fake prince

Chapter 911 Please also report

Chapter 911 Please also report

Hearing Gui Junxi's question, the young man smiled and replied, "Mr. Gui, no matter who is behind me, it has nothing to do with you right now?"

There was contempt in his tone that he might not even realize. Indeed, now Gui Junxi is no longer King Lu's mastermind, and he has neither status nor power to pursue it.

Gui Junxi was startled, thought for a while, and sighed: "I'm at the end of my way now, it really doesn't matter."

As he spoke, he lowered his eyes and said nothing, thinking: "My chess piece, is it about to arrive at Daiwang's Mansion?"


It was past noon, there had been no rain for many days, and it was July again, and it was even more sweltering. An ox cart went in through the side door and went directly to a courtyard. The guard pulled the reins and stopped the ox cart.

"There are scriptures on it?" Jian Qu rushed to hear the news, and saw a few boxes on the bullock cart moved down, opened the lid, and saw a roll of thread bound books.

The guard bowed and replied: "My lord, in the box are all the books in the Jinyu Temple. I copied them and brought them here."

Although there are only a few boxes, books are precious these days. For shrines, each book collection is different, or it is basically common in the market, but there must be some high-quality goods that are not there.

Whether it is one book or several high-quality books, this is the harvest.

Knowing that the lord likes to collect these things, Jian Qu waved his hand: "Move them all inside, store them carefully, and don't care about them."

"Yes!" Several guards brought the box down and carried it into the courtyard. The courtyard is not full of people. As soon as they entered, they saw that there were already three rows of bookshelves inside, which almost filled the whole house and even reached the ceiling.

"Put the books on the desk first, and I will classify them into categories, and instruct the clerk in the mansion to copy the valuable books that I have allocated, and store them in separate warehouses."

This is to avoid the consequences of being ruined if there is a fire. Almost all the scholarly disciples are planning ahead in this way.

"Don't be busy copying, I'll take a look first." Suddenly someone spoke, and in a blink of an eye, he saw that it was Dai Wang, who hurriedly bowed to welcome him in, but Su Ziji was not busy looking, and said to the following steward: "Last time I have seen the fired pottery pipes, and they are acceptable."

"However, how to sew it together so as not to leak air and water, you need to find someone to figure out a way, and whoever can come up with a good way will be rewarded with 30 taels of silver."

In this era, we have to live comfortably. In fact, the key is flush toilets, running water, and hot and cold air conditioners.

Don't think it's ridiculous, it was feasible in ancient times, just by firing pottery pipes, using wind-powered waterwheels to fill water towers to form tap water pipes, and the water pipes can also circulate and cool down. Some branches are connected to boilers in winter to form heating pipes.

The key is how to make the seal between the pottery pipes airtight and watertight. It is said that the sealing technology of ships can be used for reference, so it doesn't matter. Su Ziji only needs the result.

"Yes!" The housekeeper replied, but seeing nothing, he withdrew.

Su Ziji slapped it with a fan, and smiled wryly: "It's so hot in summer, the courtyard is as hot as a steamer."

Jian Qu was checking the book list silently just now. Hearing this, he felt a bit extravagant, but he didn't persuade him. At this time, he held the book list to Su Ziji with both hands and said, "There are 240 books in total, [-] nine books. It’s all on the market.”

"The remaining 58 books are all relatively rare books, and the details have not been checked yet."

Su Ziji took it and looked it over, his expression became serious, and he stepped forward to check it. Sure enough, he was a little disappointed, most of them were Taoism scriptures he had seen before.

However, there are also some whose names are unfamiliar, so I took out one of the 58 books and read it.

"Gaozhu Huashu? This book doesn't seem to be a high-quality book." It didn't bring any experience points.

Su Ziji was less looking forward to the remaining scriptures, and flipped through a few more, when suddenly half a piece of red sandalwood tin moved.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +260, Level 13 (9973/12000)"

Su Ziji was pleasantly surprised by the sudden experience. He felt the coolness pouring into his head and more knowledge in his mind. Su Ziji slowly digested it.

"Even if only one can bring experience, 260 points of experience is not too little." Su Ziji thought to himself.

Now it is very different from before. In the past, the experience value increased quickly, and it was possible to get experience points by simply flipping through a book. Now, for me, the common scriptures on the market can no longer bring any experience.

Moreover, the Taoism is different, so this time there are more than 200 points, which is not a small gain.

Su Ziji didn't continue to learn, nodded and said to Jian Qu: "This is a good classification. These 240 books are available in the market, so check the library to see if there are any. If there are, don't put them here."

"No, the transcripts are neatly placed here."

Jian Qu obeyed, and when someone served tea, Jian Qu ordered people to move the 240 books out for sorting.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +530, Level 13 (10503/12000)"

"[Outer alchemy] +478, level 10 (6834/10000)"

"The three scriptures have added 800 points of Taoism and 500 points of alchemy, and I have gained a lot."

The room was silent, and Su Ziji looked at the books again. After touching each book, he found that there were two more books that could bring experience, especially the Alchemy Sutra, which brought 500 points of alchemy. I was even more surprised.

"Sure enough, this method works."

Because of the urgent need to improve alchemy, giving his wife Ye Buhui alchemy can gain 500 points of alchemy experience, which is more satisfying to Su Ziji than adding 800 points of Taoism.

"The first batch is five shrines, each of which has its own secret collections. It must be very rewarding."

In the seventh year of Qingwu reign in this dynasty, Yue Ziheng, the imperial envoy, wanted to use Xuanqing to contemplate the scriptures. The principal of the consecration said that he had cultivated to the realm of a true person, so he refused. As a result, Yue Ziheng dispatched 300 soldiers to wipe them out in one fell swoop, shot and killed the principal, and seized the Daozang.

Although Yue Ziheng's results were not good, he was convicted and dismissed three years later, and he was deeply implicated and died, but this method is still feasible.

"Actually, it would be great if I could read the Donei Collection. The Donei Collection contains everything. It's a pity that the owner is not me. Even if I read it, it will be useless unless I become the emperor."

"When you become emperor, you don't have to do this anymore."

For some reason, Su Ziji felt melancholy.

Daiwangfu · Gate

An ox cart stopped, and one person got out of the ox cart, walked up the steps, and said to the concierge of Dai Wang's mansion, "The student is Bai Lekang, a Juren from Yanzhou City. I have an ancient book that I want to dedicate to Dai Wang. Please inform me." One sound."

A Juren asked to see the prince, this is in other palaces, some idiots are dreaming, no one is leading the low-level officials, and they go directly to the door to ask for an interview, this is the fate of being blocked, and a person who is not even a Jinshi, just like this, is more likely to be blocked .

But Dai Wang's mansion is different. Dai Wang likes to collect ancient books, calligraphy, painting and Taoism scriptures. Many people in the capital know this, and it's not a secret.

Seeing this Juren wearing a silk robe, but the starch was a little faded, although he was not elegant and handsome, he was full of bookishness, holding a wooden box in his hand, the doorman couldn't help smiling, since he was the doorman himself, and he was helping to pass the report. With a sound, it's just an errand, and I immediately agreed.

He didn't want to raise people to give benefits, and said directly: "Sir, wait here, I will go in and report."

(End of this chapter)

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