious, but Su Ziji was not sure what the purpose was, and felt that he should try again.

At this moment, a palace guard hurried in and reported: "Your Majesty, Princess Xinping is here."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Master Hui Dao became quiet, Su Ziji was also startled, and withdrew his thoughts: "Princess Xinping is here, has she arrived at the door?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, you are waiting in the bullock cart outside the door."

Rao Su Ziji couldn't help being surprised, she came back at this time?

He looked out of the window, it was already late at night, a princess who was ordered to practice in Xinpingguan not only returned to Beijing overnight, but also came to him?

"Princess Xinping is too capricious. She still runs around at night. If people find out, there will be gossip."

It's fine if she provokes gossip, if she gets implicated, it's an innocent disaster.

"Your Majesty, please do whatever you want." Daoist Hui stood up very tactfully and said calmly.

Su Ziji ordered the wild Taoist to come in temporarily to accompany Daoist Hui, and strode out. The night wind was blowing outside, which calmed his restless mood a little.

Forget it, it's all here, it's useless to worry, why don't you go and see what she came back for first.

After thinking about it, Su Ziji left the house and met at the door.

Because Xinping was ordered to clean up and he had a scandal with the princess, it was absolutely impossible to welcome her into the mansion at night.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji hurriedly walked, and soon arrived at the gate of the mansion, the door was ajar, and it was quiet outside, only the occasional sound of a cow trampling boredly could be heard.

Seeing the king approaching, someone had already opened the gate of the palace. Su Ziji went out directly and stood on the steps. Sure enough, he saw an ox cart parked not far away, surrounded by several knights leading horses to protect him. He felt relieved.

"Finally someone is with me."

I thought the princess was really looking for something to do with me, but when Su Ziji got closer, he saw that the person who got off the bullock cart first was a woman, but it was not Princess Xinping, let alone a court lady, but someone Su Ziji knew. .

"Miss Zhou?" Su Ziji stared at Zhou Yao who came down, and was startled.

Zhou Yao was born with bright eyes and bright teeth, and she became more spiritual when she entered the Tao, and she looked more beautiful, but at this moment Su Ziji saw her for the first time, and found that her aura had changed.

Su Ziji couldn't help but think of what he saw in the illusion that day. The woman in the illusion changed Zhou Yao's appearance at the last moment... Was it related to Zhou Yao?

But Zhou Yao was able to step into the road of practice, because Su Ziji instructed her to go to Xinping Princess to get the secret book. The time of practice is still short, unless there is a change, she will never advance to that level, and even try to influence herself in the illusion.

When he was about three steps away from Zhou Yao, Su Ziji could see it more clearly, secretly surprised: "This is the inspiration to enter the Dao has been completely digested? Surprisingly, the aura has not leaked out, and there is no trace of entering the Dao."

"This is returning to basics and returning to the truth. Could it be that Zhou Yao really had some adventure?"

"It can make Zhou Yao progress so fast. If the one in the illusion is related to her, Zhou Yao's change at this time... is it the awakening of the memory of the previous life?"

This kind of thing is not uncommon in folklore, and it often appears in the biographies of practitioners.

Since Su Ziji became the acting king, he no longer lacks books, calligraphy and paintings, and there are many related miscellaneous books. He occasionally reads them, and there are several volumes of them that have similar records.

Some practitioners, who were also practitioners in the previous life, have to reincarnate to re-cultivate when their lifespan is reached due to some reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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