fake prince

Chapter 917 The Sharp Curse

Chapter 917 The Sharp Curse

Su Ziji pondered for a long time, then Fang said: "The line of worshiping the Moon Temple will continue to be investigated. Ying Guo will get involved. I'm afraid the picture is not trivial. Don't investigate too roughly, so as not to overwhelm the snake."

"But it needs to be investigated in more detail. Employ the people instead of the officials. Let the people supervise in daily life. Mr. Lu, you can ask Shi Chengyan to take charge of this matter and give you guidance."

Shi Chengyan is a local snake, and it is indeed more suitable to investigate this matter. The wild Taoist thought about it, nodded in agreement, and naturally would not have any worries about Shi Chengyan, an outsider.

"As for this Bai Lekang." Su Ziji took a few steps, his expression cold.

"It's because my foundation is too shallow, so others look respectful, but in their hearts they still think that I can be deceived. Otherwise, why didn't this Bai Lekang deceive the kings of Shu and Qi and come to my palace?"

Su Ziji said in his mouth, but his face gradually softened, looked at the wild Taoist, and said slowly: "Don't move this person, give him money and treatment, put a long line to catch big fish, cooperate with the investigation, and then clarify the punishment."

"There are no outsiders here. The emperor's body is getting worse day by day. All the kings are preparing. I can't let Daiwangfu feel that they can be bullied. Once there is chaos, everyone will go to the strong. So don't hesitate, use any means. .”

"...Yes!" Seeing Su Ziji speaking like this, the wild Taoist bowed deeply, and said in a hoarse voice: "The scholar died for his confidant, the lord treats me as a national scholar, and I will repay him as a national scholar."

He lowered his head and pondered as he spoke, and thought of two or three ways in a blink of an eye. Just as he was about to speak, footsteps came from outside the door again, and Jian Qu came to see him.

"Come in..." Su Ziji was slightly taken aback, turned around and smiled, Jian Qu went in, reported some things about his job in the mansion, and said: "My lord, we are already preparing for the Wenhui in Qianqi Lake tonight, and we are going Baijuzi, do you have any other orders? No, I will go to investigate the situation."

Su Ziji smiled and said: "Don't be busy for now, this king has a new idea about this matter."

Jian Qu's eyelids twitched: "You mean..."

"Tonight's literary meeting, the king will go in person."

"My lord, you just dealt with a few shrines. Although you frightened them, how do you know that there will be no believers who want to take revenge? You shouldn't bring too many people to the literary meeting at this time? It's too dangerous!"

Not only Jian Qu, but even the wild Taoists disagreed a little, and persuaded: "My minister seconded the proposal, and my lord, you go there in person, I am afraid that it will be difficult to hear the truth."

Who would be so stupid to judge the prince's affairs in front of a prince?At that time, I am afraid that all I hear are compliments.

It was rare for Su Ziji to see these two people in a hurry, so he didn't tease them, and directly stated his plan: "It's not right to go on behalf of the king, but it's okay to invite others to participate."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and shouted, "Come on!"

After a while, a servant came in. In the tray was a set of half-new Juren costumes.

Seeing that the lord wanted the "White Dragon Fish Clothes", Ye Daoren and Jian Qu's eyelids twitched, with worries on their faces.

But my lord knows that although the kings are not ruthless, they are not the ones who make a decision and regret it easily.

Knowing that he couldn't be persuaded, and even suspecting that the lord may have some intentions to make a private visit under such circumstances, the wild Taoist was silent for a while, and said, "The minister is also willing to go."

Su Ziji didn't object, and said: "Okay, Mr. Lu will go with me, and then bring Bo Yan, so the rest of us don't have to go."

The rest of them also included Jian Qu.

The reason for changing the plan was that Su Ziji had a bad premonition and a sense of urgency when he learned about Ying Guo's intervention from a wild Taoist.

This time the Great Zheng is fighting for the dragon, I am afraid that not only will there be internal strife among the princes, but foreign vassals may also intervene.

"The time is too short. It can be said that apart from the emperor's own will, the prince's personal, especially the prestige is also very important for the prince to fight for the dragon."

"I came to Beijing when I was young, and it is actually very difficult to catch up quickly in this regard."

"If you want to make up for it, you have to rely on Literary Mind and Carving Dragons, so you have to go and see and listen to it in person, so that you can have a clearer understanding of its role."

Under such circumstances, it is more appropriate for wild Taoists to hang around for a long time.

Jian Qu was stunned for a while, unwilling in his heart, he still responded: "Yes, I'll call someone right now."

Since he was promoted to be a military officer, Bo Yan has offered his loyalty to the Dai King. He had nothing to do at noon, so he practiced for a few rounds in the martial arts field opened up in the mansion. Someone came to him suddenly, saying that he was asked to change into a private server to meet the Dai. Wang, hurriedly wiped off his sweat, changed his clothes and went over.

When I got to the hall, I saw Su Ziji coming out.

Bo Yan's eyes lit up immediately, and he saw that Su Ziji was wearing a wide shirt with long sleeves, half worn, with a wooden crown, and his posture was even more calm, which made people forget the commonplace at first sight.

Bo Yan couldn't help thinking to himself: "Dai Wang really has the manners of a son of Wangchen."

It's just that Daiwang's suit is not what a prince should wear, but a man's suit, which made me a little confused.

The wild Taoist ordered: "The prince is going to the private server to see the people's situation. You are responsible for protecting safety, understand?"

"...Ah, I understand." Bo Yan knew that Dai Wangzhi took him and Mr. Lu to visit Qianqi Lake Culture Club privately, and his heart moved.

Let him alone protect the acting king who is visiting privately in Weifu, which represents trust!

Otherwise, why didn't you take the old guard with you and let him protect the prince alone?

Bo Yan immediately responded.

Because it was a private visit via microservices, the oxcarts of the Daiwangfu could not be used. After all, the oxcarts of the Wangfu had signs, so one could tell who was on the carts at a glance.

There is a handlebar rental car a few blocks away. Su Ziji took Bo Yan, who had also changed his private server, out with Ye Taoist, and went out through the side door. At the door, there were many passers-by and nearby stalls. The shouting sound did not attract too many people's attention.

In a small stall selling sugar people not far from the entrance of Daiwang Mansion, there was an ordinary young man who was buying sugar people with the hawker. Eyes widened suddenly.

"I don't want the sugar figure anymore, I'll give you the money." The hawker just started making the sugar figure, the young man dropped the copper coin and left in a hurry.

Walk about one street in the opposite direction from this small stall. There is a cloth store on the street. The young man hurried in and whispered a few words to one of the clerks.

In the secret room, the light was still dim, and Gui Junxi held three incense sticks in his hand, lit them, pointed them forward, moved his lips slightly, meditated, and inserted the three incense sticks into the incense burner in a moment.

As the smoke from the three sticks of incense rose windingly, filling the secret room, at the place facing the incense burner, there were two more vague shadows, twisting and dancing with the previous shadows, as if many hungry people were vying for it. eat.

The smoke rushed towards the shadow, and in the darkness, the light spots flickered rapidly, and the incense was also rapidly consumed.

After a while, when the burning speed of the incense gradually slowed down, the black shadow finally stopped squeezing around, but it did not calm down like this, as if it finally gained strength after eating and drinking. sounded.

"The acting king must die!"

"It's so hateful! I swear that only by destroying Dai Wangman's family will I be able to relieve my hatred!"

"Disgrace the gods! Die badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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