fake prince

Chapter 919 Gemini

Chapter 919 Gemini

There is a street in a relatively remote area in the north of the capital, where many merchants live. Most of them are foreign merchants who bought houses in the capital and rarely live there. This makes this street different from other streets.

There are many big houses here, and there are also small houses compact. Although it looks neat, it is sparsely populated, revealing a kind of loneliness and desolation. Occasionally, ox carts pass by, but they are also in a hurry.

Among them is such a house, which has two entrances, the front and the back, because it is an ordinary businessman's residence, the gate is narrow, and the area inside is not too big. After entering the gate, it is the place where the merchant himself and several servants live, and the back is for storing sundries. , is not used much.

Even if the gate is fully opened, only an ordinary ox cart can barely pass through, so an open space was opened beside the house for the ox cart next to it.

When it was almost evening, there were only a few courtyards with cooking smoke, and the sound of hooves came from a distance. A simple ox cart pulled by a cow approached from far away, arrived at the door of this house, and stopped.

"Woo—" The driver was a burly man, he pulled the reins, and jumped off the car, followed by a middle-aged literati, but this person was not the real owner, the literati turned around, and helped one person get off , the one who came down last, was dressed in a green shirt, with sculpted eyebrows and handsome eyes. Although he was just dressed in ordinary clothes, he exuded an indescribable aura.

"Is this Liu Da's residence?" The young man looked up at the house and asked softly.

The middle-aged literati said, "My lord, this is the place."

"Ada, go and call the door." The young man withdrew his gaze and ordered lightly.

The burly man responded, strode up the steps, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" After a while, someone came over from inside and asked through the door.

"My son's surname is Cao, and he came from a long way to see an old friend." The man who knocked on the door replied.

"Young Master Cao?" Hearing this, the disciple asked, "Which Young Master Cao is it?"

"Don't ask too many questions, you go and report, your master will naturally know." Ah Da replied bluntly.

Being so impolite, Menzi suddenly felt that there are too many nobles in the capital, if he is not careful, he may bring disaster to himself or his master, so he hurriedly said: "Please wait a moment, I will report to the master."

Footsteps ran towards the main house.

"Master, master!"

The businessman Liu Da was playing with his concubine. He was over forty years old, and he didn't seem to have gained much weight. The woman in his arms was only twenty-eight years old, with beautiful eyes, and she was holding grapes in her mouth, and wanted to feed them to the master.

Because of talking and laughing, although he heard the knock on the door and knew that someone was coming, he didn't pay attention until the door ran in, and he asked casually: "Why, someone is here again? Who is it?"

"Master, the other party said that Mr. Cao came from afar, and also said that you knew who it was when you heard it. Look..."

"Young Master Cao?" Liu Da's eyes, which were originally a little drunk, suddenly widened.

"Ouch!" The concubine was pushed away abruptly and let out a soft cry, but Liu Da ignored him, he stood up abruptly, feeling a little dizzy.

How could that person come to the capital of Zheng Dynasty?This is not the past!


As if realizing that he had lost his composure, Liu Da first cleared his throat, and told his concubine: "You go back to your room first, and I will catch up with Mr. Cao later, don't disturb."

A concubine of a merchant is a slave who buys and sells at will. She usually sees her master drinking and talking with others a lot, so she obediently obediently complies and retreats.

Liu Dalue straightened his clothes before he trotted out, opened the door himself to greet him, passed the man at the door, looked at the young man behind him, his legs softened, and almost knelt down on the spot.

But when he met the young man's eyes, Liu Da immediately managed to hold on, bowed his waist slightly, and said enthusiastically, "Young Master Cao, long time no see!"

Mr. Cao smiled: "Yes, this time I went to Beijing to visit you specially."

"This is not a place to talk, please come inside!" While letting the three people outside the door in, he ordered the door to put Mr. Cao aside in the bullock cart.

When Mr. Cao came into the house, he looked like a gentle and elegant guest at first, but when he was let into the small hall, there were no outsiders, and he sat down on the chair in the center with a calm expression.

Liu Da, a businessman who had ordered his servants to catch up with Mr. Cao and not receive guests or disturb him, entered the small hall, closed the door, and knelt down towards the young man with a plop.

The mood of the merchants also changed accordingly, kowtowing and saying: "Your Majesty, why are you here? If the puppet Zheng finds your tracks... How dangerous is this!"

It turns out that Mr. Cao sitting in the middle is Cao Yiyan, the new lord of Ying State who has already ascended the throne in Ying State.

More than a year has been enough for Cao Yiyan to gradually secure the throne in Ying Kingdom, especially after winning two consecutive victories, her temperament is a bit aggressive. Although she used to be the heir of Wei Kingdom, she always felt a little vain in her nobility, but now she is Condensed down, really.

Liu Danai is an old man who has been with him for a long time, and it is Cao Yiyan who ordered him to lurk in the capital more than a year ago. Cao Yiyan nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Get up, it doesn't matter, the two lands in Guxin have been divided into counties. The cabinet presides over the matter, and more attention needs to be paid here, after all... time does not wait for me."

The two small countries near Ying State, on the one hand, Ying State has no owner in fact, and no one presides over the crusade;

But now that the secret has been revealed, Cao Yiyan will naturally not condone it anymore. Annexing the two countries will double the territory, increase the population by [-]%, and greatly increase the strength.

And in the process, he also established his prestige as the lord of the country.

Of course, after finishing all this, he had to enter the capital quickly - he wanted to know where the heavenly secret was.

Thinking about it, let Liu Da report the situation of Zheng Jingcheng this year.

"Your Majesty, in the past year or so, if the capital has changed the most, it must belong to the Dai Wang..." Liu Da reported on the evolution of the capital, focusing on the promotion of the Dai Wang.

"It's only been a year, from Daihou, Daiguogong, to Daiwang."

"Everyone is saying that the emperor cherished the prince back then, but unfortunately died of illness. Now that he has found the prince's son, even if he doesn't immediately establish a grandson, he will take care of him—now it really proves."

Speaking of this, Liu Da is not bad: "This is the public opinion in the capital, and many people say so."

"Oh, is there such a legend in the capital?"

Once a great king who controlled a country, Cao Yiyan glanced at him thoughtfully.

"In contrast to the promotion of Dai Wang, all the kings are not going well, and the most not going well is King Lu. I heard that King Lu's mother and concubine have a close relationship with Shuiyun Temple. King Lu may not be the emperor's son."

"It's reasonable to be reduced to King Ninghe now. After all, there are suspicions." Liu Da said with relish, explaining one by one the former King of Lu who was suspected by the people of the capital for wearing a cuckold and then demoted to the county king.

Su Ziji became the acting king. Cao Yiyan had actually heard about this, but he didn't know the details. Sitting in the hall and listening to the narration, Cao Yiyan couldn't help but change his face slightly.

too fast.

How long has it been since Su Ziji was Juren when he first met him, and now acts as the king?

Could it be that Su Ziji was one of the twin stars of that day?

(End of this chapter)

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