fake prince

Chapter 903 Gone

Chapter 903 Gone


Following the former Wei system, there is generally no curfew in the capital, but it is the fourth watch. The streets in the capital have long been quiet, and every house has turned off the lights.

The small road in front of the house is already pitch black, and if the moonlight is just covered by dark clouds, you can hardly see your fingers. When you walk past, it seems to be separated into two worlds from the bright place of the lantern in the distance.

At this time, it was very difficult to order an ox cart in the capital, and the ox carts gathered in the streets at night had already been driven home by the handlebars.

"Bang bang!"


In the streets and alleys, the watchmen held lanterns and beat the gong with a long tone. Just after beating the gong once, the sound of insects, which had been quiet for a moment, suddenly sounded again, and the pitch was so high that people could hear it. It was so annoying, there was a drunk who had just come out of the wine shop and was so annoyed by the sound that he was swearing.

At this moment, a person ran towards the light from the end of an alley, and bumped into him with a bang.

"In a hurry to report the funeral?" The drunk man staggered at the intersection, was bumped, almost fell, and couldn't help yelling.

Judging by his clothes, this person should be a servant of a wealthy family, in his twenties, with a medium build, and his speed is not slow, but he can see that his forehead is full of sweat.

The man didn't stop, and ran away in an instant.

The drunk man spat and staggered forward again.

But he didn't know that the person he bumped into just now had reddish eyes and a ferocious expression, and he was about to turn back and slashed the drunk man with a knife, but finally held back.

It was already early morning, and a gust of wind blew from nowhere, shaking the branches.

The stuffiness has subsided a lot, but not far away, there are cicadas, one after another, and the sound of frogs coming from the puddle, which disturbs people's dreams, one after another.

In the bustling neighborhoods, especially the brothels, you can still see the lights, and there is the sound of silk and bamboo, and you can hear melodious and low-pitched singing.

Some people who can't sleep, just sit in restaurants or teahouses, drink tea, chat with others, and spend this unbearable summer night.

When the servant passed by in a hurry, it attracted some curious comments. Being able to hurry on the road in the early morning was nothing more than an emergency.

The servant completely ignored the gradually bustling street scene and the staring eyes. He ran straight forward and turned into a street. This street is cleaner than the previous streets. The mansion inside the wall is the Daiwang Mansion further ahead.

The servant turned three steps into two steps, almost scrambling, and when he arrived at the gate of Dai Wang's mansion, he rushed forward and called the door.

"Come here, come here, I want to see the king!"


In the bedroom in the main courtyard of the Prince Dai's Mansion, in the big bed with the mosquito net hanging down, one person sat up, as if awakened from a nightmare, panting and looking around.

At this time in midsummer, Su Ziji felt the sweat on his back, so he went to touch the people around him.

A thin layer of silk covers the woman lying on her side. Although it is a summer night, ice is placed in the corner of the room, and the room has been remodeled to allow the wind to pass through. It is very cool, so she sleeps deeply. It is fragrant, and there is a faint pink halo on the white and tender face.

Under Su Ziji's gaze, Ye Buhui didn't feel anything, and his breathing fluctuated gently, which made Su Ziji look more engrossed.

No one could see that under Su Ziji's calm face, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was just a nightmare!

He stared at Buhui, she was still by his side at this moment, she hadn't been snatched away, she didn't have two dead bodies, this gave some comfort to Su Ziji who had just woken up from the nightmare.

But thinking about the things in the dream, Su Ziji's face darkened again.

After waking up and being unable to sleep again, Su Ziji simply stopped sleeping, got up quietly, saw the maid sleeping outside, couldn't help smiling, didn't wake up startled, walked out, stood at the door, and looked up at the stars.

It was really a clear night, the sky was dotted with stars of varying brightness, the whole palace was quiet, the wall could be seen from a distance, but the kitchen seemed to be moving a bit.

Standing under the eaves, looking at the night scene not far away, pondered.

"No regrets happened again, how to keep no regrets?" Su Ziji asked himself softly.

Ren Ren made a lot of efforts, but found that in the new prophetic dream, the ending of his wife and children has not changed, and it is difficult for him to feel better.

"I have done some things to try to change my destiny, but I don't regret that something happened in my dream." Su Ziji thought carefully: "In the final analysis, I am still too passive."

"The problem now is either to solve the emperor, or to solve the root cause of the disaster." Su Ziji's killing intent suddenly emerged.

It can be said that after several twists and turns, even if there is still a little affection, it will be gone.

It's just that Su Ziji stared at the voice not far away for a long time, finally looked up at the sky, and sighed.

"At present, it is unrealistic to solve the emperor. If you want to save the emperor and save your wife and children, you must solve the root cause of the disaster."

"The biggest problem with no regrets is the inspiration to enter the Tao. If you want to keep her, you have to solve this matter, but how can you solve it?"

"Abolishing the inspiration? It's a pity to abolish it. Many people will never get a chance in their lifetime, and their lifespan will be lost because of it. In addition, there are children now, and if you are not careful, you may die twice. You can't do it like this. Come on, you can't do that."

"Then you have to let her enter the Dao to digest the inspiration in advance, so that even if there is no magic weapon to cover it, even if it is exposed, nothing will happen if you don't regret it."

"Then how to digest the inspiration in advance?" Su Ziji couldn't help thinking, thinking of Zhou Yao's face.

I haven't seen her for a while, but her aura is unexpectedly unpredictable.

"Practice digestion? No, under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible. Zhou Yao can't be a common practice, and it's too late to practice now."

"If you want to influence people who don't practice Taoism, you actually have a way of thinking. Only Wai Dan, which can be taken like the emperor, can solve this problem."

"But I can't ask others to help me. This alchemy can only be done by myself."

Although he used the Vatican and Daoist sects, who knew that they knew about the fact that he did not regret entering the Tao. Would these people take advantage of this to surrender to the emperor?

Many of Su Ziji's previous schemes were aimed at ordinary things, which can be shared with each other, but for the big event that can make the emperor live longer, who knows whether the Vatican and Daoists will take risks and betray themselves with this matter?

Ye Buhui entered the Dao, and must not let others know.

An emperor who would kill his grandson-in-law and great-grandson for the sake of survival and longevity is too dangerous.

Su Ziji thought for a long time, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw half a piece of red sandalwood.

"Wai Danshu Level 11, 568/12000"

My own external alchemy is only comparable to level 11, which is not enough. Level 11 external alchemy is not enough to refine the external alchemy that works on Ye Buhui's digestion.

It's about alchemy, if it's almost impossible, it may turn a good medicine into a poison, so don't be careless.

"Must be at least level 15!"

Level 15 is the beginning of the master (grandmaster) level. Even if Ye Buhui didn't cultivate and was pregnant, he could probably use it. Thinking of this, Su Ziji suddenly said, "Come here."

(End of this chapter)

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