fake prince

Chapter 923 Has Assassins

Chapter 923 Has Assassins


It was nothing at all, but as soon as the person approached, no one else noticed, Su Ziji's heart moved slightly.

"It seems to be murderous, coming towards me?"

This time, Bailongyufu mainly listened to the public opinion in person, it can be said to be a temporary idea, not to mention outsiders, not much is known in the mansion.

"Could it be an assassin?"

Now that he could feel the murderous aura, Su Ziji was immediately on the alert, and he was being watched by people on a whim, or it was not just a matter of traitors, but someone who often watched the entry and exit of Dai Wang's mansion, otherwise, it would not be so fast.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling, he didn't intend to use his body as bait to see if he could catch one or two big fish, that would be a bit stupid, but in fact, he might as well take advantage of it.

But, who wants to kill himself, are the kings really so stupid?

In the past dynasties, he had never heard of assassination, but he immediately cut himself off from the court and the emperor.

The murderous aura flashed just now, but it quickly subsided again. It is not an ordinary person to have such a method. Su Ziji was afraid of misunderstanding, and looked around again.

There are more and more scholars on the second floor, chatting in groups of three or four, and there are quite a few coming here, but pay attention, a young man of medium build on the left seems to be drunk, and staggers over, the distance is not far away, and soon You can walk to your side.

"It must be this person."

Although this person has no murderous intent, he is still approaching. If someone else is approaching, he might be cautious immediately, but Su Ziji just smiled, and turned to look at Liu Shilian who had announced his name just now. Liu Juren saw that he was still arguing fiercely: "In my opinion, acting on behalf of the king is right. Although the country has not been established for a long time, corruption is not small. The last time the mansion reported that the fire consumption has already reached two or three points. There are more than double the actual situation and must be dealt with severely."

"Severe punishment? Young people, governing a big country is like cooking small fish." A middle-aged man on the opposite side smiled: "In fact, the consumption of fire and food is inevitable, and there are losses in transportation and smelting."

"This can only be fine-tuned, and strict treatment across the board may not be the idea."

"Then in your opinion, you have to indulge?" Liu Shilian sneered.

The middle-aged man gently closed the folding fan and said: "It is necessary to consume fire and food, and it is obvious to profit from it. It is not easy to be clear, or we can collect lessons uniformly so that they cannot be increased or decreased at will."

This is exactly what Su Ziji is interested in. The consumption of fire and food is also a question in history. This person actually thought of returning the fire to the public.

The so-called return of fire consumption to the public, the fundamental problem is that there is broken silver circulating among the people, and when the government collects it, it has to be refined into official silver and shipped to the provincial treasury and household treasury. The consumption of adding fire ranges from a few cents to 1 yuan, and there is no fixed amount, so you can profit from it.

And Huo Xian's return to the public is to collect lessons uniformly, keep the treasury, and further provide officials with discretion.

"This is brother Gao Yu Gao, what he said is reasonable, do you have any further suggestions?" Su Ziji took advantage of the situation and got up and walked a few steps, saying this.

In fact, for thousands of years, I don't know why no one has noticed this drawback.

That is, the original gold and silver in the imperial court were huge, but they could be continuously smelted, cut, and re-smelted. Every cycle, the gold and silver would lose at least one to two percent.

Even if it is 100 million taels of gold and silver, it is often used up in [-] years, which is why there are more and more gold and silver shortages in the imperial court.

Many people praised the fire loss to the public, but it was actually just a trick of the villain, and it didn't reach this level at all.

The fundamental solution is also very simple, which is to cast standard gold and silver coins that can be circulated. One tael is too heavy and must be cut, and half taels or quarter taels can be used for normal circulation.

In this way, the imperial court can not only collect seigniorage tax every year, but also completely avoid the so-called fire consumption, and there will be more and more gold and silver (because of mining), and within a hundred years, the reserves will be more than three times what it is now!

It is equivalent to triple the wealth and circulation of the entire imperial court!

Although there are assassins now, but this time when they meet these two people, one is righteous and the other is sharp-sighted. Su Ziji couldn't help being pleasantly surprised and asked carefully.

If Gao Yu could see this, even if he was given a chancellor in the future, so what?

This policy is worth millions.

"Is there another good plan?" Gao Yu glanced at Su Ziji and sighed: "But I can't think of it."

Su Ziji couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but when he saw the lord suddenly interspersed in the crowd, there was no wild Taoist a few steps away, his heart skipped a beat.

He was the first person to follow Su Ziji. Su Ziji's posture seemed normal to others, but in the eyes of wild Taoists, it meant that the situation had changed.

Bo Yan was a little further away, Ye Daoist remained calm, and Lin looked towards the stairs and winked at Bo Yan.

"..." Bo Yan shuddered, climbed up the stairs, and headed towards Su Ziji.

At this moment, the man was only two people away from Su Ziji.

Su Ziji's current identity is one person, discussing things with other people, even if it is normal to move around, the assassin who lurked over secretly frowned because of this.

Is the target person aware of it, or not?Originally, he could get close to attack quickly, but he walked away after a few steps.

The raised vigilance made him be careful, and he moved away, but he didn't notice any changes in the target person. He really noticed it. Shouldn't he call someone for protection right now?

Clenching his fingers slightly, two strong men walked past him, all wearing uniforms and with swords around their waists. From walking, it could be seen that they should be from the rivers and lakes, but now they are the security guards of the painting boat.

Although these two people were weaker than him in martial arts, being an assassin was all about surprise. Before he succeeded, he naturally didn't want to attract attention, so when the two passed by, he had to stop.

After waiting for the two strong men to pass by, he speeded up and walked towards the target person.

At this time, there are still people who are paying attention to Dai Wang.

This person is dressed in a brown scholar's gown, looks 30 years old, has a short beard on his mouth, and has mediocre features. He looks like an ordinary Juren, but if you look closely, you can see that this person's steps are light, and he seems to have some martial arts.

Although there are many scholars who practice martial arts to keep fit, there are very few who really practice martial arts.

This person has been following Dai Wang silently, and there is always a distance from Dai Wang. Although he has no pen and paper in his hand, every time he glances at the people Dai Wang has contacted, and even what he said, he silently records them.

At this time, this person also felt that something was wrong. He was considered a top-notch in Jianghu.

"Who is that person? Is it also the person sent by the prince to watch the king?"

Because he was in the crowd, he was in the dark, and others were also in the dark, so it was easy to find someone, and he quickly locked on the target that made him feel wrong.

Just staring at it, he frowned slightly.

"This person doesn't look like someone staring at the king, but more like... a killer."

His family's prince is Qi Wang, and he said that he has the deepest disagreement with Dai Wang in the capital, and everyone in the market may think of his family's prince.

But my prince didn't intend to take the opportunity to assassinate the king, if there was, he would definitely notify, if it wasn't my prince, who could it be, to send such a person close to the king?

Could it be the king of Shu, or the former king of Lu who is now reduced to the king of the county?

Could it be that they want to take advantage of Daiwang Weifu to go out, kill the killer, and solve the rivals in the struggle for succession?

At this moment, the people who followed Su Ziji who came out of Prince Qi's mansion were in a state of confusion, a little unsure what to do, should they warn the Dai Wang, or just wait and see?

Warning, will you expose yourself?

By watching the Dai Wang being killed, will his master benefit from it?He couldn't help but hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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