fake prince

Chapter 914 Is there a god awakening?

Chapter 914 Is there a god awakening?

"Oh, is there a villain who respects you?" Su Ziji handed Bai Lekang's eleven offerings to Hui Dao, and said in amazement: "I think this person is not a small person, although he is just a person. This strategy looks good." .”

Master Huidao took it and looked at it, frowned for a long time, and then said: "The policy is a good policy. If the poor are not in line with the government's policies, you can't see any mistakes or omissions."

"It's just based on the secrets of the heavens, this is good outside and bad inside. Although there are short-term benefits, I'm afraid it will eventually be unfavorable to you, Your Majesty."

This point of view coincides with Su Ziji's. The way of the court and the way of government are just right when you put it bluntly. Although this policy is good, it is not lawful.

He smiled at the moment, and didn't say right or wrong, Huidao was a little disappointed, secretly lucked, the more he admired him, he was indeed a person with great luck, and his royal aura was stable and lingering.

"This is really royal." Daoist Hui didn't say much, just bowed.

"Invite the real person to come to the hall to talk." Su Ziji smiled, as if interested, invited him into the hall, and saw volumes of scriptures copied in new ink.

Su Ziji picked up a book of alchemy and asked Huidao for advice.

"Really, what do you think of this alchemy scripture? Why do I feel that there seems to be something in it, and it seems that there are mistakes and omissions in the words, which makes people puzzled."

As a Taoist, Hui Dao naturally didn't feel that learning alchemy on behalf of the king was a plaything, so he took it with a smile, and when he saw it was the "Golden Feather Pill", he opened it.

"My lord, this is not the "Golden Feather Pill Sutra", but the first chapter of the "Emerald Forest Sutra". I don't know who this person is, but he got the first chapter, studied it, and wrote this sutra."

"The first chapter has a lot of ambiguity. It's not that the true biography is difficult to interpret, but it's only half of it. Even though this person has some talent and developed new ideas, there are still many mistakes and omissions."

"Your Majesty can hit it at a glance, this is a gift from heaven."

"The inheritance of alchemy is relatively clear. There are three sects, nine ways, and 26 sects. Each sect has alchemy scriptures, and sometimes you can't read them randomly. If the king is interested, you can't read this half of it."

Talking, talking about the words in it one by one.

In fact, to Su Ziji, any dumb language and hidden language codes don't matter, it is its original intention to absorb, he listened with a smile, but his heart moved, and his eyes lowered, and he saw half a piece of red sandalwood.

"[Outer alchemy] +1481, level 10 (8315/10000)"

Alchemy has increased by nearly 1500, which is more than what can be learned from the scriptures.

"It seems that Master Huidao does have a lot of talent in his belly, and he is sincerely teaching himself. Otherwise, even if he has talent, he wouldn't increase it so much at once."

"If it is said that Luo Jiang is a martial arts experience bag, this person may become an alchemy experience bag."

"You can't just let him go."

A few pointers will bring more benefits than the scriptures that were collected with great difficulty. Su Ziji thought for a while and said, "Really, do you have anything else to do in the capital?"

When Huidao heard him ask this question, he immediately understood the meaning of the sound, and smiled: "It's nothing."

"Since this is the case, why not stay at the Xiaowang's mansion? There is still a lack of a guest in the Xiaowang's mansion. In the future, many shrines will be investigated, and someone will be in charge of transcribing and sorting out. If outsiders are invited, Xiaowang is a bit untrustworthy. Can the real person be troubled? Help Is Xiao Wang busy?"

This invitation is very polite.

After meeting the Dai Wang and his wife, Daoist Hui didn't object to staying in the Dai Wang's mansion. He said he wanted to leave before, but it was because it was unfair to leave his name at that time. Now, the Dai Wang has invited him to be a guest, Hui Dao He is not a hypocritical person, so he responded immediately.

Not only did he agree, but Huidao also bowed deeply: "The poor Taoist will live up to the king's expectations."

Seeing Huidao resigning, Su Ziji moved into the small bedroom.

The small bedroom is next to the living room, it is Su Ziji's usual place to rest after busy work, it is different from Ye Buhui's big bedroom, it belongs to him alone.

The layout here is also based on preferences. When thinking about things, Su Ziji would occasionally lie here to relax himself and allow himself to meditate more sharply.

The mat made him relax again, and Su Ziji pondered: "Actually, Bai Lekang brought eleven things. Although it was a trick against me, it is actually not unreasonable."

"Now that the spiritual energy is recovering, the spiritual energy is a big bargaining chip. It can make the gods make a covenant. This credit is probably not small."

Su Ziji had a feeling that if he really did this, he would definitely benefit greatly.

"But I can't do this, but I can't do it, can others do it?"

This other person does not refer to the kings, nor the emperor's courtiers, but the "others" in his own camp.

Su Ziji lay down and thought for a while, then turned over, walked to the table, laid out paper, ground it, picked up a pen and wrote two words on it: Dragon Palace.

"Dragon Palace!"

Su Ziji finished writing these two characters, stared at them for a while, and was about to call fox, but stopped again, picked up the paper, took out the fire and burned it directly, opened the window, and let a gust of wind blow the ashes away go out.

Lie back on the couch again, just meditating, it's not that Su Ziji doesn't trust the little fox, but that this matter is too big, there can't be any leaks.

"Dragon Palace used to pull me to go, but now I go by myself, I don't know if it's okay."

"Only by explaining to Xiaolong in person can I rest assured."

Su Ziji closed his eyes, tried to relax, and thought about going to the Dragon Palace.

As a mysterious feeling appeared, Su Ziji opened his eyes again, and found that he was slowly landing, with the radiant Dragon Palace Baoguang under him.

The palace in front of me stretches to an extreme distance, as picturesque as a dream.

Although it has not completely recovered to its heyday hundreds of years ago, all the ruins are gone, but they are small and exquisite in comparison.

Of course, this "small and exquisite" refers to the Dragon Palace in the past, which is several times larger than the real Daiwang Palace.

On the steps in front of the palace, there were armored soldiers walking back and forth. Su Ziji had seen them many times and knew that they were shrimp soldiers and crab generals from the Dragon Palace.

The number of people is also slightly more, although it is not as many as when the former king was there, and the power is not strong, but the whole Dragon Palace seems to be in order. thriving.

"When, when, when!"

The bell rang upstairs, one after another, and the demon soldiers couldn't help but look for the source of the bell.

In the palace, the baby dragon took a nap on the table in human form, with a golden light shimmering on its white and flawless forehead. Soon, a golden mark appeared on the center of its brow, which was dazzling when the bell rang.

Unaware of this, the young dragon yawned and woke up from her sleep at the sound of the bell, and when she woke up, the mark was gone and the sound of the bell stopped.

"Are you being disturbed?" A beautiful figure hurried in, with picturesque eyes, dressed in high-end Dragon Palace official attire, jade pendants jingled as she walked, and asked softly when she came up to her.

It was Bei Nu who came, and the young dragon shook his head, just supporting his little face quietly. After a long time, when Bei Nu felt that nothing was wrong and wanted to leave, she suddenly asked: "Near our Dragon Palace, there is a god who has awakened." Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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