fake prince

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Gui Junxi could hear these sharp curses, but he didn't seem to hear them, he just watched these black shadows writhing, with a hint of sneer on his face.

"These gods were originally unable to appear holy, but they were somewhat holy, but now they are showing their true colors."

"That's right, most of the gods who were defeated were from bad backgrounds, so naturally they didn't have much education."

"However, after all, these gods have been in Beijing for hundreds of years, and they have a little foundation. There are always a few people among the believers who are willing to give their lives. This is not a small force."

There was the sound of fingers knocking on the door outside, three long and two short, this was a secret signal to the person who came to send the message and negotiated.

Gui Junxi walked over, opened the door of the secret room, and stood at the door with an expression that made people unable to distinguish between joy and anger, facing the people outside, and asked, "Did the king make another move?"

In the darkness behind him, the shadow was still screaming, cursing, cursing.

The person in front of Gui Junxi couldn't hear or see, but he felt that not only the gentleman in front of him gave a more and more gloomy and terrifying feeling, but also the secret room with no light behind him seemed to hide something terrible, making him feel goosebumps just standing at the door The pimple popped out, and I felt cold and uncomfortable.

However, he was dazed for just a moment, and he quickly restrained himself, and he didn't notice it, and replied: "Sir, you were staring at the Dai Wang's mansion before, but there is really news that the Dai Wang is wearing a Juren uniform." Wangfu, there are only two people by his side."

Wearing a lifting suit?

In fact, not many people in Dai Wang have seen it in person, which is why Su Ziji dared to go to the Wenhui after changing his clothes.

Gui Junxi just raised his eyebrows: "White Dragon Fish Clothes? Are you reading that right?"

Didn't expect Dai Wang to be interested in this kind of private visit at this time?You just leveled up a few shrines with a lot of believers, aren't you afraid of taking only two people out and being sought for revenge?

Although the Dai Wang did not leave the capital, it is hard to say whether the security of the capital is good or bad. Back then, Princess Xinping brought many knights with her, and she was never intercepted and killed in the street?

But after thinking about it, Dai Wang is not a person who has no chance. If he leaves the mansion at this time, does he have other plans?

The hateful thing is that the force of Prince Lu's mansion was almost uprooted, and those who survived were scattered. He tried his best and in the name of King Lu, he managed to condense a little.

It still works now, and it's the people from the shrine who filled the grassroots.

Just thinking about it, there was a moment of silence behind Gui Junxi, and even crazier voices flooded into his ears.

"I have pushed the believers to do things for you and pass on the news. When will you make the king die?!"

"Now is a good opportunity! If he lives an extra day, I will suffer a day! Send someone to kill him!"

"Kill him! Let him die! Let him die!"

These voices not only forced Gui Junxi verbally, but also had a power that pierced the soul. Although the strength of these black shadows alone has declined to the point where they can barely maintain it, they are in a state of embarrassment, but together they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

Gui Junxi had been injured before, but now his face turned blue and white, and he coughed.

The visitor was surprised, losing King Lu made everyone feel bad. I heard that Gui Junxi secretly had King Lu’s instruction and wanted to make a comeback, so everyone followed. If something happened to him now, everyone would be hopeless. Now they asked with concern: “ Are you all right, sir? But sick?"

Gui Junxi hid the flash of violence on his face, tried his best to calm down, and said, "It's nothing."

But when he put down his hand just now, he could see clearly that the palm of his hand was already a little red.

Put your palms down and don't let the people on the opposite side see. At this moment, you are actually acting like a bully. Any mistakes may cause major troubles. Gui Junxi immediately said: "Dai Wang Bailong Yufu, this opportunity is rare, let's go, let's follow. "

Leaving the range of the secret room, his face was still pale and fragile, and he looked very weak. It was obviously hot summer, and he was wearing a not-so-thin scholar's robe, but not only did he not sweat, but he was also a little chilly.

Gui Junxi himself didn't care much about his health, and he ordered as he walked: "You send a few more people to pass the news of Daiwang Bailongyufu to King Shu and King Qi—by the way, there are also people from Yingguo."

As he spoke, Gui Junxi sneered.

"Yes, sir."

Qi Wangfu

King Qi watched the singing and dancing in the hall with his chin resting on his cheeks. The dancers were graceful, and they gathered together and scattered with the melodious music.

King Qi, who was sitting and watching, seemed to be staring intently, but was actually distracted.

The relationship between King Qi and King Shu has become more complicated due to the appearance of King Dai. In particular, King Lu was demoted to King Ninghe. It is not impossible for the prince to be demoted.

It can be said that King Lu was abolished for many reasons, one of which is that the kings gradually made troubles, and the emperor's body gradually couldn't stand the toss.

This beating just happened to meet King Lu.

But this heavy blow did make the kings do as the old emperor wished. During this time, he didn't dare to show his head publicly, fearing that he would also end up like King Ninghe.

But this doesn't mean that he just resigned to his fate. King Qi was holding back his anger. In fact, he had been thinking about finding an opportunity to hold back the big one, and directly suppress the Dai Wang boy.

"What the king of Shu said is that the changes in the past two years have been too fast and too great, but it is always beneficial to the king of Dai."

"I don't believe that Dai Wang is blessed in the sky. He must have used some tricks so that we can't find out."

"King Ninghe is also a waste. Since he guessed who harmed him, he can only provide me with this little help. Thinking that I will take revenge for him? It's a good idea!"

King Qi felt that he was not a fool, so he would not do this, unless King Ninghe could come up with a more sincere bargaining chip.

"Your Majesty!" The dancer in front of her changed her dance again, and a steward hurried in from the outside, leaned over and said a few words in King Qi's ear, and King Qi immediately clapped his hands.

Both the musician and the dancer stopped and withdrew.

There happened to be a staff member of the palace sitting on both sides, and he was startled and knew that something might have happened again. The people who were already a little sleepy also stood up slightly and looked at King Qi who was sitting in the middle.

King Qi took a look, and the person's name was Zhu Yinxiang, so he said: "Mr. Zhu, just now, the people of Ninghe King sent news that Dai Wang will participate in the cultural meeting of Qianqi Lake tonight. Just brought two people, dressed in white dragon fish clothes, and went there pretending to be Juren."

After saying this, King Qi frowned. In fact, when he heard the news, his biggest feeling was that King Lu had become King Ninghe, and there is such a strong intelligence network?

Or is it only Gui Junxi who has the ability?Now that Gui Junxi has mastered this power, he may be able to subdue it.

Zhu Yinxiang was thoughtful: "Is he really King Ninghe's man?"

The steward glanced at King Qi, seeing that he had nothing to say, he replied on his behalf: "Yes, it was Liu Lifu who was originally released from Prince Lu's mansion. We checked it out."

Zhu Yinxiang listened, pondered, and suddenly glanced at King Qi.

"Your Majesty, Dai Wang only brought two people out of the mansion. This is a rare opportunity. Do you want to do something?"

King Qi was speechless after hearing this, and gave him a cold look: "What are you doing? Son of Heaven, what do you want me to do to a prince? You idiot, get out!"

"...Yes!" Zhu Yinxiang originally wanted to show his face in front of King Qi, but was scolded as soon as he said it, and hurriedly retreated out.

But when Zhu Yinxiang retreated, King Qi frowned and walked a few steps, with a ruthless look on his face.

"I can't find traces of acting on behalf of the king, is it destiny?"

"Hmph, my fate is up to me. It's really a last resort. Maybe we can use this strategy-the dead have no destiny. The prince back then was an example."

(End of this chapter)

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