fake prince

Chapter 912 It May Not Be Sincerely Serving

Chapter 912 It May Not Be Sincerely Serving


The doorman reported inside, and the one who got the news was Jian Qu who just came out. He smiled in surprise and thought: "Although my lord is as expensive as a prince now, I have more foundation than when I first entered Beijing, but the foundation is still shallow. Let me invite you to see me, in case it is useful." talent?"

"Maybe we can see each other."

The lord's staff who came to the capital was no more than a recruiter. Thinking of this, Jian Qu said: "Invite me to the Xiaohua Hall, and I will see you."

As he said that, he went to the Xiaohua hall first, and by then, the guard had already invited Bai Juren in.

As soon as the two met, Jian Qu nodded secretly.

Bai Juren has a bookish face, wears a half-worn robe, and has an aura like green bamboo, which is very in line with the aesthetics of today's people.

This temperament alone gave Jian Qu a good impression, and when the person was seated, the two chatted for a while, Jian Qu was overjoyed.

Without it, it is because this person has something to say, Jian Qu has been in the southwest for many years and has assisted the Dai Wang, so he can naturally hear whether he is general or talented.

"Mr. Bai is talented!"

Moreover, Bai Juren also said that there are ancient books to be dedicated to Dai Wang, Jian Qu can naturally see that this person intends to take refuge in his lord, of course he doesn't think there is anything wrong with offering books, this is a gift, he smiled: "Mr. Bai is willing, Shall I take you to see the lord?"

Bai Lekang smiled: "Students can't wait for it!"

"That's good, the lord is in the library, Mr. Bai is here later, and Jian will report to the lord right away!" Jian Qu got up and said.

Ordinary people came to see him, but they blocked him when they came to Jian Qu. It was nothing urgent, at most, he would report to the king afterwards, but this person in front of him was a talented person!

Such a person, if you don't rush to the lord's bowl, who knows if he will be picked up by other dignitaries?

Immediately, Jian Qu went back excitedly.

Su Ziji was sitting in the room at this time, slowly digesting the contents of the four books. Just when he opened his eyes, he heard Jian Qu's voice from outside: "Master, is it convenient now?"

This voice is full of joy.

Su Ziji got up to go out, and saw Jian Qu standing outside the door with a smile on his face.

"What's the happy event?" Su Ziji asked in surprise.

Jian Qu said happily: "Today, a man came to see you. He came from Yanzhou City. His name was Bai Lekang. He came from a country gentry. He was only in his early thirties, but he had something to say and a beautiful heart. , you will know it as soon as you see it!"

"Really?" Su Ziji was also very happy to hear that, and finally someone accepted his bow and bowed: "Let's go, Mr. Wen, let's go now."

When he looked up and saw Wen Xunpeng, he called to go with him.

Wen Xunpeng wanted to speak at first, but after a moment of pondering, he followed. When he arrived at the small flower hall, he saw a person standing in front of the wall watching the conversation, as if in a trance.

This is a man in his early thirties, Su Ziji glanced around, and nodded secretly, his demeanor alone is not vulgar, but he wondered if it was as beautiful as Jian Qu said.

After meeting them, after chatting for a few words, Bai Lekang praised: "Your Majesty cleans up the obscene temples, and the wind in the capital is cleared up. The merits will last for thousands of years. Not only at this time, but the people will also benefit from His Majesty. This is really admirable to the students!"

Su Ziji shook his head with a smile: "This is the emperor's decree, Xiao Wang is just carrying it out, it's too serious, I dare not covet the merits of heaven."

"Your Majesty is really modest." Bai Lekang changed his subject, "It's just that your Majesty's current suppression is only a temporary solution, and it is still a small matter."

"Small place?" Su Ziji was taken aback, a little surprised, and asked, "What about the big place?"

"The big thing is that it can't be superficial. If you want to treat the symptoms, you have to make the gods make a covenant and join the imperial court's ceremonies. This is the root."

With that said, Bai Lekang opened the small wooden box he was carrying, took out a volume from it, and handed it over: "These are eleven articles written by the students, I hope they can be helpful to the king."

"...It's a bit too hasty." Su Ziji thought this way, took it with a little disappointment, opened it, and his eyes flashed with amazement.

These eleven articles are written very well, and each article is incisive.

"Could it be that this person is really talented, but he just doesn't understand official rules?"

But when the words came to his lips, he felt that something was wrong, so he gave the scroll to Jian Qu. Jian Qu was a little surprised when he heard it just now, but now he took it and read it, his eyes brightened even more.

This is a great talent!

After Wen Xunpeng read it, he just licked his lips, thoughtful, and didn't speak.

Su Ziji's eyes fell on Wen Xunpeng, and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Wen?"

Wen Xunpeng hesitated for a while: "I think it's very good, I have nothing to add... But, is it too fast?"

It can be said that the eleventh article has thought of all the details of the gods' restriction, and has listed all the rules, and there is nothing to add.

Su Ziji looked very serious, and after listening silently, he asked again: "Mr. Bai is a great talent, please explain the eleven items in detail, so as to clear up Xiao Wang's doubts!"

Bai Lekang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is a student."

This Bai Juren answered Su Ziji's questions again and again, with witty remarks, and even Wen Xunpeng nodded when he listened.

Seeing that he had convinced other people, Bai Lekang was very proud.

Su Ziji praised on the surface, but after reading the first book, he was pleasantly surprised, but was drowned out like cold water.

"Bai Lekang's witty words and answers are all meaningful, but [The Way of Politics] is only +5. This shows that no matter how good this person is, he actually has no talent, but borrows from others."

If it wasn't for the fact that the experience value couldn't be faked and showed it clearly, Su Ziji wouldn't believe it. This man with outstanding temperament and witty words has no inner beauty, but just a mediocre person!

"These eleven items may be taught, but other knowledge is not good. You can try it." Su Ziji remained calm and continued to talk, back and forth several times, to be sure.

"It turns out that this person was taught by someone. His own knowledge is only average. No wonder he has not been a Jinshi for many years."

"Then who sent him to the door?"

Su Ziji just smiled, and said to Bai Lekang: "It's a big matter, please let me live in this mansion, so that Xiao Wang can ask for advice, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Seeing that he really fell into the eyes of Dai Wang and was invited to stay, Bai Lekang felt relieved and smiled: "Then respect is worse than obedience."

When Juren agreed with a smile, he was taken to rest by Su Ziji, who sat motionless.

Jian Qu was the first to congratulate: "Your Majesty, there is one more talent in the mansion today, congratulations!"

Wen Xunpeng, however, was thoughtful, with a sullen face and no joy on his face, and said, "I'm afraid it may not be true."

Jian Qu was taken aback by these words, but Su Ziji had already figured it out, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Wen said that this strategy is probably a series of tricks. I want to act according to this strategy, and I am afraid that even the king of Lu will have no results." .”

King Lu is the emperor's own son, and the emperor once thought about King Lu. Even if he made a big mistake, he still enjoyed the treatment of a parent and son, and was only demoted from a prince to a county king.

King Lu was not comparable to the prince. Although he violated the emperor's bottom line, he did not pose a threat to the emperor.

Without being threatened, the emperor can still be a loving father.

Su Ziji is different. In name, he is the son of the crown prince, separated from the emperor by a generation, just a grandchild, let alone a grandchild who grew up in the countryside and has a feud with the emperor to kill his father?

One can imagine what the emperor would do if Su Ziji really touched the emperor's bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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