fake prince

Chapter 909 Quickly Come Out and Surrender

Chapter 909 Quickly Come Out and Surrender

"I understand!"

The savage Daoist suddenly understood everything, and couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. There are pitfalls everywhere in the fight for the heir apparent. If he had been half a step earlier, he might have died without a place to bury him. Just surrender!"

"Well, not only Eunuch Zhao, but also check, who offered this plan?" Su Ziji's face was also a little bad: "This plan is very poisonous, we must find it and kill it."

"Also, I'm getting stronger and rising too fast. The two kings of Qi and Shu may join forces to get rid of me first. We must guard against it, and we must investigate clearly."


Golden Feather Temple

The shrine is located in the north of the capital, near Qilue Hutong. It has a lot to do with Qi, the former general who conquered the west. He even helped the eagle in several battles.

After his death, he entered the Pavilion of Heroes of the Former Dynasty, and it is said that he was enshrined as a god after his death, and became the god to control birds.

The Jinyu Temple was built because of him. Although the neighborhood is not the most lively and it is midsummer, the shops are all open, enjoying the cool and drinking tea, and some people yell weakly.

The owner of a family was shirtless to cool off and was about to grab a melon. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and a group of government servants came in with an ox cart, all of them armed with knives.

"Golden Feather Temple has a major incident." The boss is a person nearby, and he knows in his heart that in the hundreds of years of inheritance, the Golden Feather Temple has gradually changed. He has contacts with the dignitaries and the three schools of thought in the capital, so he quickly retreated into the shop.

"Surround up, don't let one go away." Shi Chengyan yelled loudly, and saw the servants gathered, some even drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the door and the wall, as long as anyone dared to escape at this time, they would be shot down .

After yelling, Shi Chengyan grinned grimly and acted as a head arrester. He had several cases in his hands that had unclear relations with the Jinyu Temple. Shi Chengyan had already set his sights on the Jinyu Temple. The Golden Feather Temple is also a matter of time.

And when the King of Dai ordered to dispose of the Jin Yu Temple, for Shi Chengyan's head-hunter, it was like a sleepy pillow!

"There is no order to replace the king. After all, he is a former general. The Yamen will save some face, but now it is different." Shi Chengyan stared inside, thinking heartily.

In the shrine, there was already panic.

"What should I do? Tell me, what should I do now?" A man in his thirties peeped through the crack of the door and glanced outside. His legs were so frightened that he scrambled and ran into the hall. , asked the people present.

Those who can discuss countermeasures in the main hall are the backbone of Jinyu Temple. Because they participated in many secret "buying and selling", they are in a predicament at this time, and all of them look hideous or fearful, showing a side that the believers can't see.

"The outside is completely surrounded, and there are people at the back door. The front is shouting for us to surrender. What should we do? Is it resistance?" A young man in his 20s gritted his teeth and asked.

"Resist? That's courting death!" When he asked, he was immediately scolded by his companions.

The cursing person was less than 30 years old, tall and fierce, but when faced with this incident, he was less impulsive, frowning and scolding: "Shuiyun Temple resisted, but what happened to them? Rebels, not only the shrines were completely demolished, but also family members were implicated.”

"Dozens of households and hundreds of people were beheaded or exiled. Regardless of whether they were exiled for thousands of miles or alive, in fact, they all died of illness halfway—who has the time to accompany them to travel thousands of miles?"

"Resisting the imperial court is courting death!"

As soon as these words came out, it was tantamount to breaking the most worrying thing of everyone present, and the whole hall was suddenly silent.

The Shuiyun Temple is a lesson from the past. If you resist, won't it be like the Shuiyun Temple, where everyone will go to the underworld together?

How many "young heroes" who can work in Jinyu Temple are barefoot and not afraid of death?

They use the shrine as a cover to do all kinds of things that have nothing to do with faith, just to make a lot of money so that they can live comfortably?

Most of these people are afraid of death.

As soon as the man scolded, most people in the hall showed approval on their faces. Seeing this, several young people were very upset.

"If you don't resist, let them arrest us? How do you know that you won't die like this?"

"That's right! Left and right are dead, it's better to fight!"

But there are not many young people who can go all out. More people are worried about themselves. Although some people are greedy for pleasure, they also believe in the Golden Feather God. The Golden Feather Temple was demolished in their hands. This is a serious crime.

"The host is here!" Just as these people had different opinions and were arguing, a figure came from the back of the hall.

The old man with gray hair and wearing the presiding robe of the shrine has kind eyebrows and kind eyes. Although he has allowed his subordinates to participate in some businesses, he is not doing all kinds of evil. Just like the young people standing in the temple at this moment, most of them are orphans. Picked it up and brought it up, and when he came out, everyone stopped arguing and asked questions one after another.

"Master, the government has surrounded the shrine, what should we do?"


Inside the shrine, there was a lot of chaos and chaos, but it was very quiet outside, only the breathing of the yamen servants coexisted with the sound of the wind.

A few tens of meters away from the gate of the shrine, there is an ox cart parked. There is a sign of Daiwang Mansion on the oxcart, but the person sitting in it is not Daiwang.

With the sound of footsteps walking past, the curtain of the bullock cart was raised by someone, and the person inside looked in, it was Fang Zhen.

Fang Zhen has been sitting in the bullock cart. Although he didn't show up, he is the one who surrounds the shrine.

He could faintly hear the commotion in the shrine, and he already had some confidence in his heart.

"Mr. Fang." Shi Chengyan had already walked to the ox cart at this time, and whispered: "The people inside neither open the door nor show their heads. Look, do you want to do it now?"

Fang Zhen frowned and pondered for a while, and didn't intend to procrastinate, so he ordered: "Pass my order, if you resist, you will be killed immediately, and the shrine will be demolished immediately!"

"If you surrender, just seal the door, don't remove the statue, and wait for the court's order."

"Tell them this and give them a choice. By the way, whether it is killing or kidnapping, remember that all the books in it will be sealed up and moved back to the Daiwang Mansion."

Shi Chengyan had no objection to this, and Dai Wang didn't ask for gold and silver or documents inside, but just books, these things are not important at all, just ask for it.

"Yes!" After receiving the order, Shi Chengyan went to the door.

"My lord, did you just break the door directly?" Asked the police quickly, and heard Shi Chengyan say: "Shout out first, can't you punish without teaching!"

"Yes!" The arrester stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Hey, people inside, listen up, there is an order from the king. Although the Jinyu Temple is not a temple of prostitution, it is gathering people to make trouble. There are so many crimes. The temple must be closed!"

"Come out and surrender quickly, you can save your life. The government only seals the door and does not demolish the shrine. If you resist, you will be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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