fake prince

Chapter 908

Chapter 908

"Double hanging powder? Ma Shunde dare to be so rampant?" The bullock cart shook, Su Ziji frowned, a little disbelieving.

When he was Daihou, there was Shuangdiaofen, and only six restaurants were available at that time. As Su Ziji became Daiwang, his status and power increased greatly, so it was naturally different.

Now the restaurant has expanded to eleven, and it is limited to others.

"Most of the generation's income comes from the caravan formed by Lu Fengyun. At the beginning, in order to open up joints, Lu Fengyun provided supplies to Eunuch Zhao and some dignitaries with my consent."

"Although Eunuch Zhao was not asked to do anything, but it can make his business flourish, and it will naturally give him some convenience. This is something that many powerful people do, and it is not limited to Eunuch Zhao. If you use this matter as an article, you can really dig out big news."

"What is the intention of the eunuch who colluded with the emperor?"

Thinking of this, Su Ziji was really surprised. It's hard not to think too much, this Ma Shunde is the only one in position, dare to be so rampant and brazenly become an enemy of himself?

"Dai Wang, you don't have much contact with the eunuchs, and you don't know much about them. Their psychology is sometimes very emotional. You can't take it as a normal person. They are just like women." Fang Zhen smiled wryly.

These words are suspected of discriminating against women, but Su Ziji was thoughtful. The eunuch cut the egg. It is said that the emotions are the same as women. There are many things that normal people would not do, but they do.

"Ma Shunde is not looking for Fang Zhen's flaws, Fang Zhen's leg has been injured, even if Ma Shunde wants to eradicate dissidents, and use Fang Zhen's knife, at most he will kill chickens and monkeys. "

"But looking at it from another angle, Fang Zhen is actually just a breakthrough that Ma Shunde is looking for? Ma Shunde's goal is Eunuch Zhao and me, so everything makes sense."

"Find out the flaws from Fang Zhen, which proves that Eunuch Zhao and I have colluded with each other from the beginning, and Fang Zhen was also a contact person in the middle. This is forming a party for personal gain, and it is the one that the emperor hates the most..."

"As long as this is confirmed, I will be unlucky, and Eunuch Zhao will become an unfaithful person, an unfaithful domestic slave, how can there be a life? This can directly eliminate the opponent fundamentally."

The eunuch's method is really vicious!

If you don't make a move, it's fine. Once you make a move, you'll be aiming at crushing your opponent.

"I've kept Fang Zhen now, maybe it's in line with the enemy's intentions, at least the relationship has become clear."

"It's just the same thing. Why does Ma Shunde dare to be so rampant? This is even my fault." To be honest, Su Ziji is not worried about the worst outcome. As an emperor, he always faces his courtiers on the line and the consequences. It's too serious to say anything more.

If you really believed it, you would have messed up the government a long time ago.

Judging from the emperor's 20 years in power, it is unlikely.

But the king of Lu lost his power and was reduced to the king of the county. In fact, he was out of the game. Although the emperor may not regret it, he may not think that I am causing trouble, but he can take the opportunity to beat me and cut me off a little bit of power, but it is possible—for example, Yulin guard.

"Furthermore, King Lu's loss of power not only affects the emperor, but also the two kings of Qi and Shu. Maybe they will take action?"

"Ma Shunde colluded with King Qi and King Shu, or all of them?"

Su Ziji's haze suddenly surfaced. Once the government's government made an impact on the overall situation, the consequences are now out.

It's too fast to do it yourself.

But King Lu made a move against Ye Buhui, but he couldn't tolerate it. He would do it again.

In this situation, Fang Zhen wants to keep it, and Eunuch Zhao also needs to take countermeasures.

Thinking in this way, Su Ziji said to the other party: "I understand, don't worry, you can live in my house to recuperate, and I will never let you be wronged."

