fake prince

Chapter 905 I Understand

Chapter 905 I Understand

Huaifenghou Mansion

In the bustling market, the people are densely populated, the sun rises, always accompanied by scorching heat, the ground is white, and the heat blows towards the face, making it suffocating.

The main entrance is closed, and there are two stone lions squatting at the entrance, both of them seem to be impatient with the hot summer, and open their mouths to look at passers-by.

Only the east and west corner gates were used for people to come in and out, and at this moment, an ox cart hurriedly came and finally stopped at the gate of Huaifenghou Mansion, several riders who were guarding the ox cart got off their horses, and one of them came towards the gate.

You can tell that it is a mansion soldier just by looking at the attire, and in the capital, you can have mansion soldiers, all of them are princes or even princes and grandsons. When the doormen of Huaifenghou's mansion saw it, they immediately squeezed out a smile on their faces, and hurried out , saluted and smiled: "This is the Huaifeng Marquis Mansion, which Xun Mansion do you dare to ask?"

"My king is here to visit Master Fang Zhen!" Several government soldiers stood with their swords on their hands, and surrounded one person to get out of the car.

On behalf of the king?

The door only glanced at it, turned over and knelt down in a hurry, and kowtowed: "The villain is really blind, the villain immediately opens the door, go in and report...report..."

After a pause, he finally spoke clearly: "...Report to my Lord Marquis, and open the middle door to welcome the king!"

"No, get up!" The guard of Dai Wangfu nodded and said: "The prince said, if you don't like this vain gift, you don't need to report it, just open the door, you don't need to bother Lord Hou, my king can go directly to see Mr. Fang!"

This is not in accordance with the rules, the doorman murmured for a while, and wanted to speak, looked at the soldiers, and saw all of them pressing their knives, as if they were not allowed to force their way in, but still did not dare to stop, and stubbornly opened the door.

Su Ziji didn't say anything anymore, he went in surrounded by several government soldiers, and saw a young servant running quickly, he knew that he had got the order, and ran to deliver a letter to Marquis Huaifeng.

For some reason, an imperceptible sneer flashed across the corner of Su Ziji's mouth.

This is normal, the Duke's Mansion, under normal circumstances, even if the prince wants to come, he has to inform him, maybe let Fang Zhen's personal servant come to ask for help in person, this is by no means a trivial matter.

Besides, Fang Zhen had been living in other courtyards before, but recently he moved back to Huaifenghou's mansion. Could it be because he had long anticipated any troubles?

Returning to the Marquis of Huaifeng is just a way to protect himself?

It's a pity that things have reached the point where they have to ask themselves for help.

Su Ziji went in as if no one was around, stepped onto the corridor, walked along, and thought of one thing, that is, what happened to Fang Zhen... Could it be related to him?

"Fang Zhen is not a person who likes to owe favors. He also knows to ask me for help, which means he is clearly leaning towards me. For a person who used to be the emperor's sword, Fang Zhen will not do this unless he has no choice."

"Even if your life is in danger, how do you know that if you ask for help, I will definitely help? Or is it that I have already been involved in this matter?"

Thinking of the recent contact with the cabinet ministers, these old foxes have become more silent, Su Ziji has a premonition that the old emperor's health may have deteriorated to a certain extent.

As a high-ranking person who can kill his close relatives to prolong his life, it is not surprising that the old emperor will do anything now.

The several prophetic dreams I had in succession did not involve too many people, but the incident surrounding Dai Wangfu is enough to guess what kind of bloody storm will be in the future.

"Did you call Zeng Nianzhen here?"

Su Ziji had thought this before, but unlike the script of the novel, the capital city is the center of imperial power, strict monitoring is essential, only a few dozen people are enough, hundreds of strong warriors of unknown origin, it is difficult to escape monitor.

"Even with my ability to replace the palace, it can only be guaranteed for seven days."

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, it cannot be transferred in."

Huaifeng Hou Mansion · Inner Courtyard

Marquis Huaifeng hadn't slept all night, and he was sitting in the study at this time, with the sunlight streaming in from the window. exhausted.

His haggard face was still on the one hand, and the constant tearing in his heart made him restless, as if there were nails under his buttocks, and he couldn't sit or sit or not.

"Master Hou, you haven't slept all night, and you can't eat, and you don't even drink this, I'm afraid your body will not be able to hold on." The personal manager is also over 50 years old, sighed, and persuaded in a low voice.

Marquis Huaifeng looked haggard and depressed, looking at the ginseng porridge in front of him, he didn't want to touch it at all, and there was a fire in his chest, which made him really unable to eat, let alone fall asleep. How can I fall asleep while tearing apart?

"Fang Zhong, invite Doctor Huang to come here for me." Marquis Huaifeng was silent for a while, then suddenly said.

The steward could only answer and go out to invite someone.

After a while, the door of the study was opened again, and an old man came in behind Fang Zhong, the steward, with piercing eyes. He looked only 50 years old, but he was actually over [-] years old, which showed that he was well maintained.

As soon as Doctor Huang came in, he saluted Marquis Huaifeng: "Huang Yu has seen Lord Marquis."

"Doctor Huang, I have something to ask you about medicine, and I hope you will answer it truthfully." Marquis Huaifeng said, "This is very important, there must be no mistakes or omissions."

"Respond to Lord Hou's words!" Huang Yu bowed slightly, and replied loudly: "Although I am not from the residence, my late father became attached to the residence of the Hou, and now I have worked for the residence for many years. I dare not say anything else. It is about medical matters. , I have one thing to say, absolutely no deceit, please rest assured, Lord Hou!"

Marquis Huaifeng stared at Huang Yu and nodded, "I can trust you."

He wanted to speak, but he didn't say anything, moved his body, and walked around with his hands behind his back. After a long time, he turned his face and asked, "I want to ask, my son Fang Zhen, his leg...is it really going to get better?"

When Marquis Huaifeng asked this question, his voice trembled a little, and his eyes were tightly locked on Huang Yu.

Originally asked this.

Huang Yu runs a pharmacy by himself, but he is actually a dedicated doctor in the mansion. After hearing this, he immediately understood.

There is no noble person in the world who disfigures his appearance. The eldest son Fang Zhen, whether his legs can be healthy or not is related to his fate.

Huang Yu is naturally inclined to the eldest son, but the reality cannot be changed, he hesitated for a while, and finally said truthfully: "Master Hou, the villain is also a famous doctor in the capital, I dare not say that he is the best in the world, but in the capital, it is not what the ancestors taught, The imperial doctor can also do it, and others are no better than a villain, and the villain dare not say that others will not be able to cure the eldest son, but the villain is indeed powerless to the eldest son's leg injury..."

The words are wordy, but the meaning cannot be understood.

Marquis Huaifeng's body trembled, he seemed to be a few years older, the steward Fang Zhong saw it, and immediately looked at it worriedly, but it was difficult to persuade him in front of outsiders.

After a while, Marquis Huaifeng spoke again, with a faint voice: "I understand."

Then he told Fang Zhong, the steward, "Fang Zhong, go to the cashier to get ten taels of silver. This is for Dr. Huang. By the way... send Dr. Huang out."

"Yes, Lord Hou." Fang Zhong, the steward, looked ashamed, and said to Huang Yu, "Doctor Huang, please."

(End of this chapter)

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