fake prince

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

After Su Ziji walked a few steps, he heard a few people not far away talking about romantic affairs, and the most talked about were "Master Qin".

"Master Qin?" Just as they were talking about the excited people, they suddenly heard someone surprised, but they didn't care.

"I don't know who the master Qin you are talking about is?" the man asked again.

Who is so ignorant?The several gestures were a little impatient, one of them turned around to look, intending to perfunctory, but when he turned his head, he saw a handsome young man looking at him with a smile on his face. His expression froze, and turned to surprise.

Literati are multi-faceted, they like beautiful women, and they are of the same sex with outstanding looks, and they will look up to them.

Even in the past, some people insisted on marrying off their daughters only because of their looks, and they were still high-ranking officials after this happened.

Juzi who turned around and looked over was no exception, and his tone was also gentle: "Brother, you are a bit unfamiliar, are you a newcomer to the capital to take the exam next year?"

The man in front of him looked really young, he looked less than 20 years old, and he was wearing a juren costume. This must have been a famous juren. The capital had never heard of such a young juren, but it was not surprising that he had just arrived in the capital.

Su Ziji smiled and said: "That's right, so I don't know much about the affairs of the capital. I just heard you mentioned the Qin family, and I was a little curious. Are you disturbing me?"

"How could it be?" The child felt good about it, and hurriedly said, "It's a predestined relationship to come to participate in the literary conference. If there is anything to disturb, do you want to disturb me?"

"Besides, I'm just talking casually. As for Master Qin...she is a famous prostitute in Wanhualou in the capital. If you want to see her, you need at least ten taels of silver. To listen to her song, you need 30 taels. To be her guest of honor depends on whether she can see it. If she is not a prince or a great lyricist, it is rare for her to be able to do so, but her talent is indeed extraordinary. "

Su Ziji is not interested in this matter, he only uses this topic to get acquainted with others.

He nodded, showing surprise as one would expect: "It seems that everyone, Qin, is indeed remarkable."

"That's right, so it's a pity that we couldn't invite her to the Wenhui today. I thought she could come." Juzi sighed shaking his head.

After finishing speaking, he turned to Su Ziji again: "Brother, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?"

"Miangui's surname is Su." Su Ziji replied.

"Brother Su Xian, my surname is Chen. I am older than you. If you don't mind, you can call me Brother Chen." Chen Juren said.

Su Ziji cupped his hands: "Brother Chen."

Chen Juren warmly invited again: "I'm about to go to the second floor, why don't you go with Brother Su Xian? The people upstairs are afraid that they are discussing recent events. I think Brother Su Xian has a good manner, maybe we can talk."

Su Ziji didn't want to go at all, although most of the people who had just arrived in the capital participated in the Qianqi Lake Literature Fair, it would be a little embarrassing if they met acquaintances.

But when he heard that the people above were discussing recent events, Su Ziji changed his mind: "Then respect is worse than obedience."

Bo Yan wanted to follow, Su Ziji shook his head slightly, Bo Yan could only wait downstairs, his ears were moving, listening to the movement, so that he could adapt to the situation.

Su Ziji followed Chen Juren up the stairs and saw that there were six elegant seats on the second floor. The tung oil floor was wiped clean and separated by a screen. He faintly saw a large file case with pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Chen Juren had already opened the door and entered. , with a smile: "You guys have a lively discussion!"

There are a few tables inside, and there are more than a dozen juzi sitting at one place. When they approached, they were discussing "Dai Wang".

One person stood up and said loudly: "Although Dai Wang's actions are a bit staunch, it also depends on whom and what they are for. The Dai Wang's disposal are all prostitution temples, which have occupied the capital for a long time, and there are many believers. How can we eradicate the cancer if we don't use the method of thunder?"

This sound was clear and clear, Su Ziji never expected that when he came up, someone would talk to him, and he looked at him immediately, and saw that he was an unremarkable Juren, dressed in half-new clothes, but clean and neat, a little After hesitating, he heard someone talking on the other side.

This man was a 27-year-old young man, unrestrained and unrestrained, waving a plain paper fan, calm and unhurried: "Liu Xiandi is right, since the ancient criminal codes, can be light or heavy, only take current events."

"The lewd temple has been in the capital for a long time, and it has caused serious disasters. There is no need to impose heavy codes, and it can be cured safely? The so-called correction must be corrected first. Even if there are advantages and disadvantages, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

"Otherwise, heavy codes are used in troubled times, but there are no weapons in the temple, so you can draw it slowly. Now it's so cruel, killing people and ransacking homes at every turn, I'm afraid it will hurt the peace and harmony of the prosperous age."

Several people were all Juren, and their speeches were both positive and negative. Su Ziji listened to this and asked, "Who are you talking about as the acting king?"

Everyone was surprised at once, and Chen Juren hurriedly explained: "Brother Su Xian just arrived in the capital not long ago."

Oh I got it.

Only then did everyone understand that the outsiders of the capital might not know what happened in the capital and what the public opinion was like.

Everyone understood, and Liu Juren smiled: "I'm also a newcomer. I have only been in the capital for half a month. I came to Beijing in advance to prepare for the exam. It must be the first time for you to participate in the literary fair, brother? You are new to the capital. If you participate Wen Hui will definitely know the name of Dai Wang, this is a chivalrous prince."

"There is nothing wrong with being chivalrous, but the prince is a nobleman of Tianhuang, the son of the dragon, and he wants more than chivalry."

Several Juren quarreled again, and Bo Yan downstairs was far away, so he could hear the conversation upstairs with his ear skills. Hearing that although these scholars were arguing, most of them praised the Dai Wang, he couldn't help feeling honored.

"Your Majesty is famous now!" He thought to himself.

Listening to their quarrel, Su Ziji pondered secretly, it seems that Wen Xin Diao Long really has a miraculous effect, and his own reputation has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Of course, it is understandable that some people are dissatisfied.

Just thinking about it, a voice rang out: "Brother Su Xian?"

Looking along the sound, I saw a young man coming over, looking at it with a smile on his face.

Su Ziji looked at this person, feeling familiar, and the young man said, "You don't remember me? I'm Cao Yiyan."

Cao Yiyan?Su Ziji's surprise was not small. Although the young man's appearance did not change much, his facial temperament changed quite a lot. If he hadn't taken the initiative to mention it, Su Ziji might not have been able to remember it.

Cao Yiyan didn't seem to know that he had become acting king, so he came over and asked, "Brother Su looks radiant, but is he rich?"

This was a joke, so Su Ziji said casually, "You too, got rich?"

Their eyes met, and they both laughed for a moment.

Cao Yiyan's staff stood not far away, looking at Su Ziji from a dozen steps away, and frowning.

It seems that Cao Yiyan just met by chance, said a few words with Su Ziji, then walked aside to talk to others, the staff took the opportunity to whisper a few words, Cao Yiyan also frowned slightly, and then let go: "Why are you so troublesome, then go Bar."

When Cao Yiyan's master and servant went downstairs, the Taoist not far away came back and just saw it, and immediately frowned.


But right now it was not time to think about it, and he took a deep look at the two who had already walked away. The wild Taoist went upstairs and whispered to Su Ziji what he had seen and heard in a circle.

"My lord, many people have heard of the young master's reputation, and they are generally praising him."

This is worth at least five years of care. Su Ziji was about to speak, when he glanced at him, he saw a man staggering over as if he was drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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