"Xie Dai Wang!" Fang Zhen was not surprised that Dai Wang would say this to himself. Since Dai Wang suddenly appeared and took him out of the Marquis of Huaifeng's mansion, it shows that Dai Wang has decided to protect himself, but how to repay this?

Fang Zhen thought of his injured leg, and his expression was a bit complicated.

Su Ziji saw it, and smiled: "Also, I'm not letting you live in vain, and you don't have any errands. How about helping me with the shrine?"

Fang Zhen listened, thought for a moment, got up and bowed: "Please don't worry on behalf of the king, just leave it to me."

While the two were talking, Baihu forcibly brought up Fang Zhen's cause. The injured leg, which had not been healed, caused severe pain. Fang Zhen endured it, but his forehead was still sweating.

Seeing this, Su Ziji said to the outside: "Stop!"

The ox cart stopped immediately, and Su Ziji said: "You should sit comfortably. I'll go to the back of the ox cart to talk to people. Don't worry about it until I get to the mansion. I'll see you about your leg injury."

Before Fang Zhen could refuse, he opened the curtain and jumped down, and the ox cart behind him also stopped at this time, the wild Taoist opened the curtain and invited Su Ziji to enter.

Su Ziji sat still, the ox cart started to move, and swayed slightly with the ox cart. Su Ziji sat upright with a dignified expression, and said to the wild Taoist: "Ma Shunde came with bad intentions. Eunuch Zhao and I may have a strong enemy."

After speaking, he told what Fang Zhen just said.

Ye Daoist didn't speak immediately, a gust of wind rushed in, bringing a bit of coolness.

The information obtained before is roughly the same as what Fang Zhen said, but not as detailed as Fang Zhen knew. After a long time, the wild Taoist also sighed: "I don't want eunuchs to be so ruthless in fighting."

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Ordinary people fight more ruthlessly, but it is nothing more than death. Eunuch Ma's tricks are about to succeed, and Eunuch Zhao may die very hard. With the character of the old emperor, he may really crush Eunuch Zhao.

The wild Taoist thought for a while, and then asked, "My lord, now, can we win over Eunuch Zhao?"

Eunuch Zhao was the emperor's confidant in the past, and he had a great reputation. He had the chief eunuch trusted by the emperor.

At that time, even the kings were afraid that even the kings wanted to win over Eunuch Zhao, and a chief eunuch fell to his side, which was tantamount to adding wings to a tiger.

When everyone thinks this way, if you want him to fall to you, you need to put in too much effort, and you may not be able to succeed.

Now that Eunuch Zhao is in a difficult situation, if he can help him in a timely manner, he may be grateful.

Su Ziji shook his head: "No."

"What does my lord mean?"

"Eunuch Zhao has been with the emperor for many years. The emperor's attack on him this time may not be because he really doesn't trust him. He may think that Eunuch Zhao has been in power for too long, and the emperor's surname is Zhao, so he wants to balance it out and acquiesce in Ma Shunde's troubles. , This is just a normal fear."

"Otherwise, no matter how high and powerful Eunuch Zhao is, he is only an eunuch, not a civil servant or general. After all, he is just the emperor's domestic slave. How can the emperor deal with it? There is no need for evidence."

"Now that I keep it, it shows that there is still trust. I just want to divide power and strike a balance."

"Now that I have rescued Fang Zhen, Fang Zhen's closeness with Eunuch Zhao has already made Eunuch Zhao suspicious. The emperor is afraid that he will acquiesce in further suppression, but if I further win over Eunuch Zhao, I will fall into the enemy's tricks."

"Eunuch Zhao may die, and I may be like King Lu."

A sneer appeared on Su Ziji's face, and he said in a deep voice, "Now we stand on the sidelines on behalf of the palace, and if we don't extend a helping hand, it's just my personal friendship with Fang Zhen. Eunuch Zhao will not die, but will only be in a difficult situation. When the mountains and rivers run out..."

(End of this chapter)

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