fake prince

Chapter 904

Chapter 904

Obviously there was no one nearby, but a young girl appeared immediately, her color seemed to be Xiaojiabiyu, she wore a double bun, she was wearing a skirt, she was a servant girl.

"Very good, the twelve maids in the inner courtyard have taken shape under Luo Jiang's training."

These maids don't need to be too outstanding, too outstanding can easily cause accidents, kill people invisible, and turn back on their masters, even if Su Ziji is not afraid, what about his family members and children who have no power to restrain them?

Now that's just about right.

The maid walked up to Su Ziji: "Your Majesty."

"Invite Mr. Lu to the hall." Su Ziji said, the maid immediately responded with a blessing and went to invite him.

After a while, Ye Daoist hurried over and went straight to the hall, where he saw the lord was already sitting there, drinking morning tea.

The wild Taoist took a look and knew that it was not necessary to serve him early, so he directly said to the maid next to him who was about to serve him tea: "Serve breakfast for the king."

"Yes, Mr. Lu." The servant girl glanced at Dai Wang, and found that Wang Ye didn't say no, so she backed out.

Ye Daoist took the tea bowl from her hand and put it down, then walked up to Su Ziji and said, "My lord, did you summon me in the early morning for the list?"

As he spoke, he took out a roll of paper from his sleeve and handed it over.

Su Ziji picked it up, seeing the list of ancestral halls and temples, although not necessarily all of them, he still smiled and said: "The one who knows me, sir."

Looking down, he saw that there were more than a dozen lists of shrines and temples on the paper, and there were simple rules under each of them. Su Ziji flipped through it and asked, "Is this the list provided by the Daofan family?"

"Yes." The wild Taoist nodded: "You can say it to the outside world. This is a suggestion from the Daofan family to the king."

In this way, the misfortunes and blessings are borne by the Dao-Fan family. If something happens, it can also be said to be caused by "the king of slander and deceit", and it can be cut off at any time.

After listening to this, Su Ziji spread out the roll of paper and read it intently for a long time, then stretched out his hand to draw a few names, but shook his head again: "These temples and temples have very solid foundations. It seems that Dao Fan The two also have their own ideas."

"That's all. For specific matters, Shi Chengyan, who has already joined my sect, even if he is promoted to the ninth rank, it will not be easy to seize these people."

"I can't, let me lead it personally every time, and then pull it to Shuntian Mansion?"

Su Ziji frowned, really doing things, the defect of his weak foundation became more and more obvious.

Just thinking about it, I heard footsteps, and a servant hurried in and reported: "My lord, there is someone outside the door who claims to be Fang Xiaohou, and asks to see you, saying that there is something urgent!"

Fang Xiaohou, Fang Zhen?

His people came to see him at this time?

Although breakfast is about to be eaten, it is only early in the morning. If there is no urgent matter, coming to see him at this time is tantamount to waking someone up from a dream, and it is not a matter of etiquette.

"Come so early?" Su Ziji got up, walked a few steps, stopped again, and said, "Please go to the small hall."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The servant hurriedly went out to make arrangements.

The wild Taoist looked at the prepared breakfast, and said to Su Ziji: "Fang Zhen sent someone here early in the morning, maybe there is something urgent, but you didn't eat much last night, why don't you go over with a bowl of bird's nest first?"

It didn't take much time to eat a bowl of bird's nest. Su Ziji was irritable and had no appetite since he woke up, but he also cared about his body, so he nodded, "You have a bowl too."

Saying that, she asked the servant girl to also serve a bowl to the wild Taoist, and the two ate slowly with spoons.

No matter how slow you eat, a small bowl will be drained in just a few mouthfuls. According to estimates, Fang Zhen should have arrived at the small hall. Su Ziji got up and led the wild Taoist past.

Arriving at the small hall, Su Ziji recognized the person waiting inside. This was indeed the young servant who had been with Fang Zhen, and he had seen it last time in the Marquis of Huaifeng's mansion.

The young servant looked anxious, he didn't sit in the hall, he was pacing back and forth, when he saw Su Ziji approaching, he ran out immediately, knelt down, and begged Su Ziji: "Your Majesty, save my young master! "

Even the wild Taoist couldn't help being surprised by what he said. He didn't get any news about Fang Zhen's accident before. Could it be that there was an omission in information?

I heard the young servant say: "There has been an accident in the mansion. Now my young master is sick and there is no one to take care of him. Please help me!"

Su Ziji frowned, and immediately realized that things might not be that simple.

It's just that he is sick and has no one to take care of him. How can this young servant run over to report to him?

The so-called unattended, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as looking at people, could it be that someone wants to harm Fang Zhen?Is it really bad for the other party?

It's not impossible. Fang Zhen used to be a knife in the emperor's hand and did a lot of things for the emperor. Now that Fang Zhen hurt his leg, he can't do things for the emperor for the time being. The emperor also showed an indifferent attitude. Who knows Is there someone who wants to take this opportunity to take revenge on Fang Zhen?

Even if outsiders do not plan to retaliate against Fang Zhen, given the situation in the Marquis of Huaifeng's mansion, there may be major changes that may even make Fang Zhen lose his ability to protect himself, which is not guaranteed.

"What the hell happened?"

"The villain really doesn't know, all he knows is that suddenly, the person who contacted us disappeared, and then, Marquis Huaifeng transferred the people around the young master away, and even I had to be transferred away."

"The villain knows something is wrong. I remember the young master said that if there is an emergency, you can ask the king for help. The villain is afraid of long nights and dreams, so he went straight to the king overnight."

"Also ask the king to save my young master."

Su Ziji thought for a while, then frowned and said, "I see, I'll go right away!"

Saying that, he turned to the guard who was following him not far away: "Let the ox cart come in, and let a few people go out with me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Fuwei immediately took orders to prepare.

Su Ziji turned to the young servant: "You don't need to be in a hurry, get up first, and when the ox cart is ready, I will take someone to visit your young master."

When the young servant saw that Dai Wang not only did not blame him for coming to see him in the early morning, but also wanted to visit him immediately, his eyes were red, he kowtowed to Su Ziji and said, "Great King Gao Yi!"

"Get up." Su Ziji waved his hand, ordered to go early, and went out by himself, and then the wild Taoist said: "My lord, it seems a bit inappropriate for you to go without asking about the situation. "

"It's okay, I expect nothing to happen. Besides, it's almost dawn now. Let's go all the way and arrive at Huaifenghou Mansion. It must be morning. It's broad daylight. What else can you do to me?"

Su Ziji said with a smile, then changed the subject, and said to the wild Taoist: "However, it's better to be cautious, you go and check to see what happened."

Although he asked the young servant, since the young servant only said that Fang Zhen was ill, he couldn't say anything else. Su Ziji also liked to take everything into his own hands, so he asked the Ye Daoist to send someone to investigate. style.

"Yes!" Ye Daoist complied.

(End of this chapter)

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