fake prince

Chapter 915

Chapter 915


Bei Nu's expression changed when she heard this, first she looked around, there was no one, no demon, especially no fox, and she looked carefully at the young dragon again.

"Ha" The young dragon yawned again, his pupils were a little darker because he hadn't slept enough, it actually just woke up from a long sleep, just thinking about dealing with things, and couldn't help but want to doze off again.

Nothing has changed, where did the young dragon come up with this idea?

Bei Nu thought for a moment and said, "Of course there are, and there are gods who want to visit you, but they haven't found the way. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

As she spoke, she observed intently. She was going to tell Lord Long about this, but she was delayed for a while because of a temporary matter to deal with. When she came back after thinking about it, Lord Long asked himself.

The young dragon shook his head, stood up and walked back and forth on the ground, clenching his fists, and said, "I am the Dragon Lord, and I want to cheer up! Subdue all the water gods!"

"Okay, they should have surrendered to you." Bei Nu felt that this was right, and immediately agreed that the water god surrendered to the Dragon Lord, which in Bei Nu's view was a matter of course.

But after agreeing, she observed subtly again, although this matter should be done, but the young dragon has not long become the Dragon Lord, even if it has the inheritance of the previous generation of Dragon Lord, but the "dominant aura" in this respect does not seem to be able to pass. Inherited possession.

What caused Mr. Xiaolong to plan to conquer all the water gods and unify the waters first?

"But why do you think of this..." Bei Nu asked halfway, when she saw the young dragon yawned again and puffed up his face: "I'm hungry."

"Eh?" Belle blinked, and immediately summoned, saying that young dragons need a variety of food, and there is a delicacy that doesn't seem to bring much power, but it is very enjoyable.

In other words, this was brought by the foxes, but it was created by the foxes, and it is the legacy of the Dragon Palace back then.

The water demon was still very fast, and in a blink of an eye a waitress brought out the dishes, which looked like oysters, raw oysters, a kind of shrimp, and venison from land, and the aroma was overflowing.

"Hey, it's really delicious!" Pui Nu thought, as for whether these oysters are similar to shells, she doesn't care, animals are always prey to the weak, let alone become monsters.

Xiaolong sat at the table: "It's so troublesome, my brother said to use chopsticks."

"Aw!" It suddenly "snapped" and turned into a real young dragon. Now it didn't need chopsticks, it swallowed the food in one gulp, chewed contentedly, and then looked up to think about it.

"Why do I think so?" Young Dragon's eyes sparkled: "It seems that my brother thinks this way."

"Has the acting king come?"

Of course Bei Nu knew who Xiao Longjun's elder brother was, but because of knowing that there was no trace of Mr. Su's arrival, Bei Nu became even more curious.

Because Mr. Su already has a prince, Bei Nu naturally changed her title.

The young dragon wanted to nod, then shook his head again, his tail slapped the floor, and said, "I don't know if my brother has been here, I seem to have heard my brother say this to me in a dream... anyway, I think it's not bad, just That's it!"

After she finished speaking, she scratched her face with her claws, and Bei Nu's eyes widened.

"Well, I leave these to you!" The young dragon closed his mouth, slapped his tail on the ground again, and shouted loudly: "Also, let's have another dish."


The master's house can take a rest in the shade, and even the housekeeper can take a nap for a while, but the servants are still busy. The three of them transported the cart and went in at the side door. When a servant saw it, his eyes lit up, he came out with a smile, and helped unload the cart: "Old Tian , you finally came with the watermelon—Guard Li, please pay the bill!"

Seeing a person come out, about 40 years old, with a smile on his face, Li Guanshi muttered: "The watermelon is finally here again, the house has been out of melons for two days!"

"Two days?" Lao Tian, ​​who delivered the goods, couldn't help laughing: "Although it has rained twice in this month, it's still so sweltering and hot."

"Although it was transported by water, a boatload of watermelons and melons came here, densely packed."

"But as soon as they arrived at the pier, they were immediately snatched up by Erdao dealers. Let alone two days, some people didn't have Jingzhen watermelon to enjoy for two weeks."

"There are still people who can't stand the heat and died of heat stroke. Now this watermelon is a urgent market item."

Lao Tian's voice was a little louder, and there were people following him. He seemed to be here for the first time, and he looked around. Li Guanshi took a look inside and said, "That's right, but the voice is quieter. The master's family is taking a nap. , don't surprise the nobleman, shall we have a drink and chat later? I treat you!"

The steward's worries were not resolved. Although Zhou's mansion was not as large as the Wang's mansion, a courtyard not far away was a female family member, but the breeze blew, the luxuriant flower branches swayed gently, and the faint fragrance of flowers wafted into the half-opened window. Frowning slightly, at this time, she was falling into a dream that she didn't want to wake up from.

"Shao Lang, look, the pear blossoms bloom so early this year, it's so beautiful!"

The girl seemed to be a few years younger, and she was already demure in front of others, but in front of her childhood sweetheart fiance, she took on the posture of a little girl. She walked backwards, circling cheerfully, pointing to the pear tree in front of her with a smile, signaling him to see.

"This is the pear tree we planted together back then, should we be able to eat the fruit this year?"

The courtyard is not in the girl's house, but in the other courtyard of the lover's house. The courtyard is open and sunny, and the pear blossoms are shining in the sun.

Looking at it, the girl felt as though her eyes were being stung and tears were about to fall. She hurriedly looked away and looked at the silent bamboo horse who followed along the way.

"Shao Lang, what's wrong with you today? But you're in a bad mood? Why don't you talk to me?"

The boy looked at her and smiled softly: "It's just that I'm a little sleepy in the afternoon."

"I thought Shao Lang had nothing to say to me." The girl snorted softly, and walked briskly forward: "Hurry up! Let's go ahead!"

The girl urged, and the boy followed with a hey.

"Ah, this swing is still there! This is the swing you made for me!" The girl looked at the swing frame in the middle of the tree in surprise, sat on it, and asked the boy: "Shao Lang, come and push me!"

"You, no matter how old you are, you have the heart of a child. This is not possible." The young man muttered, and gently pushed the swing, watching the girl's skirt fluttering in the wind, listening to the girl's chuckle, his face , can't help showing a smile.

Gusts of wind blew, the pear blossoms shattered and scattered, taking advantage of the setting sun, giving people a sense of unreality.

"It's getting dark." The setting sun quickly set, and the light and darkness alternated, and the figures of the two were dragged into the shadows.

The girl seemed to be aware of it, looked at it with some anxiety, raised her hand, looked at the faint moonlight on the palm of her hand, and said softly: "Why is it getting dark so fast?"

She almost finished this sentence, and looked at the people beside her.

The young man standing by the swing frame had already stepped forward a few steps. He was originally facing her sideways, but when the young girl suddenly reached out to pull his sleeve, he took two steps back and also faced her.

The young man's face seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of mist, but now it was full of sadness.

"Shao Lang, what's the matter with you?" The anxiety in the girl's heart became more and more intense. She almost jumped off the swing and chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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