fake prince

Chapter 910

Chapter 910

The people following Shi Chengyan had a loud voice, repeating

When the people in the hall heard Shi Chengyan's shout, their faces changed.

"We worshiped our gods well, so why did we become a den of illegal thieves?" Even though it was known that the imperial court would not let it go, many people here were resentful when they heard that Jinyu Temple was a den of illegal thieves. I wanted to rush out, but was stopped by the host.

"Don't be impulsive!" The host said in a deep voice, leading people outside.

Being able to be the host in this Jinyu Temple and lead a group of people to do things is not an ordinary person, at least he has more courage than the people behind him.

But Shi Chengyan couldn't wait any longer. Seeing that he shouted, there was no sound inside, but in the surrounding shops, there were people watching through the cracks in the doors. Shi Chengyan became furious, and shouted: "Brothers!"


"Bump the door!" After finishing speaking, Shi Chengyan ordered again: "Bowmen get ready!"


This is planning to attack by force. If the people inside resist when they enter, there is no need to persuade them to surrender, and they can be wiped out directly.

There was only a "boom", and when the door slammed open, there was no one there, Shi Chengyan led the yamen servants to enter, and ordered in a low voice: "There is something unusual, don't hesitate, do it immediately."

Shi Chengyan gritted his teeth and killed his nephew when he besieged Shuiyun Temple that day because he didn't do anything ruthless for a while. Use your nephew's blood to get promoted.

Naturally, he was full of hostility now, and he gave such an order immediately, and after listening to the order, the crossbowmen prepared one by one, and if anyone resisted, they would shoot at random.

Seeing someone coming out, the yamen servant was vigilant, but seeing the host who led the crowd out, he met Shi Chengyan's eyes and knelt down without hesitation.

"Host!" Seeing the host kneel down, several young people became emotional.

"Put down the sticks and kneel down!" the host shouted, "Do you want to cause trouble for the shrine and everyone?"

Hearing what he said, no matter how dissatisfied they were, these young people dropped their sticks one after another and fell to their knees.

"My lord?" The head catcher next to Shi Chengyan asked in a low voice, "Everyone arrested?"

Shi Chengyan looked at the kneeling people in front of him, and felt a little regretful in his heart. After a moment of silence, he waved his hand: "Everyone is tied up!"

"Yes!" Following the order, the yamen servants rushed forward and tied up the people in these shrines with ropes.

The people who saw the shrine really didn't resist. Although Shi Chengyan was a little disappointed, the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

It is also a good thing for him to be able to solve a shrine without bloodshed. After all, as long as there is resistance, there will be casualties.

"Search for the servants, and someone caught them all."

"Also, count your belongings, don't stretch your hands, reach out at this time."

"All books, all counted and recorded."

Order after order, everyone urgently counted. Fortunately, the shrine is not big, and after a while, it finally stopped.

When they found that no one was hiding, they sorted out the things in the shrine, which had to be registered and put into the warehouse. As for the books in the shrine, they were searched and put into boxes, and the people on behalf of the prince's mansion carried them back.

Shi Chengyan came out of the Jinyu Temple and reported to Fang Zhen by the ox cart in good spirits: "Young Lord, the matter has been completed, there are no casualties, and all the books requested by the palace have been boxed."

Fang Zhen nodded and smiled: "You have worked hard too."

I also breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and it seemed that everything was going well.

In a secret room quite far away from the Jinyu Temple, there were three lights flickering in the darkness at this time. The man holding three incense sticks bowed a few times, as quiet as if it was a pious thing.

But the face hidden in the darkness showed a kind of coldness, and there was even more hatred in the eyes.

Stepping forward a few steps, the man inserted three sticks of incense into the incense burner. With the man's eyes, he naturally saw that as soon as the incense was inserted, several shadows rushed to absorb it, like terrifying ghosts and ghosts, illusory and real.

"Another one." After a moment of silence, the man said without joy or worry.

A female voice spoke, but the voice was a little shrill and tinged with fear: "Gui Junxi, there are already four or five families who have destroyed temples and broken gods, what should we do now?"

How to do?

Looking at the faintly glowing incense, Gui Junxi felt depressed.

I have become a bereaved dog, not only has an ultimatum openly, but also secretly looking around, if it is not for the tacit understanding with Qi Wangfu, if it is not for the sudden support of mysterious forces, I might have been taken down.

"But it's not a matter just to avoid it."

Form an alliance with the Empress of Three Caves, and use the kings to deal with the king Dai, intending to let the temple forces and the kings crusade against the king Dai and achieve their own revenge.

But the Shuiyun Temple first, and then the Jinyu Temple, two temples with great reputations in the capital, were dealt with in such a tandem?

Shuiyun Temple resisted anyway, but the people from Jinyu Temple surrendered directly!

The prestige of acting as a king has such an effect?

But no matter how unwilling, and hiding in this "rat hole", I will continue to dormant.

I don't believe it, there are so many shrines in the capital, they are all so timid!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, Gui Junxi moved his ears, then stepped up the steps, left the secret room, and went outside.

This is an ordinary residential house, so ordinary that anyone passing by would not take a second look. Not long ago, someone came here to find Gui Junxi, and Gui Junxi almost killed someone and fled because of this.

But sometimes risks also represent opportunities. In the end, Gui Junxi changed his mind. It was the power of Dai Wang. Under Dai Wang's powerful actions, he had to unite all the forces that could be united.

A person who can find his hiding place, the master behind him, must not be underestimated.

Sure enough, when Gui Junxi opened the door, what he saw was the young man who had come to look for him.

The young man has an extremely ordinary face, and the breath on his body is also ordinary, but the more he is like this, the more Gui Junxi feels that there is no ordinary person behind him.

In addition, he has the ability to observe Qi, which is why he didn't escape after meeting him last time.

"Any information?" Gui Junxi asked.

The young man knocked on the door and handed the folded piece of paper to Gui Junxi.

"This is information about Eunuch Zhao and Dai Wang. What should we do now? Can we use it?" The young man immediately asked.

Gui Junxi looked at it, and frowned: "Dai Wang didn't get in touch with Eunuch Zhao, so he couldn't be overthrown. This plan was originally to frighten the snake. It's meaningless to frighten the snake. The most important thing is to frighten the snake. If the king doesn't take the bait, he hit the grass." It's useless."

"What now?" asked the young man.

Gui Junxi sneered: "Of course I already have a plan. At this time, this person should be in the palace."

After finishing speaking, he asked: "Who is your master? Why did you help me?"

The young man remained silent and did not speak.

Seeing that this person didn't answer, I'm not surprised. After all, I've always been so mysterious and attitude when looking for me a few times before, I just sneered: "You can't hide it from me. He has the air of a king, but he is not the king of Qi and the king of Shu, so does the king of foreign vassals also want to take advantage of the water in Beijing?"

(End of this chapter)

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