fake prince

Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Jian Qu was a little surprised: "My lord, could it be that there is something wrong with Mr. Bai?"

But no matter how he thinks about it, the eleven items are very good. With Jian Qu's talents, he can't write such a meticulous strategy on his own. After thinking about it, he doesn't think there is a problem.

Is there really a pit in this matter?But if you follow these eleven rules, you can indeed achieve your goal.

Wen Xunpeng is not as "simple" as Jian Qu. He has stayed in the Qi Palace for many years and has been immersed in conspiracy all the year round. It makes Wen Xunpeng think of conspiracy theories easily when thinking about things, so he said: "What the Lord said is very true. , this person is unpredictable."

Seeing that Jian Qu was still puzzled, Wen Xunpeng smiled and reminded: "Brother Jian, Shi Xixi, a former minister, once mentioned it in "Seven Psalms of Showing Sons."

"Since ancient times, with talent, low-class people can't do things, middle-class people can do things, and high-class people can do things with people." Wen Xunpeng said, feeling a little bit emotional, and it goes without saying that low-class people can't solve things.

Moderate people can solve things, but they often have no sense of proportion. It should be known that doing things is not the purpose, but benefiting is the purpose.

Wen Xunpeng shook his head and smiled: "With this insight, Shi Xi Opera can survive for 30 years, and finally return home with a third-rank salary. You need to know that if you make great achievements, you will definitely die!"

With just this sentence, a thunder hit Jian Qu's head.

That's right, the important affairs of the country are between the sacrifice and the army, and the sacrifice is still above the army. This is a big festival!

Although the eleven items presented by Bai Lekang are indeed a good strategy, they can handle the affairs of the shrine in a watertight manner, and even merit for thousands of years, but the problem is that it is too much in the hands of the king.

Even if the lord replaces the king, it cannot be like this. Not only can it not be like this, the ministers and kings cannot be "arbitrary".

Only the emperor, the lord of the world, can "sacred judgment".

If the king of Dai really followed these eleven articles, and made the gods make a covenant and join the court ceremony, even if the matter is done, it will benefit the country and the people, and it will definitely cause a lot of disasters.

Even because of his meritorious service and his reputation in history, the emperor feared that it would be more intolerable.

"The eleventh article does not mention a single word to secretly remonstrate with the emperor, but to ask the emperor to make a holy judgment. This kind of heart is really unpredictable. The more meticulous and complete, the more serious the disaster."

"This is actually flattery." After thinking about it, Jian Qu couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Thinking that Bai Lekang was the one he had taken a fancy to first and introduced to the lord, Jian Qu wished he could kneel down and apologize immediately.

"It's not your fault." Su Ziji saw Jian Qu's regret.

Wen Xunpeng also said: "Brother Jian, it may not be that Bai Juren did it on purpose, or even he doesn't know what the consequences of this matter will be."

Of course, these words are just to comfort Jian Qu.

How can a person who can write eleven articles fail to see that this matter has been done by the acting king, and what hidden dangers will the acting king have?

Of course, just this incident will not cause disaster immediately, but if there is one, two or three incidents, it is hard to say.

Jian Qu couldn't help but wiped off his sweat, and his face turned pale: "My lord, if the plan is really against you, it would be too poisonous."

Su Ziji looked at the window and pondered: "Yes, a plan is a good plan, but because of the difference in status, it becomes a murderous blade."

Depending on the status, whether the strategy is a good strategy or a poisonous strategy, there will be changes.

Su Ziji could feel that at this moment, he understood politics again.

"[The Way of Politics] +1500, Level 16 (7380/15000)"

"In your opinion, what should I do?" Su Ziji felt the change and asked.

"I believe that everything will remain as usual." Wen Xunpeng said calmly, "Although I don't know who contributed these eleven items, except for the fatal point of monopolizing power, everything else is remarkable."

"My lord may choose some of them."

He and Su Ziji looked at each other, and they met each other. Su Ziji smiled, "Great kindness."

Looking at this scene, Jian Qu couldn't help but feel a little sour. He obviously came earlier than Wen Xunpeng, but compared with Wen Xunpeng, he felt that he was indeed inferior.

Su Ziji seemed to be aware of it, and then told Jian Qu: "Mr. Jian, you know a lot of literati, find a gathering, and listen to their views on how to deal with the shrine."

My Wen Xin Diao Long is already fermenting, but I still have to test how effective it is.

In fact, this has already brought fireworks, but it is more in line with my situation.

The change of Xuanwumen can calmly clear up the situation, and it must be Li Shimin's name as the King of Qin that has shocked the world. No one refuses to accept it. If a mediocre person succeeds by luck, it will be difficult to gain everyone's approval.

What if there are ministers who object, and even the censor crashes to death on the pillar and writes the word "usurp" in blood?

"Even if there is smoke and fire, it must be placed in the sea in a short time."

"That clears up the situation."

"Of course, the situation may not deteriorate to that extent, but I always have to plan ahead."

Thinking of this, Su Ziji's eyes darkened.

"I also feel that we should listen to the opinions of literati." Although there are some literati involved in the discussions in the streets and alleys, the real literati discussions are still held at literary meetings where literati gather.

Jian Qu didn't know what Dai Wang was thinking. After agreeing, he thought for a while and said, "It just so happens that there will be a literature meeting in Qianqi Lake tonight. If you have nothing else, I will prepare it first."

Su Ziji nodded: "Mr. Jian is just busy."

Jane Qu quits.

Before walking out of the courtyard, she saw a figure hurriedly approaching outside the gate of the main courtyard. When the two bumped into each other at the gate, Jian Qu was startled and asked, "The real man is here in a hurry, can you find the lord if you have something to do?"

Master Huidao didn't exchange pleasantries, and asked, "Is Dai Wang here?"

Daoist Hui Dao has always been a fairy since he came to Daiwang's mansion. It was the first time Jian Qu saw him so anxious, and hurriedly said, "My lord is inside."

Hui Dao's figure seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, Jian Qu looked back and couldn't help being surprised.

"Your Majesty!" Daoist Hui Dao was anxious until he strode into the inner courtyard and saw Dai Wang standing in the corridor watching Wen Xunpeng leave, his expression changed.

At the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, Master Huidao also slowed down his pace.

Su Ziji saw Huidao rushing over anxiously, and was a little surprised: "The real person is anxious first and then slow, what can I teach you?"

Master Huidao bowed slightly, his expression much calmer.

"The poor Taoist has been entertained by the king, and he has always been uneasy, and there is no reward for suffering."

"Just now I saw a person from afar, and watching his aura, it is a disaster for you, Dai Wang. I heard that he just came to the mansion today to meet your Juren, so I came to see you in a hurry, I don't want to..."

Look closely at Dai Wang again, as you saw just now, the charm is still the same, and the vigor is not diminished.

"...I don't want to, but it doesn't hurt the king at all. It can be seen that the king's fortune is extremely profound, and it is not a villain who can control it. It is too much to worry about."

He only said why he came here in a hurry, and didn't ask much else. These words moved Su Ziji's heart.

"It seems that Master Huidao not only has some skills, but also seems to have some kindness towards me."

"Try him again."

(End of this chapter)

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