fake prince

Chapter 916 Ying Guo Also Wants to Intervene

Chapter 916 Ying Guo Also Wants to Intervene

But the young man backed away again, half of his body was shrouded in darkness, only his face glowed faintly, so she could easily see his subtle expressions and the tears in his eyes.

"Yaoyao, our fate ends here."

"Shao Lang, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" A sorrow welled up from the bottom of my heart, making the girl's voice tremble.

The boy's figure seemed to be slowly elongating, and in an instant, he turned into a man who was a few years older. His brows and eyes were no longer green. The moment this face appeared, it made the girl's heart ache.

"You should have remembered it too? I'm dead, you and I are separated, how can we still be together?"

"But I will die too! When I die, we can stay together!" Zhou Yao blurted out anxiously.

The young man showed a wry smile, stared deeply at her, and looked at her expression: "The noble and the humble are separated, Yaoyao, not only can you and I not stay together, we will never see each other again."

What do you mean?

Zhou Yao was stunned, she didn't expect to hear this.

"Shao Lang, what nonsense are you talking about? We have similar family backgrounds, otherwise, the elders wouldn't have arranged a marriage for us."

But the young man shook his head again: "At this moment, at that moment, Yaoyao, your family is booming, and you will have great development in the future... It is beyond words... I came to see you today to say goodbye, goodbye..."

What he said was a bit fragmented, and his figure was also broken like a reflection in disturbed water.

At the same time, Zhou Yao's dream was also shattered.

"Ah!" Zhou Yao sat up abruptly, looked around, and saw the afternoon sun shining in the courtyard, she was still on the couch, and there were people talking outside, faintly listening to the word watermelon, Zhou Yao touched it with her fingertips Touching the face, it was covered with wet marks.

The maid who was slowly fanning her with a fan just dozed off, heard the movement, and hurriedly raised her head, and saw the tears on the young lady's face, she was startled immediately, and hurriedly asked: "Miss, what's wrong with you, but why are you uncomfortable?" ?”

She felt a little guilty.

Zhou Yao didn't care about this, although she felt that her underwear was a bit wet, she was sweating from shock, she gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, calmed herself down, and said softly, "It's nothing, I just...encountered a nightmare. "

It turned out to be a nightmare!

The servant girl breathed a sigh of relief and smelled a very clear fragrance. She couldn't help but leaned forward and said, "It turned out to be a nightmare, miss. Dreams and reality are the opposite. You had a nightmare. Reality China must be happy and smooth... May I serve you some fragrant tea?"

Zhou Yao flinched, feeling that she was too close, but said, "Don't serve tea first, go get me a towel, I want to wash my face."

The servant girl yelled: "It's the servant's fault, and Miss Lao reminded me that the servant will go and prepare water for you!"

As he said, he quickly dropped the fan and walked out quickly.

Zhou Yao, who was quietly sitting on the couch, felt her heart was pinched by something, sore and painful.

She thought about the dream carefully, and the dream of Shao Lang really surprised her, since he passed away, she had never dreamed about it in such a long time, no matter how much she missed him, she never saw him in the dream.

But this time it appeared, and what it brought to her was the uneasiness that she was about to leave forever.

"Your family is booming, and there will be great development in the future... It's too expensive... What do you mean?"

What do you mean by all this?

My family means the Zhou family?

But the Zhou family is just an ordinary civil servant's family, so how can it be so prosperous?Will there be great development in the future?Father's promotion?

"No..." Zhou Yao shook her head, with an inexplicable feeling, as if telling her from the bottom of her heart that this was a wrong guess.

But if it wasn't the Zhou family, then what?

She became irritable, put on her shoes and walked to the window, she pushed the half-open window open, and happened to see the watermelon.

"Shao Lang, you are under the Nine Springs, what on earth... are you trying to tell me?" She murmured, as long as she thought about it, she felt a strong sense of uneasiness, as if after leaving, she really would never see her again.

"What happened?" She felt uneasy, but she couldn't ask.

"Maybe you can ask?"

Suddenly, she remembered the mysterious voice and the knowledge she brought, and couldn't help but grab her hand.

"Maybe, I should take the initiative."

"It is said that Southwest Mulberry has her...no, my inheritance."


The sound of cicadas keeps disturbing people's dreams in the summer afternoon, but in fact, it has an inexplicable sleep-aiding effect when they are asleep.

When Su Ziji woke up from the couch in the small bedroom, he found that he was also sweating lightly.

He squeezed the space between his brows, trying to recall: "Did I go to Jackie Chan Palace just now?"

It seemed vaguely that he had dreamed of going to the Dragon Palace, not only arrived at the Dragon Palace, but also heard the bell, one after another, he seemed to have said something to the young dragon, and things after that were very vague.

This is not like the feeling he had when he went to Dragon Palace in the past, it is more like a dream.

Is it day thinking and night dreaming?

Su Ziji thought about it, and felt that he must have failed to arrive.

Thinking about the things in the dream carefully, he felt that his behavior in the dream was a bit absurd. Wouldn't it be absurd to think of going to the Dragon Palace before going to sleep and let the young dragon do things for him?

"The Dragon Lord is still just a young dragon. Even if I succeed, it may not be able to undertake the task of rectifying the gods."

"Now, let's go ahead with the original plan."

Although the processing of one shrine after another is much slower, the plan is very safe.


A figure hurried to the door of the small bedroom, did not dare to come in directly, but called at the door, Su Ziji heard the voice of a wild Taoist, got up and opened the door, he was surprised to see a happy face standing at the door, and asked: "What's the matter, did you catch a big fish?"

The wild Taoist bowed and said joyfully, "My lord ordered me to investigate Bai Lekang. I followed the line to check and found out that I went to worship the Moon Temple."

"This is indeed a big fish. There are a few people in the Moon Worship Temple, and they appear to be relatives from other counties."

"I let Shi Chengyan show up to scare him, but it turns out that the so-called relatives just took money, and the origin is unknown. After investigating along this line, we found that they may be from Yingguo!"

"Bai Lekang also seems to be related to this dialing countryman, but it's a pity, because it's not easy to scare the snake at the moment, so I haven't dug deeper. Who offered this plan?"

Shi Chengyan, a well-known arrester, is not a high-ranking official, but has great deterrent power. He is a typical local snake with deep roots.


Su Ziji didn't pay attention to this point, but just thought about it.

"Ying Kingdom underwent a change last year, and the new king came to the throne. Although he respected Dazheng, he annexed the two states one after another, and the territory expanded a lot."

"This matter should have been warned, but now that the emperor is old and the kings are fighting for succession, the court has no intention of foreign affairs..."

"Could it be possible that Yingguo wants to intervene in this situation of great change?"

(End of this chapter)

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